Q8: nation とはどんなイメージですか? オバマ米大統領の就任演説では、 “Our nation is at war.” など15回も使われています。



例文:The president made an address to the nation.



That we are in the midst of crisis
is now well understood.
Our nation is at war,
against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred.

Our economy is badly weakened,
a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some,
but also our collective failure
to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age.
Homes have been lost;
jobs shed;
businesses shuttered.

Our health care is too costly;
our schools fail too many;
and each day brings further evidence
that the ways we use energy
strengthen our adversaries
and threaten our planet.

このコーナーでは、時事英単語や、英文を読む上で必須となる基本の英単語などを、イラスト入りのイメージトレーニング方式で楽しく解説します。 解説・監修は元ジャパンタイムズ編集局長の伊藤サムさんです。 


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