英語学習書 > 社会・経済


Japan and America in the Pre-war Era

Political and Business Relations

Japan and America in the Pre-war Era


著者 中村綱雄
出版年月日 2024/09/05
ISBN 978-4-7890-1862-3
判型・総ページ数 A5・568ページ
在庫 取扱中



Chapter 1 Japan before Opening the Country, Hegemonic Britain, and America from Colonial Time
Chapter 2 Japan’s Opening of the Country and the Fall of the Bakufu
Chapter 3 Early Mutual Impressions1
Chapter 4 Treaty Revision
Chapter 5 The US and Japanese Economies, and Their Economic Relations in the 19th Century
Chapter 6 Imperialism in East Asia and the Japanese and American Responses.
Chapter 7 Friction and Cooperation between Japan and the United States in the 1910s and Early 1920s
Chapter 8 US–Japanese Immigration Disputes
Chapter 9 The Economies of the US and Japan in the Early Decades of the 20th Century
Chapter 10 Foreign Investments in the US and Japan and by the US and Japan in the Pre-WWII Period
Chapter 11 The New China and the Powers
Chapter 12 The Great Depression, the Impasse in China, and the Road to Mukden
Chapter 13 Developments after the Mukden Explosion
Chapter 14 Japan’s Militarism, War with China, and the US Position
Chapter 15 US and Japanese Economies, Their Economic Policies, and Their Trade Relations in the 1930s
Chapter 16 Japan, the United States, and China on the Eve of the Pacific War

Chapter 1 Japan before Opening the Country, Hegemonic Britain, and America from Colonial Time
Chapter 2 Japan’s Opening of the Country and the Fall of the Bakufu
Chapter 3 Early Mutual Impressions1
Chapter 4 Treaty Revision
Chapter 5 The US and Japanese Economies, and Their Economic Relations in the 19th Century
Chapter 6 Imperialism in East Asia and the Japanese and American Responses.
Chapter 7 Friction and Cooperation between Japan and the United States in the 1910s and Early 1920s
Chapter 8 US–Japanese Immigration Disputes
Chapter 9 The Economies of the US and Japan in the Early Decades of the 20th Century
Chapter 10 Foreign Investments in the US and Japan and by the US and Japan in the Pre-WWII Period
Chapter 11 The New China and the Powers
Chapter 12 The Great Depression, the Impasse in China, and the Road to Mukden
Chapter 13 Developments after the Mukden Explosion
Chapter 14 Japan’s Militarism, War with China, and the US Position
Chapter 15 US and Japanese Economies, Their Economic Policies, and Their Trade Relations in the 1930s
Chapter 16 Japan, the United States, and China on the Eve of the Pacific War
  • 中村綱雄

    1936年大阪生まれ。京都大学法学部卒業。住友商事に38年間勤務し、ニューヨーク、ベイルート、イスタンブール駐在などを経て調査部門の責任者を務めた。1997年に拓殖大学教授に転出、通商政策などを教える。共著に『すばらしいアメリカ・ビジネス』(共著、有斐閣)、『Going Global』、『日米経済ハンドブック』(以上共著、ジャパンタイムズ)などがある。




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