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Research: Quantifying the status and progress in eliminating cervical cancer

The World Health Organisation (WHO) launched the Global Cervical Cancer Elimination Initiative in May 2018, and 194 countries committed to it. Here, researchers quantify the progress and gaps in achieving cervical cancer elimination.

Research: Maternal prenatal stress is associated with offspring lower birthrate.

Utilising data from a Norwegian cohort, mendelian randomisation and gene environmental interaction analyses impact of prenatal stress on offspring outcomes was assessed.

Call for papers: Sleep and mental health

We are pleased to launch this new article collection which will welcome papers that have an impact on our understanding of sleep and mental health.

Call for papers: Epilepsy: Seizure prevention, treatment, and epidemiology

We are pleased to launch this new article collection which will welcome papers that have an impact on our understanding of epilepsy.

Call for papers: Gut microbiota: New treatments of human disease

We are pleased to launch this new article collection which will welcome papers that have an impact on our understanding of gut microbiota.

Call for papers: Psychoactives: Recreational drugs repurposed as novel therapies

We are pleased to launch this new article collection which will welcome papers that have an impact on our understanding of psychoactives.

New Editorial Board Members Needed

BMC Medicine is recruiting new Editorial Board Members. To increase our engagement with the Editorial Board and community at large, we are recruiting Editorial Board Members to be part of a collaborative editorial model whereby Editorial Board Members assess manuscripts in their area of expertise alongside the in-house Editorial team. To apply, click here.

Peer Review Taxonomy

This journal is participating in a pilot of NISO/STM's Working Group on Peer Review Taxonomy, to identify and standardize definitions and terminology in peer review practices in order to make the peer review process for articles and journals more transparent. Further information on the pilot is available here.

The following summary describes the peer review process for this journal:

  • Identity transparency: Single anonymized
  • Reviewer interacts with: Editor
  • Review information published: Review reports. Reviewer Identities reviewer opt in. Author/reviewer communication

We welcome your feedback on this Peer Review Taxonomy Pilot. Please can you take the time to complete this short survey.

Highlight: Portable Peer-Review

New Content ItemTo reduce time spent on serial submissions and iterative reviewing, BMC Medicine offers to consider manuscripts on the basis of reviews received at other journals. We also support transfers of reviews obtained at BMC Medicine to other journals, including those outside of BMC and Springer Nature. Learn more from our Portable Reviews page.

Supporting SDG3: Good Health and Well-Being

New Content ItemBMC Medicine is committed to playing a role in advancing progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG3, by supporting researchers in disseminating their related work and showcasing this to assist policy-makers, governments and humanitarian organizations in making research-backed decisions to advance the international well-being agenda. Read more here

Aims and scope

BMC Medicine is the flagship medical journal of the BMC series. An open access, transparent peer-reviewed general medical journal, BMC Medicine publishes outstanding and influential research in all areas of clinical practice, translational medicine, medical and health advances, public health, global health, policy, and general topics of interest to the biomedical and sociomedical professional communities. We also publish stimulating debates and reviews as well as unique forum articles and concise tutorials. 


Most accessed (recent)

Correspondence article | 19 August 2020
Considerations for target oxygen saturation in COVID-19 patients: are we under-shooting?
Niraj Shenoy et al.

Correspondence article | 15 July 2020
New insights into genetic susceptibility of COVID-19: an ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis
Yuan Hou​​​​​​​ et al.

Opinion article | 15 July 2020
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and COVID-19: an overlooked female patient population at potentially higher risk during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ioannis Kyrou​​​​​​​ et al.

Editorial | 14 July 2020
Systems all the way down: embracing complexity in mental health research
Eiko I. Fried and Donald J. Robinaugh

Correspondence | 24 March 2010
CONSORT 2010 Statement: updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomised trials
Kenneth F Schulz, Douglas G Altman and David Moher

Debate | 14 May 2013
Toward the future of psychiatric diagnosis: the seven pillars of RDoC
Bruce N Cuthbert and Thomas R Insel

Research Article | 26 December 2006
Collagen reorganization at the tumor-stromal interface facilitates local invasion
Paolo P Provenzano, Kevin W Eliceiri, Jay M Campbell, David R Inman, John G White and Patricia J Keely

Research Article | 24 June 2008
miR-124 and miR-137 inhibit proliferation of glioblastoma multiforme cells and induce differentiation of brain tumor stem cells
Joachim Silber, Daniel A Lim, Claudia Petritsch, Anders I Persson, Alika K Maunakea, Mamie Yu, Scott R Vandenberg, David G Ginzinger, C David James, Joseph F Costello, Gabriele Bergers, William A Weiss, Arturo Alvarez-Buylla and J Graeme Hodgson

Research Article | 26 July 2011
Cross-national epidemiology of DSM-IV major depressive episode
Evelyn Bromet, Laura Helena Andrade, Irving Hwang, Nancy A Sampson, Jordi Alonso, Giovanni de Girolamo, Ron de Graaf, Koen Demyttenaere, Chiyi Hu, Noboru Iwata, Aimee N Karam, Jagdish Kaur, Stanislav Kostyuchenko, Jean-Pierre Lépine, Daphna Levinson, Herbert Matschinger, Maria Elena Medina Mora, Mark Oakley Browne, Jose Posada-Villa, Maria Carmen Viana, David R Williams and Ronald C Kessler

Source: Web of Science

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Call for papers

Sleep and mental health
We are pleased to launch this new article collection which will welcome papers that have an impact on our understanding of sleep and mental health.

Epilepsy: Seizure prevention, treatment, and epidemiology
We are pleased to launch this new article collection which will welcome papers that have an impact on our understanding of epilepsy.

Gut microbiota: New treatments of human disease
We are pleased to launch this new article collection which will welcome papers that have an impact on our understanding of gut microbiota.

Psychoactives: Recreational drugs repurposed as novel therapies
We are pleased to launch this new article collection which will welcome papers that have an impact on our understanding of psychoactives

Biodefense and antimicrobial resistance
We are pleased to launch this new article collection which will welcome papers that have an impact on our understanding of biodefense and antimicrobial resistance

Mpox: Epidemiology, prevention, and treatment
We are pleased to launch this new article collection which will welcome papers that have an impact on our understanding of mpox.

Autoimmune disorders
We are pleased to launch this new article collection which will welcome papers that have an impact on our understanding of autoimmune disorders.

Human papillomavirus
We are pleased to launch this new article collection which will welcome papers that have an impact on our understanding of human papillomavirus (HPV).

Regenerative medicine
We are pleased to launch this new article collection which will welcome papers that have an impact on our understanding of regenerative medicine.

Article collections

Guest Editors: Henriette Svarre Nielsen, Ina Schuppe-Koistinen and Kilian Vomstein

Food environments and health
Guest Editors: Camila Corvalán, Jasmine Fledderjohann, Marisa Miraldo and Paraskevi Seferidi

Cancer prevention
Guest Editors: Kajal Gokal, Jianguang Ji, Brigid Lynch, Noah Peeri, Hongmei Zeng, Wen Zhang and Xiaotao "Rony" Zhang

Dementia prevention and therapies
Guest Editors: Shanquan Chen, Feng Sha and Zhirong Yang

Neurodevelopmental disorders
Guest Editors: Michael Absoud, Victoria Cosgrove and Kirsty Donald

Modelling the effects of structural interventions and social enablers on HIV incidence and mortality in sub-Saharan African countries
Guest Editors: Charles Birungi, Timothy Hallett and Anne Stangl

Pain in Vulnerable Groups
Guest Editors: Line Iden Berge, Emily Harrop, Bettina S. Husebø, Christina Liossi and Monica Patrascu

Paediatric Obesity and Diabetes
Guest Editors: May Ng and Pooja Sachdev

See all article collections here.

Nature Communitites: Behind the Paper

We are now collaborating with Nature Communities, allowing authors to share experiences designing the study and collecting data by writing their own blog-style post on the paper. 

Read the latest Behind the Paper article here:

Obesity-related colorectal cancer risk differs for men and women

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