When we released Wolfram|Alpha “into the wild” nearly two years ago, we did so knowing that user input would help shape the future of our grand experiment. Since then, we’ve implemented literally thousands of user suggestions and have continually refined our ability to understand and precisely answer natural-language questions across virtually every domain of human knowledge.
When we launched, our strongest areas of knowledge were definitely in mathematics and science, but we’ve steadily increased our coverage of data in more popular “everyday” areas: information about health and medicine, housing prices, movies, school districts, jobs, crime, and much more.
And we haven’t stopped listening to our dedicated users. In fact, over the past year, it’s become clear that we should start focusing more of our efforts on one specific topic, a relatively recent phenomenon that nevertheless has the power to transform lives around the world. And in the process, we decided that it’s also time to “grow up” and shed our Alpha-level status.
We know this is a dramatic change. But after extensive research, we’re certain that our latest transformation truly represents the future of computational knowledge. So without further ado, we’re pleased to present our new name and logo.
Wow, nice one!
i’m sure this will be a great revolution of wolfram alpha
I like it, you should keep it – will definitely improve the visitor counts and contribute to education of modern twelveteen year-olds everywhere.
The reason none of the gears in your new background mesh is that they don’t have the same pitch. No joke.
But when will B|B implement a motion interface, for all of us graspers and killers?
Next April 1st give wrong but credible answers all morning.
Q:What should I do if my child complains he is waliking round in circles?
A: Nail his other foot to the floor.
The moment I read “extensive research”, I realised what you guys were actually up to. 😀
I read this on April 2nd, so I forgot yesterday was April fools day, and I thought it would be Wolfram Beta, with some cool new features, but when I clicked on it, I had a good laugh.
Great one guys!
I’m so disappointed. That was a joke? 😀
I read it on the Monday following April Fool’s Day, so I didn’t have a clue what was coming when I clicked on the link. I love it – thanks for helping me start the work week with a great laugh. Keep up the great work (Bieberish or not).
Please announce the constraints placed on use of W|A such as the maximum characters in an input. These are important in knowing what is a bug and what is just a constraint. Alternatively give a meaningful message when a user tries to exceed a constraint.
BG Volunteer Curator.
This was great. Reading this on the eighth, I completely forgot about April Fool’s. This was great!