Tag Archives: Albion

Typoretum: A Letterpress Workshop

Here is a great short film about  Typoretum. An opportunity to see our presses in action and the craft of letterpress printing. Irish graphic designer and letterpress printer  Jamie Murphy recently spent several months working here at  Typoretum, developing his knowledge of letterpress typesetting and printing. As a thank you for his time here, Jamie […]

‘Ampersands’ wood type print by New North Press

Our friends over at  New North Press, Richard Ardagh and Graham Bignell, have created a new letterpress print from a range of wood type ampersands. The damped paper was blind embossed revealing the shapes of the type blocks themselves, then it was flipped and printed with a clear varnish showing the mirror image of their […]

New North Press – Wilton’s 150th Anniversary poster

Richard Ardagh of Elephants Graveyard directed me to this delightful short movie showing him printing – ably assisted by Graham Bignell of New North Press – some letterpress posters, on an Albion Press. This poster, to commemorate the 150th Aniversary of Wilton’s Music Hall, is available for purchase along with other letterpress printed items via […]