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Inviting young scientists to TIB’s „FAIR Data and Software“ workshop

FAIR principles
(c) einfracentral.eu

Are you a young scientists and want to be trained in:

  1. implementing the FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, re-useable) for research data management, and
  2. good practices in managing scientific software engineering projects?

Yes? Then feel invited to submit your registration request for the „FAIR Data and Software“ workshop at the TIB from July 9th to 13th in Hannover, Germany.

R logoIt will combine the hands-on, highly practical teaching approach of the Git logoCarpentries (see below) with high-level practices of for example choosing FAIR data repositories, the advantages of tidy data, re-using public datasets for data visualisation, packaging R & Python code to increase re-usability, collaborating via Git, and more.

Carpentries logoThe Software and Data Carpentries teach basic computing skills to researchers Python logo(Git, R, Python, SQL, etc.) in usually 2 days long workshops. Thanks to a grant from the German Ministry of Education and Research, we are able to pilot the application of those tools in the FAIR treatment of the two important scientific objects data and software.

The workshop is free of charge for you. Snacks, drinks, as well as vegan and non-vegan lunches will be provided throughout the week.

For more details, please visit events.tib.eu/fair-data-software. Please note that this will not be a complete beginner’s introduction to programming, though. We highly recommend some basic experience with R, Python and/or Git.  

If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to e-mail us: [email protected]. Also, if you already have experience with Software or Data Carpentries workshops, and would like to be a helper or instructor.

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