New dialects: jOOQ 3.20 ships with 2 new experimental dialects: ClickHouse in all editions, including the jOOQ Open Source Edition Databricks in the jOOQ Enterprise Edition ClickHouse is a fast-moving SQL dialect with a historic vendor-specific syntax that is gradually migrated to a more standards compliant alternative, which is why our support is still experimental. … Continue reading jOOQ 3.20 released with ClickHouse, Databricks, and much more DuckDB support, new modules, Oracle type hierarchies, more spatial support, decfloat and synonym support, hidden columns, Scala 3, Kotlin 2, and much more
Emulating SQL FILTER with Oracle JSON Aggregate Functions
A cool standard SQL:2003 feature is the aggregate FILTER clause, which is supported natively by at least these RDBMS: ClickHouse CockroachDB DuckDB Firebird H2 HSQLDB PostgreSQL SQLite Trino YugabyteDB The following aggregate function computes the number of rows per group which satifsy the FILTER clause: SELECT COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE BOOK.TITLE LIKE 'A%'), COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE … Continue reading Emulating SQL FILTER with Oracle JSON Aggregate Functions
Getting Top 1 Values Per Group in Oracle
I've blogged about generic ways of getting top 1 or top n per category queries before on this blog. An Oracle specific version in that post used the arcane KEEP syntax: SELECT max(actor_id) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY c DESC, actor_id), max(first_name) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY c DESC, actor_id), max(last_name) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER … Continue reading Getting Top 1 Values Per Group in Oracle
An Efficient Way to Check for Existence of Multiple Values in SQL
In a previous blog post, we've advertised the use of SQL EXISTS rather than COUNT(*) to check for existence of a value in SQL. I.e. to check if in the Sakila database, actors called WAHLBERG have played in any films, instead of: SELECT count(*) FROM actor a JOIN film_actor fa USING (actor_id) WHERE a.last_name = … Continue reading An Efficient Way to Check for Existence of Multiple Values in SQL
A Hidden Benefit of Implicit Joins: Join Elimination
One of jOOQ's key features so far has always been to render pretty much exactly the SQL that users expect, without any surprises - unless some emulation is required to make a query work, of course. This means that while join elimination is a powerful feature of many RDBMS, it isn't part of jOOQ's feature … Continue reading A Hidden Benefit of Implicit Joins: Join Elimination
jOOQ 3.19’s new Explicit and Implicit to-many path joins
jOOQ 3.19 finally delivers on a set of features that will greatly simplify your queries further, after jOOQ 3.11 introduced implicit to-one joins: Explicit path joins To-many path joins Implicit join path correlation What are these features? Many ORMs (e.g. JPA, Doctrine, jOOQ 3.11 and others) support "path joins" (they may have different names for … Continue reading jOOQ 3.19’s new Explicit and Implicit to-many path joins
Workaround for MySQL’s “can’t specify target table for update in FROM clause” Error
In MySQL, you cannot do this: create table t (i int primary key, j int); insert into t values (1, 1); update t set j = (select max(j) from t) + 1; The UPDATE statement will raise an error as follows: SQL Error [1093] [HY000]: You can't specify target table 't' for update in FROM … Continue reading Workaround for MySQL’s “can’t specify target table for update in FROM clause” Error
jOOQ 3.19.0 Released with DuckDB, Trino, Oracle 23c support, join path improvements, an official gradle plugin, commercial maven repositories, policies, UDT paths, trigger meta data, hierarchies, and much more
New Dialects It's been a few releases since we've added support for new dialects, but finally some very interesting RDBMS of increasing popularity have joined the jOOQ family including: DuckDB (experimental support) Trino These dialects are available in all jOOQ editions. New dialect versions In addition to these entirely new dialects, big new CockroachDB and … Continue reading jOOQ 3.19.0 Released with DuckDB, Trino, Oracle 23c support, join path improvements, an official gradle plugin, commercial maven repositories, policies, UDT paths, trigger meta data, hierarchies, and much more
Maven Coordinates of the most popular JDBC Drivers
Do you need to add a JDBC driver to your application, and don't know its Maven coordinates? This blog post lists the most popular drivers from the jOOQ integration tests. Look up the latest versions directly on with parameters g:groupId a:artifactId, for example, the H2 database and driver: The list only includes drivers … Continue reading Maven Coordinates of the most popular JDBC Drivers
To DAO or not to DAO
jOOQ's DAO API is one of jOOQ's most controversial features. When it was first implemented, it was implemented merely: Because it was so easy to implement Because it seemed so useful for simple CRUD tasks Because that's what many developers want There's a strong hint about the third bullet given how popular Spring Data's repository … Continue reading To DAO or not to DAO