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Balance and Composure - sorrow machine
I brought fire to burn it all downPay what you want, step right up, better gather 'roundSky full of flames that smother the townI wanna keep you around, I wanna keep you downCries from the audience swellGotta give what they want, peel your skin, never undersellI got the hang of self-destruction, forgive my last farewellI came to bleed for your seduction, wish me wellProviding a shoulderFor you to lean on whe...
We cut the legs off of our pantsThrow our shoes into the oceanSit back and wave through the daylightSit back and wave through the daylightSlip an...
[Verse 1]Guilt trip left in a voicemailErase or ignore still?Or play it back all the time?I’m not pulling my weight, yeah, as a brotherThat gets ...
This is the first time that I've seenExactly where I want to beand how the fuck I'll make it thereAnd I'm sick of looking backat all the chances ...
Today I thought about it allAnd I think that you owe me a "sorry"Cough it up, yeah, make it countI hope you feel so lost without meAll these thou...
I brought fire to burn it all downPay what you want, step right up, better gather 'roundSky full of flames that smother the townI wanna kee...
"The sky is falling down.Somewhere there's a tear.If god came running down,it's my cross to bear.I am the best around.Test me if you dare.I came ...
I need a placeNeed a tasteNeed someone so whole and clean.I need a sparkI need your sparkTo light this house so dark and deep.So call my name.Cal...
A weak hold,Some call it pitiful.Their reasons.Say what you really mean.I cave in, ran out of miracles.Reflection, who do I really see?Oh I'll co...
Never underestimate a Dublin woman with a guitar. Flora and Son premieres in select theaters September 22 and on streaming September 29. https://...
In this extraordinary true story of faith and survival, ON A WING AND A PRAYER follows passenger Doug White’s (Dennis Quaid) harrowing jour...
Official music video for "Let Me Love You (ft. Lacey Sturm)" from Love and Death. Buy the new album 'Perfectly Preserved' (US/CAN) https://br...
I lost my family, I lost my friends I lost my money and my sense I lost my faith and I lost my hope All the things I built, I went and fucking...
Copyright(c)1999 FC2, Inc. All Rights Reserved.