Upgrading an iPhone is a pain if the old one is bricked

Yesterday I had the horrible realization that my iPhone 11 was suddenly a brick. It was completely off and could not recharge. There was no real warning about this being imminent – I had noticed the day before that it sometimes bounced in and out of charging but I figured that was just a wonky… Continue reading Upgrading an iPhone is a pain if the old one is bricked

Recovering Disk Space Stolen by Docker

While docker commands like docker system prune reduce the space, that’s typically not where the disk usage comes from. The real culprits are the data volumes. Docker on Windows doesn’t automatically reduce the disk size of the underlying VHDX volume – it only ever grows. So, for example, if you delete a large database in… Continue reading Recovering Disk Space Stolen by Docker

Organizing a Large Music Library in 2021

I have a large music library of MP3 files, around 3 TB, and finally got around to organizing it. I had a few requirements: I wanted the file tags standardized as they came from a variety of sources. I wanted the files organized as FIRSTLETTER/ARTIST/ALBUM/song.mp3 For this, I ended up with a two-step solution: Step… Continue reading Organizing a Large Music Library in 2021

Prevent Windows 10 from automatically rebooting after updates

The automatic reboots are my biggest pet peeve of Windows 10.  Microsoft may find this hard to believe, but not every application saves its state when Windows requests a reboot! The upcoming “Creators” release may fix this, but in the meantime I tried this fix.  Fingers crossed it will do the trick.