We just released AppSignal for Elixir package version 1.9.0 which improves error reporting for Erlang errors, memory host metrics reporting on containers and improves the diagnostics reports we use to debug any issue you may be having.
Improved Erlang error support
Version 1.9.0 of our Elixir integration comes with a revamped unified error handler, which converts Erlang errors to their Elixir exception counterparts. Since both the Plug/Phoenix integration and the background error reporter are now using the same error handler. Ignored errors are now respected wherever they come from.
Container memory metrics
On most container systems our current method of reporting host metrics is inaccurate. Read the issue report for more details.
In order to report accurate metrics we've been working to improve our reporting for container host metrics. First to be fixed are memory metrics, so you can track if your 512MB container is running out of memory or not.
Support for other metrics such as CPU and disk IO will follow in future releases.
Diagnostic improvements
Support is done by all of AppSignal's developers do support on a weekly basis. To optimize every support request we've been working to improve our diagnostics report by adding more relevant data to the report based on previously encountered issues.
We've also been working on adding a validator to the diagnostic report. This is still a work in progress at time of writing, but the Elixir package will already print a link to the validator on AppSignal.com. We hope that in time everyone can use this validator as well to debug most common issues.
Send a report by using the diagnose command line tool:
mix appsignal.diagnose --send-report
Please see the changelog for more details about these improvements, deprecations and other changes. And as always: get in touch if you encounter problems after upgrading. We're happy to help!