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Datei:Flag of UNESCO.svg

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Version in hechara Auflesung (SVG-Datei, Basisgress: 900 × 600 Pixl, Dateigress: 2 KB)

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Deutsch: Flagge der Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Kultur und Kommunikation (UNESCO)
Español: Bandera de la UNESCO
Nederlands: Vlag van de UNESCO, de Organisatie der Verenigde Naties voor Onderwijs, Wetenschap en Cultuur
Português: Bandeira da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura (UNESCO)
Українська: Прапор ЮНЕСКО
Quejn Based on the previous version of Madden
Urhéwer Mouagip
Der SVG-Code ist valide.
Dé Fahna is mit Adobe Illustrator erstoid worn.


Public domain
This work is excerpted from an official document of the United Nations. Prior to 17 September 1987 it was the policy of this organisation to not seek copyright, keeping most of its documents in the public domain, in order to disseminate "as widely as possible the ideas (contained) in the United Nations Publications" (detail).

UN works not in the annex to Administrative Instruction ST/AI/189/Add.9/Rev.1 (available in English) published in the US before 1978 are in the public domain because they were published without a copyright notice. UN works not in the annex to ST/AI/189/Add.9/Rev.1 published in the US between 1978 and 17 September 1987 are in the public domain because they were published without a copyright notice and their copyright was not subsequently registered with the U.S. Copyright Office within 5 years (from 1978 through 1993 the UN did not register any document published in the US before 17 September 1987).

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it meets two requirements:

  1. it was published in the United States before 17 September 1987 by the United Nations, and
  2. it is not sourced to a document listed in the appendix of ST/AI/189/Add.9/Rev.1 (these documents were copyrighted under an exception to the general practice).
This work is copyrighted in jurisdictions that do not apply the rule of the shorter term for US works or that specifically extend local copyright protection to works of the U.N.

Note: you must include evidence that this work appears in an official document of the United Nations published in the United States prior to 17 September 1987.

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United Nations
United Nations
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Insignia Dés Werk stöd a Floggen, a Woppm, a Siage óder a ånders óffiziös Insigne dor. D' Vawendung voh sóicherne Symbóie is in månke Länder eihgschränkd. Dé Bschränkungen san unobhängig voh dém do bschriewernen Urhéwerrechtsstaatus.


Ergänze eine einzeilige Erklärung, was diese Datei darstellt.
Flagge der UNSECO

In dieser Datei abgebildete Objekte

Motiv Deutsch

MIME-Typ Deutsch



Wensd auf an Zeitpunkt klickst, nacha konst a friaane Version lodn.

Version vomVorschaubuidlDimensiónaNutzerKommentar
aktuell00:03, 7. Jul. 2022Vuaschaubuid fiad Version vom 00:03, 7. Jul. 2022, 00:03 Uhr900 × 600 (2 KB)Kwamikagamiofficial UN blue, #009edb
05:14, 4. Ókt. 2019Vuaschaubuid fiad Version vom 05:14, 4. Ókt. 2019, 05:14 Uhr900 × 600 (2 KB)Tcfc2349matching colors with File:Flag of the United Nations.svg
22:07, 14. Aug. 2010Vuaschaubuid fiad Version vom 22:07, 14. Aug. 2010, 22:07 Uhr900 × 600 (3 KB)Mouagiplogo correction. original logo taken from unesco.de
17:44, 13. Mer. 2006Vuaschaubuid fiad Version vom 17:44, 13. Mer. 2006, 17:44 Uhr900 × 600 (6 KB)Maddencolour and logo correction
09:45, 28. Nóv. 2005Vuaschaubuid fiad Version vom 09:45, 28. Nóv. 2005, 09:45 Uhr1.063 × 744 (10 KB)NightstallionFlag of UNESCO from the [http://openclipart.org/ Open Clip Art] website. {{PD-OpenClipart}} Category:SVG flags

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