By state
- Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.
- Alabama Baldwin County Stockton Landmark District Amendment, Amendment 3 (2012)
- Alabama Calhoun County Delinquent Taxes Amendment (1994)
- Alaska Homesteading of Vacant State Land, Proposition 4 (1978)
- Arizona Proposition 300, Process for Government Actions on Private Property Use Referendum (1994)
- Arizona Proposition 101, State Lands Exchange Amendment (1994)
- Arizona Proposition 102, State Trust Land Amendment (1992)
- Arizona Proposition 100, State Trust Land Exchange Amendment (1990)
- Arizona Proposition 200, Property Appraisal and Taxation Initiative (1962)
- Arizona Proposition 203, Repeal of State Claims of Public Lands Initiative (1982)
- Arizona Proposition 101, Eminent Domain Compensation Amendment (1970)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 110-111, Economic and Fiscal Survey Amendment (1932)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 320-321, Self-Assessment Property Tax and State Acquisition Initiative (1914)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 108-109, State Land Leasing for Oil and Gas Exploration and Exploitation Amendment (September 1950)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, Judgement of Foreclosure Referendum (1933)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, Limitations on Agricultural Land Sales Initiative (1918)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Rules Governing the Sale or Leasing of State Lands Amendment (1940)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Public Land Sale and Leasing Amendment (1918)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 310-311, Lease of State Lands Initiative (1918)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 304-305, Misdemeanor for Property Utilized for Prostitution or Lewdness Referendum (1918)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Homestead Exemption Amendment (1938)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, Property Tax Limitations Amendment (1940)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Homestead Exemption Amendment (1940)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, State Reclamation Service Amendment (1914)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 308-309, State Board of Equalization Initiative (1928)
- Arizona Proposition 100, Property Tax Exemptions for Widows and Veterans Amendment (June 1980)
- Arizona Proposition 101, Property Tax Exemptions for Widows Amendment (June 1980)
- Arizona Proposition 102, Property Tax Exemptions for Disabled Persons Amendment (June 1980)
- Arizona Proposition 103, Legislative Increases in Property Tax Exemptions Amendment (June 1980)
- Arizona Proposition 104, Increase of Debt Limit on Taxable Property Amendment (June 1980)
- Arizona Proposition 105, State Revenues Amendment (June 1980)
- Arizona Proposition 106, Property Tax Limitations Amendment (June 1980)
- Arizona Proposition 107, Limitations of Property Tax Increases Amendment (June 1980)
- Arizona Proposition 108, Expenditure Limitations Amendment (June 1980)
- Arizona Proposition 109, Expenditure Limitations for Schools and Colleges Amendment (June 1980)
- Arizona Proposition 101, Property Tax Exemptions for Dual-Use Purposes Amendment (1996)
- Arizona Proposition 100, Prohibition of New Property Tax Amendment (2008)
- Arizona Proposition 103, Urban Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1982)
- Arizona Proposition 312, Property Tax Refund for Non-Enforcement of Public Nuisance Laws Measure (2024)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Repeal Tax Exemption for Property within Indian Reservations Amendment (May 1927)
- Arizona Proposition 117, Property Tax Increase Cap Amendment (2012)
- Arizona Exempt Virtual Currency from Property Taxation Amendment (2026)
- Arkansas Property Tax Relief, Proposed Amendment 59 (1980)
- Arkansas Personal Property Tax Amendment (1922)
- Arkansas Property Assessment Equalization, Proposed Amendment 43 (1954)
- Arkansas Exemption from Personal Property Tax, Proposed Amendment 57 (1976)
- Arkansas Personal Property Tax, Proposed Amendment 2 (1992)
- Arkansas Property Tax Relief, Proposed Amendment 2 (2000)
- California Proposition 43, Parks and Recreation Bond Measure (June 1986)
- California Proposition 128, Environmental Regulation and Bond Issue Initiative (1990)
- California Proposition 130, Restrictions on Logging and Bonds for Forests Initiative (1990)
- California Proposition 149, Parks and Recreation Bond Measure (1990)
- California Proposition 180, Park Lands, Wildlife Areas, and Forests Bond Measure (June 1994)
- California Proposition 138, Logging Rules and Bond Issue for Forest Improvements Initiative (1990)
- California Proposition 90, Limits on Government's Power of Eminent Domain Amendment (2006)
- California Proposition 98, Eminent Domain and Rent Control Prohibition Amendment (June 2008)
- California Proposition 99, Rules Governing Eminent Domain Amendment (June 2008)
- California Proposition 29, Taxation and Franchises Initiative (1922)
- California Proposition 7, Changes to the Land Time Law Measure (1954)
- California Proposition 18, Property Ownership Rights for Foreigners Amendment (1954)
- California Property Taxes, Amendment 1 (1886)
- California Taxation on Mortgages, Amendment 1 (1896)
- California Mortgage Assessments, Amendment 26 (1908)
- California Amendment 11, Mortgage Assessments Measure (1910)
- California Proposition 5, Railroad Eminent Domain Amendment (October 1911)
- California Proposition 22, Veterans Property Tax Exemption Amendment (October 1911)
- California Proposition 22, Land Title Initiative (1914)
- California Proposition 31, Public Utilities Property Valuation Amendment (1914)
- California Proposition 34, Public Property Taxation Amendment (1914)
- California Proposition 5, Land Taxation Initiative (1916)
- California Proposition 19, Land Value Taxation Initiative (1918)
- California Proposition 25, Eminent Domain Property Amendment (1918)
- California Proposition 20, Taxation Valuation Initiative (1920)
- California Proposition 4, Land Settlement Act Bond Measure (1922)
- California Proposition 30, Railroad Franchises Initiative (1922)
- California Proposition 25, Burial Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1926)
- California Proposition 13, Tax Limitations Initiative (June 1978)
- California Proposition 58, Tax Assessments on Real Estate Transfers Within Families Amendment (1986)
- California Proposition 90, Transfer of Assessed Valuation of Replacement Dwellings Amendment (1988)
- California Proposition 4, Places of Nuisance Referendum (1914)
- California Proposition 7, Veteran Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1922)
- California Proposition 6, Personal Property Tax Rate Amendment (1924)
- California Proposition 9, State Right of Way Amendment (1928)
- California Proposition 6, Toll Bridge Tax Collection Amendment (1930)
- California Proposition 5, Property Reassessment Amendment (June 1933)
- California Proposition 6, Completion of the Boulder Dam Celebration Amendment (1936)
- California Proposition 9, College Taxation Exemption Amendment (1952)
- California Proposition 23, Property Tax Assessment Amendment (1952)
- California Proposition 9, Construction of Church Buildings Tax Exemption Amendment (1954)
- California Proposition 5, Freight and Passenger Ship Tax Exemption Amendment (1954)
- California Proposition 6, Property Tax Exemption for Church Parking Lots Amendment (1956)
- California Proposition 4, Agricultural Land Tax Assessment Amendment (1962)
- California Proposition 5, Assessment of Property After Disaster Amendment (1966)
- California Proposition 3, Open Space Lands Amendment (1966)
- California Proposition 11, Tax Rates for Unsecured Property Amendment (1976)
- California Proposition 10, Rent-Control Ordinances Initiative (June 1980)
- California Proposition 6, Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1974)
- California Proposition 2, Lake Tahoe Basin Property Bond Measure (1980)
- California Proposition 171, Replacement Property Transfer Amendment (1993)
- California Proposition 4, Property Reassessment After Disaster Amendment (June 1974)
- California Proposition 1, Alien Property Initiative (1920)
- California Proposition 1, Prohibition of Personal Property Tax Initiative (1950)
- California Proposition 1, Removal of Federal Property Tax Exemption Amendment (May 1944)
- California Proposition 10, Property Tax Exemption for Religious, Hospital, and Charitable Purposes Amendment (1962)
- California Proposition 10, Religious Buildings Tax Exemptions Amendment (October 1915)
- California Proposition 11, Huntington Beach Tide and Submerged Lands Initiative (1932)
- California Proposition 11, Tax Assessment of Historical Structures Amendment (1962)
- California Proposition 11, Withdrawal of Land Measure (1950)
- California Proposition 12, Property Tax Relief Because of Disaster Amendment (1964)
- California Proposition 13, Non-Profit College Grounds Tax Exemption Amendment (1962)
- California Proposition 13, Property Compensation Amendment (1918)
- California Proposition 13, Willing of Community Property Referendum (1920)
- California Proposition 14, Property Tax Substitution Amendment (1922)
- California Proposition 14, Right to Decline Selling or Renting Residential Properties to Persons Initiative (1964)
- California Proposition 14, Tax Exemption for College Buildings Under Construction Amendment (1954)
- California Proposition 15, Aviation Field Tax Exemption Amendment (1924)
- California Proposition 15, Non-Profit Property Under Construction Amendment (1954)
- California Proposition 15, Tax on Commercial and Industrial Properties for Education and Local Government Funding Initiative (2020)
- California Proposition 16, Acquisition of Property and Water Law Amendment (1954)
- California Proposition 16, Taking of Neighboring Property Amendment (1914)
- California Proposition 17, Tax Rate Amendment (1936)
- California Proposition 10, Tax Exemptions for Improvements to Residential Buildings (June 1978)
- California Proposition 72, Rainwater Capture Systems Excluded from Property Tax Assessments Amendment (June 2018)
- California Proposition 5, Property Tax Transfer Initiative (2018)
- Colorado Amendment 11, Property Tax Exemptions Initiative (1996)
- Colorado Amendment 16, Management of Land Trusts Initiative (1996)
- Colorado Amendment No. 7, Tax Levies Limits and Maximums Initiative (1972)
- Colorado Amendment No. 5, Taxation of Property Initiative (1966)
- Colorado Property Rights for Non-Citizens, Measure 10 (1922)
- Colorado Property Tax Exemptions for Churches, Schools and Cemeteries, Measure 9 (1936)
- Colorado Tax on Intangible Property, Measure 1 (1940)
- Colorado Aliens Eligible for Citizenship to Acquire Property, Measure 2 (1944)
- Colorado Property Tax Exemptions, Measure 3 (1952)
- Colorado Amendment No. 2, Household Furnishings and Personal Effects Tax Exemption Amendment (1956)
- Colorado Amendment No. 2, Taxation of Public Property Amendment (1968)
- Colorado Amendment No. 4, Real Estate Sale Initiative (1980)
- Colorado Amendment No. 3, Annexation of Unincorporated Land by Municipalities Initiative (1980)
- Colorado Referendum M, Removal of Obsolete Land Value Increase Provision Amendment (2008)
- Colorado Amendment No. 5, Property Tax Exemption for Unpatented Mining Claims Amendment (1988)
- Colorado Amendment No. 1, Voter Approval Requirement for State and Local Government Revenue Increases Initiative (1990)
- Colorado Referendum A, Property Tax Exemption for Those Older Than 65 Amendment (2000)
- Colorado Amendment 32, Taxing Residential Property Initiative (2003)
- Colorado Amendment G, Property Tax Exemption for Veterans with Individual Unemployability Status Amendment (2024)
- Colorado Amendment R, Elimination of Property Taxes for Private Use of Government Property Amendment (2010)
- Colorado Proposition HH, Property Tax Changes and Revenue Change Measure (2023)
- Colorado Proposition 120, Reduce Property Tax Rates and Retain $25 Million in TABOR Surplus Revenue Initiative (2021)
- Colorado Amendment B, Gallagher Amendment Repeal and Property Tax Assessment Rates Measure (2020)
- Colorado Amendment 74, Compensation to Owners for Decreased Property Value Due to State Regulation Initiative (2018)
- Florida Amendment 7, Exemption for Property Value Increases for Senior Living Quarters Amendment (2002)
- Florida Amendment 6, Increase in Low-Income Senior Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (2006)
- Florida Amendment 1, Property Taxation and Assessment Amendment (January 2008)
- Florida Amendment 3, Property Value Assessment Exemptions Amendment (2008)
- Florida Amendment 6, Assessment of Waterfront Property Amendment (2008)
- Florida Amendment 4, Community Redevelopment Amendment (1976)
- Florida Amendment 3, Office of Tax Assessor Amendment (1974)
- Florida Amendment 5, Willing of Property to a Spouse Amendment (1972)
- Florida Amendment 5, Sale of State Submerged Lands Amendment (1970)
- Florida Amendment 9, Corporate Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1942)
- Florida State Ad Valorem Property Taxes Amendment (1940)
- Florida Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1938)
- Florida Amendment 2, Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1934)
- Florida Use of Property by Foreigners Amendment (1926)
- Florida Amendment 1, Historic Property Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Amendment (1998)
- Florida Amendment 3, Low-Income Senior Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1998)
- Florida Amendment 10, Tax Exemptions for Municipal and Local Property and Communications with Local Officials Amendment (1998)
- Florida Amendment 3, Historic Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1992)
- Florida Amendment 10, Homestead Property Valuation Increases Initiative (1992)
- Florida Amendment 3, High Water Recharge Lands Classification Amendment (1988)
- Florida Amendment 3, Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1986)
- Florida Amendment 1, Homestead and Personal Property Exemption Amendment (1984)
- Florida Amendment 1, Ad Valorem Tax Relief Initiative (March 1980)
- Florida Amendment 4, Local Homestead and Ad Valorem Tax Exemptions Amendment (October 1980)
- Florida Amendment 13, Property Tax Exemption in Sarasota County Amendment (1964)
- Florida Property Tax Exemptions for Senior Citizens, Amendment 5 (2016)
- Florida Amendment 11, Repeal Prohibition on Aliens' Property Ownership, Delete Obsolete Provision on High-Speed Rail, and Repeal of Criminal Statutes' Effect on Prosecution Amendment (2018)
- Florida Amendment 10, Tangible Personal Property Exemption Amendment (2012)
- Florida Amendment 4, Property Assessments and Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (2012)
- Florida Amendment 2, Injured Veterans' Homestead Property Tax Discount Amendment (2012)
- Florida Amendment 4, Conservation Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2008)
- Florida Amendment 8, Transfer of Property Taken Through Eminent Domain Amendment (2006)
- Florida Amendment 5, Annual Inflation Adjustment for Homestead Property Tax Exemption Value Amendment (2024)
- Florida Tax Exemptions for Disabled First Responders, Amendment 3 (2016)
- Florida Amendment 2, Permanent Cap on Nonhomestead Parcel Assessment Increases Amendment (2018)
- Georgia Industrial Zone Property, Amendment 5 (1996)
- Georgia Industrial Property Designation, Amendment 5 (2010)
- Georgia Property Tax Classification, Amendment 4 (1932)
- Georgia Property Tax, Amendment 1 (1936)
- Georgia Property Taxes, Amendment 3 (1952)
- Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 7 (1952)
- Georgia Property Assessment, Amendment 20 (1952)
- Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 3 (1954)
- Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 16 (1958)
- Georgia Payment for Taking Property, Amendment 9 (1960)
- Georgia Personal Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 14 (1964)
- Georgia Payment for Taking Property, Amendment 3 (1966)
- Georgia Homestead Exemptions for Seniors, Amendment 11 (1968)
- Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 3 (1970)
- Georgia Homestead Tax Exemptions, Amendment 7 (1970)
- Georgia Property Taxes on Inventory, Amendment 11 (1970)
- Georgia Independent School District Tax Exemptions, Amendment 17 (1972)
- Georgia County School District Tax Exemptions, Amendment 18 (1972)
- Georgia Inventory Tax Exemptions, Amendment 5 (1976)
- Georgia Definition of Income for Tax Exemptions, Amendment 18 (1976)
- Georgia Mobile Home Classification, Amendment 19 (1976)
- Georgia State Properties Commission, Amendment 21 (1976)
- Georgia Tax Exemptions for Senior Residence Homes, Amendment 22 (1976)
- Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 11 (1978)
- Georgia County Property Assessment, Amendment 31 (1978)
- Georgia Property Classification, Amendment 1 (1980)
- Georgia Homestead Exemptions for Seniors, Amendment 8 (1980)
- Georgia Ownership of Agricultural Property, Amendment 9 (1984)
- Georgia Property Exemptions for Nonprofit Corporations, Referendum 1 (1984)
- Georgia Motor Vehicle Tax Exemptions, Referendum 2 (1984)
- Georgia Tax Exemptions for Homes for the Mentally Handicapped, Referendum 3 (1984)
- Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Referendum 1 (1986)
- Georgia Tax Exemptions for Seniors, Referendum 1 (March 1988)
- Georgia Property Relocation, Amendment 12 (1988)
- Georgia Historical Property Classification, Amendment 13 (1988)
- Georgia Protection of Conservation Property, Amendment 3 (1990)
- Georgia Classification of Heavy Equipment, Amendment 7 (1992)
- Georgia Intangible Tax Repeal, Amendment 1 (1996)
- Georgia Homestead Tax Exemptions, Referendum B (1998)
- Georgia Tax Relief for Homeowners, Amendment 2 (2000)
- Georgia Classification of Marine Vessels, Amendment 6 (2000)
- Georgia Tax Exemptions for Elks Lodges, Referendum D (2000)
- Georgia Tax Valuations for Residential Developments, Amendment 2 (2002)
- Georgia Tax Incentives for Property Redevelopment, Amendment 3 (2002)
- Georgia Tax Rates for Commercial Dockside Facilities, Amendment 5 (2002)
- Georgia Income Limit for Homestead Exemptions, Referendum A (2002)
- Georgia Tax Exemptions for Commercial Fishing Vessels, Referendum D (2002)
- Georgia Tax Exemptions for Personal Property, Referendum E (2002)
- Georgia Charitable Institutions Tax Exemptions, Referendum C (2006)
- Georgia Elderly Homestead Tax Exemptions, Referendum D (2006)
- Georgia Surviving Spouse Tax Exemptions, Referendum E (2006)
- Georgia Homestead Exemptions, Referendum A (1994)
- Georgia Tax Exemptions for Intangible Property, Amendment 13 (1943)
- Georgia Amendment 3, Forest Land Conservation and Timberland Properties Amendment (2018)
- Georgia Referendum A, Homestead Municipal Property Tax Exemption Measure (2018)
- Georgia Referendum B, Include Business-Financed Properties in Existing Non-Profit Mentally Disabled Housing Tax Exemption Measure (2018)
- Georgia Referendum A, Timber Equipment Exempt from Property Taxes Measure (2022)
- Georgia Referendum A, Personal Property Tax Exemption Increase Measure (2024)
- Georgia Amendment 1, Local Option Homestead Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2024)
- Hawaii Limits on Adverse Possession, Amendment 32 (1978)
- Hawaii Payment for Certain Damages to Private Property, Amendment 7 (1968)
- Idaho Property Qualification for the Division and Creation of Counties, HJR 8 (1898)
- Idaho Permit Sale of School Land, HJR 3 (1916)
- Idaho Increase Annual Sale of School Land, HJR 10 (1920)
- Idaho Tax Exemptions of State and Municipal Property, HJR 1 (1932)
- Idaho Irrigation District Voting, HJR 2 (1932)
- Idaho Consolidating Counties, SJR 3 (1932)
- Idaho Authority to Exchange Granted Lands, SJR 1 (1936)
- Idaho Lower Price of School Lands, SJR 3 (1942)
- Idaho Exemption of Federal Government Property, SJR 4 (1944)
- Idaho Location and Disposition of Public Lands, HJR 6 (1952)
- Idaho Property Valuation Initiative, INIT 1 (1978)
- Kansas Property Taxes, Amendment 3 (1986)
- Kansas Property Titles, Amendment 5 (1974)
- Kansas State Aid in Farm Home Purchases, Amendment 3 (1972)
- Kentucky Proposes a Change in Property Taxes on the Disabled, Amendment 2 (May 1981)
- Kentucky Agricultural Land Assessment Referendum (1969)
- Kentucky Senior Residence Tax Exemption Referendum (1971)
- Kentucky Property Tax Exemptions for Property Owners 65 Years of Age and Older Amendment (2026)
- Louisiana Contraband Act, Ballot Measure 12 (October 2003)
- Louisiana Donate Abandoned Property Amendment (October 1995)
- Louisiana Eminent Domain Act, Amendment 5 (September 2006)
- Louisiana Expropriation of Property Act, Amendment 6 (September 2006)
- Louisiana Property Rights Act, Ballot Measure 3 (October 2003)
- Louisiana Property Rights Compensation Act, Amendment 4 (September 2006)
- Louisiana New Orleans Property Redemption Amendment (October 1995)
- Louisiana New Iberia Property Tax Exemption, Amendment 6 (2012)
- Louisiana Business Property Tax Exemption, Amendment 8 (2012)
- Louisiana Redemption of Blighted Property, Amendment 10 (2014)
- Louisiana Sale of New Orleans Property, Amendment 13 (2014)
- Louisiana Taxation of Property Owned by Another State, Amendment 4 (2015)
- Louisiana Blighted Property, Amendment 15 (October 1998)
- Louisiana Payment for Acquired Property Amendment (1970)
- Louisiana Port of New Orleans Amendment (1970)
- Louisiana Sewage and Water Board Bond Amendment Five (1970)
- Louisiana Property Redemption Amendment (1982)
- Louisiana Return of Expropriated Property Amendment (October 1983)
- Louisiana Donation of Lands Amendment (October 1989)
- Louisiana Terrebonne Parish Land Amendment (October 1992)
- Louisiana Donation of Abandoned Housing by Local Governments, Amendment 2 (1996)
- Louisiana Amendment 1, No Property Tax on Properties Under Construction Measure (October 2017)
- Louisiana Amendment 2, Property Tax Exemption for Surviving Spouses of Emergency Responders Killed Performing Duties Measure (October 2017)
- Louisiana Amendment 6, Phase-In of Tax Increases from Property Reappraisal Amendment (2018)
- Louisiana Amendment 4, New Orleans Affordable Housing Property Tax Exemption Amendment (October 2019)
- Louisiana Amendment 1, Property Tax Exemption for Stored Materials Routed for Outer Continental Shelf Amendment (October 2019)
- Louisiana Amendment 2, Property Tax Exemptions for Certain Disabled Veterans and Spouses Measure (2022)
- Louisiana Amendment 3, Property Tax Exemptions for First Responders Amendment (2023)
- Louisiana Amendment 4, Prohibit Property Tax Exemptions for Nonprofits Owning Damaged Residential Property Amendment (October 2023)
- Louisiana Amendment 4, Property Tax Payments and Tax Sales Amendment (December 2024)
- Maine Property Tax Classification, Question No. 1 (1913)
- Maine Intangible Personal Property Tax, Direct Initiative Question No. 2 (1933)
- Maine Land Valuation for Certain Lands at Current Value, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1970)
- Maine Municipal Reimbursement of Property Tax Losses, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 5 (1978)
- Maine Mineral Value and Municipal Property Tax Reimbursement, Constitutional Amendment 8 (1983)
- Maine Watercraft Excise Tax, Constitutional Amendment 8 (1984)
- Maine Commercial Fishing Property Tax Amendment, Question 4 (2000)
- Maine Impose Limits on Real and Personal Property Taxes, Question 1 (2004)
- Maryland Protection of Debtor Property, Question 14 (1976)
- Maryland Land Assessment and Classification, Amendment 13 (1960)
- Maryland Farm Land Assessment, Amendment 14 (1960)
- Massachusetts Question 13, Limits on the Location of Buildings Amendment (1918)
- Minnesota Sale of Internal Improvement Lands, Amendment 3 (1868)
- Minnesota Sale of Internal Improvement Lands, Amendment 4 (1872)
- Minnesota Exempted Property, Amendment 2 (1888)
- Minnesota Compensation for Damaged Property, Amendment 4 (1896)
- Minnesota Investment of School Funds, Amendment 3 (1912)
- Minnesota Fund to Improve State School Land, Amendment 3 (1914)
- Minnesota Fund to Improve State School Land, Amendment 1 (1916)
- Minnesota Condemnation of Private Lands, Amendment 6 (1916)
- Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 2 (1930)
- Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 3 (1932)
- Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 5 (1934)
- Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 1 (1936)
- Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 1 (1938)
- Minnesota Exchange of State-Owned Lands, Amendment 1 (1984)
- Mississippi Last Will and Testament, Amendment 1 (1987)
- Mississippi State Property Lease Terms, Amendment 5 (1986)
- Mississippi Right to Devise Property, Amendment 4 (1992)
- Missouri Amendment 1, Property Rights of Religious Corporations Measure (February 1924)
- Missouri Amendment 13, Property Tax Option and Motor Vehicle Registration Fees Measure (February 1922)
- Missouri Proposition 2, Special Real Estate Tax Exemption Measure (1930)
- Missouri Proposition 6, Allow for Eminent Domain Initiative (1930)
- Missouri Amendment 2, Modify Property Rates Measure (1942)
- Montana Bond for Land Reclamation, I-20 (1920)
- Montana Tax Relief for Homesteads, I-72 (1976)
- Montana Abolish Property Tax, CI-27 (1986)
- Montana Limitation of Property Taxes, I-105 (1986)
- Montana Public Lands Transfer, C-23 (1992)
- Montana Property Tax Determination, C-28 (1994)
- Montana 2% Annual Increase in Property Valuation Assessment Limit Initiative (2026)
- Nebraska Property Rights Regulation, Amendment 2 (September 1920)
- Nebraska Sale of School Lands, Amendment 21 (September 1920)
- Nebraska Property Taxes, Amendment 26 (September 1920)
- Nebraska Uniform Property Values, Amendment 4 (1954)
- Nebraska Unpaid Property Taxes, Amendment 2 (1958)
- Nebraska Municipal Property for Private Enterprises, Amendment 7 (1958)
- Nebraska Municipal Property for Private Enterprises, Amendment 8 (1960)
- Nebraska Classification of Intangible Property, Amendment 4 (1964)
- Nebraska Unsold School Lands, Amendment 11 (1966)
- Nebraska Property Tax Restriction, Amendment 14 (1966)
- Nebraska Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 15 (1966)
- Nebraska Property Tax, Amendment 16 (1966)
- Nebraska Taxation on Personal Property, Amendment 6 (1968)
- Nebraska Taxation of Personal Property, Amendment 10 (1970)
- Nebraska Valuation of Agricultural Lands, Amendment 7 (1972)
- Nebraska Bonds for Property Development, Amendment 7 (1976)
- Nebraska Board of Equalization Assessments, Amendment 7 (1978)
- Nebraska Bonds for Property Development, Amendment 2 (1982)
- Nebraska Right of Redemption of Real Estate, Amendment 3 (1982)
- Nebraska Purchase of Farm Lands, Amendment 6 (1982)
- Nebraska Division of Confiscated Property, Amendment 1 (1984)
- Nebraska Redevelopment of Blighted Property, Amendment 3 (1984)
- Nebraska Classification of Agricultural Land, Amendment 4 (1984)
- Nebraska Classification of Agricultural Lands, Amendment 1 (1990)
- Nebraska Property Tax, Amendment 1 (May 1992)
- Nebraska Property Tax Levy Limits, Measure 412 (1996)
- Nebraska Property Tax, Amendment 2C (1998)
- Nebraska Property Tax Exemption, Amendment 1 (2004)
- Nebraska Nonprofit Property Development Bonds, Amendment 1 (2006)
- Nevada Rules against Perpetuities, Question 5 (2002)
- Nevada Question 3, Property Rights of Married Couples Amendment (1978)
- Nevada Question 4, Property Tax Exemption for Business Inventories Amendment (1978)
- Nevada Question 12, Government Taxes and Fees Initiative (1984)
New Mexico
- New Mexico Bond Question: Land Acquisition Bonds (1988)
- New Mexico Proposed Amendment 13, Land Grand Permanent Funds (1994)
- New Mexico Proposed Amendment 2, Property Tax (1914)
- New Mexico Proposed Amendment 2, Apportionment of State Land Money (1926)
- New Mexico Proposed Amendment 1, Consent to Exchange of State Lands (1930)
- New Mexico Proposed Amendment 1, Consent to Exchange of State Lands (1932)
- New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Property Tax Exemptions (1946)
- New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Validating Land Titles Prior to September 4, 1956 (1964)
New Jersey
- New Jersey Public Question No. 7 (1981)
- New Jersey Public Question No. 5 (1982)
- New Jersey Public Question 1, Property Tax Deduction for Veterans Extended to Continuing Care Retirement Communities Amendment (2019)
New York
- New York Compensation of Private Property, Amendment 1 (1933)
- New York Compensation for Private Property, Amendment 1 (1913)
- New York Private Property for Public Use, Amendment 4 (1911)
- New York Compensation of Private Property, Amendment 7 (1911)
- New York Taxation of Real and Personal Property, Amendment 3 (1869)
- New York Property Qualification for African American Men, Amendment 4 (1869)
- New York Repeal of Property Qualification of Public Officers, Amendment 1 (1845)
North Carolina
- North Carolina Amendment 1, Tax Exemptions for Homesteads Amendment (1918)
- North Carolina Tax Exemptions for Homesteads and Mortgages Amendment (1924)
- North Carolina Classification of Property for Taxes Amendment (1928)
- North Carolina Classification of Property for Taxes Amendment (1930)
- North Carolina Uniform Property Taxes Amendment (1936)
- North Carolina Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1936)
- North Carolina Homestead Deeds Amendment (1944)
- North Carolina Property Tax Limits Amendment (1948)
- North Carolina Property Tax Limitation Amendment (1952)
- North Carolina Property Classification for Taxes Amendment (1962)
- North Carolina Spousal Property Rights Amendment (January 1964)
- North Carolina Escheated Property for Higher Education Aid Amendment (1970)
- North Carolina Spousal Homestead Exemption Amendment (1977)
North Dakota
- North Dakota Uniform Taxation within Classification Initiative (1918)
- North Dakota Property Tax Initiative (1924)
- North Dakota Assessment of Property Referendum (1928)
- North Dakota Reducing Assessed Valuation Initiative (1932)
- North Dakota Assessment of Property Referendum (1936)
- North Dakota School and Public Lands Sales Referendum (1936)
- North Dakota Sale and Rental of School and University Lands Referendum (1936)
- North Dakota Classification of Taxable Property Initiative (1940)
- North Dakota Graduated Land Tax Initiative (1940)
- North Dakota Classification and Exemption of Personal Property from Taxation Referendum (1942)
- North Dakota Graduated Property Tax Initiative, Amendment 2 (1950)
- North Dakota Graduated Land Tax, Initiative 1 (1954)
- North Dakota Compensation Private Property Taken for Public Use, Referendum 5 (1956)
- North Dakota Taxation of Property Referendum, Amendment 4 (1980)
- North Dakota Taxable Status of Land Held for Conservation Purposes, Constitutional Measure 1 (2002)
- North Dakota Initiated Measure 4, Prohibit Taxes on Assessed Value of Real Property Initiative (2024)
- Ohio Registration and Warranties for Land Titles Amendment (September 1912)
- Ohio Regulations on Corporations and the Sale of Personal Property Amendment (September 1912)
- Pennsylvania Question 1, Real Property Tax Provisions Amendment (1984)
- Pennsylvania Allow Local Taxing Authorities to Exempt Full Value of Homestead Amendment (2017)
- Pennsylvania Question 1, Property Tax Homestead Exclusion Amendment (1997)
South Carolina
- South Carolina Exemption of Real and Personal Property, Amendment 2 (1980)
- South Carolina Amendment on Abandoned Property, Amendment 5 (1970)
South Dakota
- South Dakota Homesteads Exempt from Court Orders (1894)
- South Dakota Abolish Lease Limit on School Lands (1916)
- South Dakota Real Estate Security Rural Credits System (1916)
- South Dakota Reduce School Lands Down Payment (1918)
- South Dakota New Lease Options (1948)
- South Dakota Assessment of Agricultural Lands (1954)
- South Dakota Taking of Private Property (1962)
- South Dakota Property Classification (1964)
- South Dakota Reclassifying Farm Property (1966)
- South Dakota School Land Sales, Amendment A (1968)
- South Dakota School Lands, Amendment H (1970)
- South Dakota School and Public Lands, Amendment E (1976)
- South Dakota Public Land Mineral Rights, Amendment C (1978)
- South Dakota Property Tax Limitation, Amendment C (1988)
- South Dakota Disposition of Private Property, Amendment A (1990)
- South Dakota Limit Property Tax, Amendment E (1990)
- South Dakota Leased Lands Taxation, Amendment A (1994)
- South Dakota Property Tax Reform, Initiative 1 (1994)
- South Dakota Prohibit Property Taxes from Funding Schools, Amendment A (1998)
- South Dakota Agricultural Property Taxes, Amendment F (1998)
- South Dakota Property Classification, Amendment A (2000)
- South Dakota Property Tax Assessments, Amendment D (2006)
- South Dakota Trust Fund for Unclaimed Property Amendment (2026)
- Tennessee Prohibit State Taxation on Real Property Amendment (2026)
- Texas Proposition 1, Bastrop County Land Titles Amendment (2001)
- Texas Proposition 6, Urban Homesteads Amendment (1999)
- Texas Proposition 7, Sale of Eminent Domain Property Amendment (2007)
- Texas Proposition 16, Residential Homestead Liens Amendment (2001)
- Texas Proposition 12, Surviving Spouse Property Rights Amendment (1987)
- Texas Proposition 2, Homestead Protection Amendment (1973)
- Texas Proposition 8, Clearing State Land Titles Amendment (2005)
- Texas Proposition 9, Spousal Property Rights Amendment (1980)
- Texas Proposition 9, Public Beach Access Amendment (2009)
- Texas State Property Tax Amendment (August 1883)
- Texas Property Tax Limits Amendment (August 1883)
- Texas Proposition 1, Improvement Districts Amendment (August 1907)
- Texas Proposition 4, Taxes on Agricultural Lands Amendment (1926)
- Texas Proposition 4, Tax Exemptions for Church Properties Amendment (1928)
- Texas Proposition 3, Taxation of University Lands Amendment (1930)
- Texas Proposition 3, Tax Exemptions for Homesteads Amendment (1932)
- Texas Proposition 6, Sale of Foreclosed Property Amendment (1932)
- Texas Proposition 4, Equal Property Taxation Amendment (1934)
- Texas Proposition 6, Taxation of University Lands Amendment (1934)
- Texas Proposition 3, Property Taxes Amendment (August 1937)
- Texas Proposition 3, Assessment of Ranch and Farm Lands Amendment (1970)
- Texas Proposition 6, Homestead Value Amendment (1970)
- Texas Proposition 6, Tax Exemptions for Homesteads Amendment (1972)
- Texas Proposition 3, Homestead Tax Exemptions Amendment (1973)
- Texas Proposition 3, Loans Guarantees for Farm Real Estate Amendment (1979)
- Texas Proposition 2, School Land Patents Amendment (1981)
- Texas Proposition 2, Urban Homestead Value Amendment (1983)
- Texas Proposition 10, Assistance for Farm and Ranch Land Purchases Amendment (1985)
- Texas Proposition 9, Patents for School Fund Lands Amendment (1991)
- Texas Proposition 3, Fort Bend and Austin Counties Property Land Titles Amendment (1993)
- Texas Proposition 9, Redemption of Real Property Amendment (1993)
- Texas Proposition 4, Homestead Encumbrance Amendment (1995)
- Texas Proposition 2, Reverse Mortgages Amendment (1999)
- Texas Proposition 15, Separate Spousal Property Amendment (1999)
- Texas Proposition 13, Donation of School District Property Amendment (2001)
- Texas Proposition 17, Land Title Disputes Amendment (2001)
- Texas Proposition 3, Appraisal Values for Taxes Amendment (2007)
- Texas Proposition 2, Taxes on Homestead Value Amendment (2009)
- Texas Proposition 3, Property Appraisal Standards Amendment (2009)
- Texas Homestead Exemption for School District Property Taxes Amendment, Proposition 1 (2015)
- Texas Proposition 6, Property Tax Exemption for Surviving Spouses of First Responders Killed in Line of Duty Amendment (2017)
- Texas Proposition 1, Property Tax Exemption for Partially Disabled Veteran with Donated House Amendment (2017)
- Texas Proposition 9, Precious Metals in Depositories Exempt from Property Tax Amendment (2019)
- Texas Proposition 10, Tax Exemptions for Temporarily Held Property Amendment (2001)
- Texas Proposition 5, Tax Exemption for Travel Trailers Amendment (September 2003)
- Texas Proposition 3, Temporary Property Tax Exemption for Disaster Areas Amendment (2019)
- Texas Increase Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2025)
- Utah Marital Property Provision Repeal, Proposition 2 (1998)
- Utah Initiative B, Modify Forfeiture Law and Proceedings Measure (2000)
- Utah Proposition No. 2: Clarify Legislature's Duty to Reapportion the State, Exempt Sale of Property (1988)
- Utah Constitutional Amendment B, Tax Exemption for Property Leased by a Government Entity (2018)
- Utah Constitutional Amendment A, Active Military Property Tax Exemption Measure (2018)
- Utah Proposition 1, Nonprofit Hospital and Nursing Home Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1986)
- Utah Amendment 1, Permit Property Tax Exemption for Personal Property with Inconsequential Tax Value Measure (2006)
- Utah Amendment 6, Permit Property Tax Exemption for Privately Owned, Government-Used Property Measure (2002)
- Utah Proposition 1, Expand the Property Tax Exemption for Veterans Amendment (1996)
- Vermont "Quieting Ancient Settlers" Act (1785)
- Virginia Question 1, Property Tax Exemption for Flood Abatement Amendment (2018)
- Virginia Question 2, Remove Restriction on Residence for Surviving Spouse of Disabled Veteran Tax Exemption Amendment (2018)
- Washington SJR 9, Allow Canadians to Own Land Amendment (1950)
- Washington SJR 20, Repeal Ban on Noncitizens Owning Land Amendment (1966)
- Washington HJR 16, Allow Corporations with Noncitizen Majority Shareholders to Own Land Amendment (1954)
- Washington Eminent Domain for Land Reclamation and Settlement Amendment (1920)
- Washington Allow Noncitizen Residents to Own Land Amendment (1914)
- Washington SJR 4, Remove Restriction on Alien Land Ownership Amendment (1960)
- Washington Initiative 933, Property Damage Compensation from Government Regulation Measure (2006)
- Washington Referendum 48, State Land-Use Regulation Restrictions and Government Compensation for Reduced Property Value Measure (1995)
- Washington HJR 4223, Property Tax Exemption Increase Amendment (2006)
- Washington HJR 4222, Personal Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1988)
- Washington SJR 105, Length of State Harbor Leases Proposition Amendment (1983)
- Washington HJR 23, Tax Increment Financing Districts Amendment (1985)
- Washington SJR 132, State Control Over Federal Lands Amendment (1980)
- Washington SJR 1, One Percent Property Tax Limit Amendment (1972)
- Washington HJR 47, Formula Governing Excess Property Tax Levies Amendment (1972)
- Washington HJR 1, Use-Based Valuation Tax for Agricultural and Recreational Lands Amendment (1968)
- Washington HJR 7, Retirees Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1966)
- Washington Referendum 47, Property Tax Limitation Measure (1997)
- Washington Initiative 747, Property Tax Limitation Measure (2001)
- Washington Initiative 208, Joint Property Tenancy with Right of Survivorship Measure (1960)
- Washington Substitute HJR 4, Tax Levy Periods for Schools Amendment (1958)
- Washington HJR 9, Taxation of Federal Property Amendment (1946)
- Washington HJR 1, Forty Mills Tax Levy Limit on Property Amendment (1944)
- Washington Referendum 5, Tax Levy Limits Measure (1940)
- Washington Initiative 129, 40-Mill Property Tax Limit Measure (1938)
- Washington Initiative 114, Property Tax Levy Limits Measure (1936)
- Washington Initiative 94, Tax Levy Limits on Property Measure (1934)
- Washington Initiative 64, Tax Levy Limit on Property Measure (1932)
- Washington Amendment to Article VII Secs. 1-4, Classification of Property for Taxes Measure (1930)
- Washington Amendment to Article VII Secs. 1-4, Classification of Property for Taxes Measure (1928)
- Washington Initiative 50, Property Tax Levy Limits Measure (1924)
- Washington Allow Differing Tax Rates by Property Class Amendment (1908)
- Washington Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1900)
- Washington Municipal Property Tax Classification Amendment (1898)
- Washington Leasehold Excise Tax on Tribal Property, Advisory Vote No. 9 (2014)
- Washington Advisory Vote 18, State Property Tax for Schools Bill (2017)
- Washington Advisory Vote 29, Nonbinding Question Concerning an Excise Tax on Real Property (2019)
- Washington Referendum 6, Tax Levy Limits on Property Measure (1942)
- Washington SJR 21, Repeal Ban on Noncitizens Owning Land Amendment (1962)
- Washington HJR 4220, Four-Year or Six-Year Fire Protection District Tax Levies Amendment (2002)
West Virginia
- West Virginia Nonprofit Youth Organization Tax Exemption, Amendment 1 (2014)
- West Virginia Homestead and Taxation Exemption Amendment, Amendment 2 (1980)
- West Virginia Property Tax Limitation and Homestead Amendment of 1982, Amendment 3 (1982)
- West Virginia Warehouse Freeport Tax Exemption Amendment, Amendment 3 (1986)
- West Virginia Landowners Protection Amendment, Amendment 3 (1992)
- Wyoming Property Tax Amendment, Amendment 1 (1988)
- Wyoming Duties of State Board of Equalization, Amendment 3 (1986)
- Wyoming Homeowner’s Primary Residence Property Tax Exemption Initiative (2026)
- Wyoming Prohibit Foreign Entities and Adversaries from Owning Real Property Amendment (2026)
- Wyoming Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2026)
By year
- Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.
- Wyoming Homeowner’s Primary Residence Property Tax Exemption Initiative (2026)
- Tennessee Prohibit State Taxation on Real Property Amendment (2026)
- Wyoming Prohibit Foreign Entities and Adversaries from Owning Real Property Amendment (2026)
- Wyoming Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2026)
- Arizona Exempt Virtual Currency from Property Taxation Amendment (2026)
- Montana 2% Annual Increase in Property Valuation Assessment Limit Initiative (2026)
- South Dakota Trust Fund for Unclaimed Property Amendment (2026)
- Kentucky Property Tax Exemptions for Property Owners 65 Years of Age and Older Amendment (2026)
- Texas Increase Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2025)
- Colorado Amendment G, Property Tax Exemption for Veterans with Individual Unemployability Status Amendment (2024)
- Arizona Proposition 312, Property Tax Refund for Non-Enforcement of Public Nuisance Laws Measure (2024)
- Florida Amendment 5, Annual Inflation Adjustment for Homestead Property Tax Exemption Value Amendment (2024)
- Georgia Referendum A, Personal Property Tax Exemption Increase Measure (2024)
- Georgia Amendment 1, Local Option Homestead Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2024)
- Louisiana Amendment 4, Property Tax Payments and Tax Sales Amendment (December 2024)
- North Dakota Initiated Measure 4, Prohibit Taxes on Assessed Value of Real Property Initiative (2024)
- Colorado Proposition HH, Property Tax Changes and Revenue Change Measure (2023)
- Louisiana Amendment 4, Prohibit Property Tax Exemptions for Nonprofits Owning Damaged Residential Property Amendment (October 2023)
- Louisiana Amendment 3, Property Tax Exemptions for First Responders Amendment (2023)
- Georgia Referendum A, Timber Equipment Exempt from Property Taxes Measure (2022)
- Louisiana Amendment 2, Property Tax Exemptions for Certain Disabled Veterans and Spouses Measure (2022)
- Colorado Proposition 120, Reduce Property Tax Rates and Retain $25 Million in TABOR Surplus Revenue Initiative (2021)
- California Proposition 15, Tax on Commercial and Industrial Properties for Education and Local Government Funding Initiative (2020)
- Colorado Amendment B, Gallagher Amendment Repeal and Property Tax Assessment Rates Measure (2020)
- Texas Proposition 9, Precious Metals in Depositories Exempt from Property Tax Amendment (2019)
- New Jersey Public Question 1, Property Tax Deduction for Veterans Extended to Continuing Care Retirement Communities Amendment (2019)
- Louisiana Amendment 4, New Orleans Affordable Housing Property Tax Exemption Amendment (October 2019)
- Louisiana Amendment 1, Property Tax Exemption for Stored Materials Routed for Outer Continental Shelf Amendment (October 2019)
- Washington Advisory Vote 29, Nonbinding Question Concerning an Excise Tax on Real Property (2019)
- Texas Proposition 3, Temporary Property Tax Exemption for Disaster Areas Amendment (2019)
- Virginia Question 1, Property Tax Exemption for Flood Abatement Amendment (2018)
- Georgia Amendment 3, Forest Land Conservation and Timberland Properties Amendment (2018)
- Virginia Question 2, Remove Restriction on Residence for Surviving Spouse of Disabled Veteran Tax Exemption Amendment (2018)
- Georgia Referendum A, Homestead Municipal Property Tax Exemption Measure (2018)
- Georgia Referendum B, Include Business-Financed Properties in Existing Non-Profit Mentally Disabled Housing Tax Exemption Measure (2018)
- Florida Amendment 11, Repeal Prohibition on Aliens' Property Ownership, Delete Obsolete Provision on High-Speed Rail, and Repeal of Criminal Statutes' Effect on Prosecution Amendment (2018)
- Louisiana Amendment 6, Phase-In of Tax Increases from Property Reappraisal Amendment (2018)
- Utah Constitutional Amendment B, Tax Exemption for Property Leased by a Government Entity (2018)
- Colorado Amendment 74, Compensation to Owners for Decreased Property Value Due to State Regulation Initiative (2018)
- California Proposition 72, Rainwater Capture Systems Excluded from Property Tax Assessments Amendment (June 2018)
- Florida Amendment 2, Permanent Cap on Nonhomestead Parcel Assessment Increases Amendment (2018)
- California Proposition 5, Property Tax Transfer Initiative (2018)
- Utah Constitutional Amendment A, Active Military Property Tax Exemption Measure (2018)
- Pennsylvania Allow Local Taxing Authorities to Exempt Full Value of Homestead Amendment (2017)
- Washington Advisory Vote 18, State Property Tax for Schools Bill (2017)
- Texas Proposition 6, Property Tax Exemption for Surviving Spouses of First Responders Killed in Line of Duty Amendment (2017)
- Louisiana Amendment 1, No Property Tax on Properties Under Construction Measure (October 2017)
- Texas Proposition 1, Property Tax Exemption for Partially Disabled Veteran with Donated House Amendment (2017)
- Louisiana Amendment 2, Property Tax Exemption for Surviving Spouses of Emergency Responders Killed Performing Duties Measure (October 2017)
- Florida Property Tax Exemptions for Senior Citizens, Amendment 5 (2016)
- Florida Tax Exemptions for Disabled First Responders, Amendment 3 (2016)
- Texas Homestead Exemption for School District Property Taxes Amendment, Proposition 1 (2015)
- Louisiana Taxation of Property Owned by Another State, Amendment 4 (2015)
- Louisiana Redemption of Blighted Property, Amendment 10 (2014)
- West Virginia Nonprofit Youth Organization Tax Exemption, Amendment 1 (2014)
- Louisiana Sale of New Orleans Property, Amendment 13 (2014)
- Washington Leasehold Excise Tax on Tribal Property, Advisory Vote No. 9 (2014)
- Alabama Baldwin County Stockton Landmark District Amendment, Amendment 3 (2012)
- Louisiana New Iberia Property Tax Exemption, Amendment 6 (2012)
- Louisiana Business Property Tax Exemption, Amendment 8 (2012)
- Florida Amendment 10, Tangible Personal Property Exemption Amendment (2012)
- Florida Amendment 4, Property Assessments and Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (2012)
- Florida Amendment 2, Injured Veterans' Homestead Property Tax Discount Amendment (2012)
- Arizona Proposition 117, Property Tax Increase Cap Amendment (2012)
- Baldwin County Annexation Amendment (2012)
- Georgia Industrial Property Designation, Amendment 5 (2010)
- Colorado Amendment R, Elimination of Property Taxes for Private Use of Government Property Amendment (2010)
- Texas Proposition 9, Public Beach Access Amendment (2009)
- Texas Proposition 2, Taxes on Homestead Value Amendment (2009)
- Texas Proposition 3, Property Appraisal Standards Amendment (2009)
- California Proposition 98, Eminent Domain and Rent Control Prohibition Amendment (June 2008)
- California Proposition 99, Rules Governing Eminent Domain Amendment (June 2008)
- Florida Amendment 1, Property Taxation and Assessment Amendment (January 2008)
- Florida Amendment 3, Property Value Assessment Exemptions Amendment (2008)
- Florida Amendment 6, Assessment of Waterfront Property Amendment (2008)
- Colorado Referendum M, Removal of Obsolete Land Value Increase Provision Amendment (2008)
- Arizona Proposition 100, Prohibition of New Property Tax Amendment (2008)
- Florida Amendment 4, Conservation Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2008)
- Texas Proposition 7, Sale of Eminent Domain Property Amendment (2007)
- Texas Proposition 3, Appraisal Values for Taxes Amendment (2007)
- California Proposition 90, Limits on Government's Power of Eminent Domain Amendment (2006)
- Louisiana Eminent Domain Act, Amendment 5 (September 2006)
- Louisiana Expropriation of Property Act, Amendment 6 (September 2006)
- Louisiana Property Rights Compensation Act, Amendment 4 (September 2006)
- Washington Initiative 933, Property Damage Compensation from Government Regulation Measure (2006)
- Florida Amendment 6, Increase in Low-Income Senior Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (2006)
- Washington HJR 4223, Property Tax Exemption Increase Amendment (2006)
- South Dakota Property Tax Assessments, Amendment D (2006)
- Nebraska Nonprofit Property Development Bonds, Amendment 1 (2006)
- Georgia Charitable Institutions Tax Exemptions, Referendum C (2006)
- Georgia Elderly Homestead Tax Exemptions, Referendum D (2006)
- Georgia Surviving Spouse Tax Exemptions, Referendum E (2006)
- Florida Amendment 8, Transfer of Property Taken Through Eminent Domain Amendment (2006)
- Utah Amendment 1, Permit Property Tax Exemption for Personal Property with Inconsequential Tax Value Measure (2006)
- Texas Proposition 8, Clearing State Land Titles Amendment (2005)
- Maine Impose Limits on Real and Personal Property Taxes, Question 1 (2004)
- Nebraska Property Tax Exemption, Amendment 1 (2004)
- Louisiana Property Rights Act, Ballot Measure 3 (October 2003)
- Louisiana Contraband Act, Ballot Measure 12 (October 2003)
- Colorado Amendment 32, Taxing Residential Property Initiative (2003)
- Texas Proposition 5, Tax Exemption for Travel Trailers Amendment (September 2003)
- Nevada Rules against Perpetuities, Question 5 (2002)
- Florida Amendment 7, Exemption for Property Value Increases for Senior Living Quarters Amendment (2002)
- North Dakota Taxable Status of Land Held for Conservation Purposes, Constitutional Measure 1 (2002)
- Georgia Tax Valuations for Residential Developments, Amendment 2 (2002)
- Georgia Tax Incentives for Property Redevelopment, Amendment 3 (2002)
- Georgia Tax Rates for Commercial Dockside Facilities, Amendment 5 (2002)
- Georgia Income Limit for Homestead Exemptions, Referendum A (2002)
- Georgia Tax Exemptions for Commercial Fishing Vessels, Referendum D (2002)
- Georgia Tax Exemptions for Personal Property, Referendum E (2002)
- Utah Amendment 6, Permit Property Tax Exemption for Privately Owned, Government-Used Property Measure (2002)
- Washington HJR 4220, Four-Year or Six-Year Fire Protection District Tax Levies Amendment (2002)
- Texas Proposition 16, Residential Homestead Liens Amendment (2001)
- Texas Proposition 17, Land Title Disputes Amendment (2001)
- Texas Proposition 1, Bastrop County Land Titles Amendment (2001)
- Washington Initiative 747, Property Tax Limitation Measure (2001)
- Texas Proposition 13, Donation of School District Property Amendment (2001)
- Texas Proposition 10, Tax Exemptions for Temporarily Held Property Amendment (2001)
- Utah Initiative B, Modify Forfeiture Law and Proceedings Measure (2000)
- Maine Commercial Fishing Property Tax Amendment, Question 4 (2000)
- South Dakota Property Classification, Amendment A (2000)
- Arkansas Property Tax Relief, Proposed Amendment 2 (2000)
- Georgia Tax Relief for Homeowners, Amendment 2 (2000)
- Georgia Classification of Marine Vessels, Amendment 6 (2000)
- Georgia Tax Exemptions for Elks Lodges, Referendum D (2000)
- Colorado Referendum A, Property Tax Exemption for Those Older Than 65 Amendment (2000)
- Texas Proposition 6, Urban Homesteads Amendment (1999)
- Texas Proposition 2, Reverse Mortgages Amendment (1999)
- Texas Proposition 15, Separate Spousal Property Amendment (1999)
- Utah Marital Property Provision Repeal, Proposition 2 (1998)
- Florida Amendment 1, Historic Property Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Amendment (1998)
- Florida Amendment 3, Low-Income Senior Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1998)
- Florida Amendment 10, Tax Exemptions for Municipal and Local Property and Communications with Local Officials Amendment (1998)
- South Dakota Prohibit Property Taxes from Funding Schools, Amendment A (1998)
- South Dakota Agricultural Property Taxes, Amendment F (1998)
- Nebraska Property Tax, Amendment 2C (1998)
- Louisiana Blighted Property, Amendment 15 (October 1998)
- Georgia Homestead Tax Exemptions, Referendum B (1998)
- Washington Referendum 47, Property Tax Limitation Measure (1997)
- Pennsylvania Question 1, Property Tax Homestead Exclusion Amendment (1997)
- Colorado Amendment 11, Property Tax Exemptions Initiative (1996)
- Colorado Amendment 16, Management of Land Trusts Initiative (1996)
- Georgia Industrial Zone Property, Amendment 5 (1996)
- Nebraska Property Tax Levy Limits, Measure 412 (1996)
- Georgia Intangible Tax Repeal, Amendment 1 (1996)
- Louisiana Donation of Abandoned Housing by Local Governments, Amendment 2 (1996)
- Arizona Proposition 101, Property Tax Exemptions for Dual-Use Purposes Amendment (1996)
- Utah Proposition 1, Expand the Property Tax Exemption for Veterans Amendment (1996)
- Louisiana Donate Abandoned Property Amendment (October 1995)
- Louisiana New Orleans Property Redemption Amendment (October 1995)
- Washington Referendum 48, State Land-Use Regulation Restrictions and Government Compensation for Reduced Property Value Measure (1995)
- Texas Proposition 4, Homestead Encumbrance Amendment (1995)
- California Proposition 180, Park Lands, Wildlife Areas, and Forests Bond Measure (June 1994)
- Arizona Proposition 300, Process for Government Actions on Private Property Use Referendum (1994)
- Arizona Proposition 101, State Lands Exchange Amendment (1994)
- Montana Property Tax Determination, C-28 (1994)
- South Dakota Leased Lands Taxation, Amendment A (1994)
- South Dakota Property Tax Reform, Initiative 1 (1994)
- New Mexico Proposed Amendment 13, Land Grand Permanent Funds (1994)
- Georgia Homestead Exemptions, Referendum A (1994)
- Alabama Calhoun County Delinquent Taxes Amendment (1994)
- Texas Proposition 3, Fort Bend and Austin Counties Property Land Titles Amendment (1993)
- Texas Proposition 9, Redemption of Real Property Amendment (1993)
- California Proposition 171, Replacement Property Transfer Amendment (1993)
- Arizona Proposition 102, State Trust Land Amendment (1992)
- Florida Amendment 3, Historic Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1992)
- Florida Amendment 10, Homestead Property Valuation Increases Initiative (1992)
- Montana Public Lands Transfer, C-23 (1992)
- Nebraska Property Tax, Amendment 1 (May 1992)
- Arkansas Personal Property Tax, Proposed Amendment 2 (1992)
- West Virginia Landowners Protection Amendment, Amendment 3 (1992)
- Mississippi Right to Devise Property, Amendment 4 (1992)
- Georgia Classification of Heavy Equipment, Amendment 7 (1992)
- Louisiana Terrebonne Parish Land Amendment (October 1992)
- Texas Proposition 9, Patents for School Fund Lands Amendment (1991)
- California Proposition 128, Environmental Regulation and Bond Issue Initiative (1990)
- California Proposition 130, Restrictions on Logging and Bonds for Forests Initiative (1990)
- California Proposition 149, Parks and Recreation Bond Measure (1990)
- California Proposition 138, Logging Rules and Bond Issue for Forest Improvements Initiative (1990)
- Arizona Proposition 100, State Trust Land Exchange Amendment (1990)
- South Dakota Disposition of Private Property, Amendment A (1990)
- South Dakota Limit Property Tax, Amendment E (1990)
- Nebraska Classification of Agricultural Lands, Amendment 1 (1990)
- Georgia Protection of Conservation Property, Amendment 3 (1990)
- Colorado Amendment No. 1, Voter Approval Requirement for State and Local Government Revenue Increases Initiative (1990)
- Louisiana Donation of Lands Amendment (October 1989)
- Florida Amendment 3, High Water Recharge Lands Classification Amendment (1988)
- Washington HJR 4222, Personal Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1988)
- South Dakota Property Tax Limitation, Amendment C (1988)
- Utah Proposition No. 2: Clarify Legislature's Duty to Reapportion the State, Exempt Sale of Property (1988)
- New Mexico Bond Question: Land Acquisition Bonds (1988)
- Wyoming Property Tax Amendment, Amendment 1 (1988)
- Georgia Tax Exemptions for Seniors, Referendum 1 (March 1988)
- Georgia Property Relocation, Amendment 12 (1988)
- Georgia Historical Property Classification, Amendment 13 (1988)
- California Proposition 90, Transfer of Assessed Valuation of Replacement Dwellings Amendment (1988)
- Colorado Amendment No. 5, Property Tax Exemption for Unpatented Mining Claims Amendment (1988)
- Texas Proposition 12, Surviving Spouse Property Rights Amendment (1987)
- Mississippi Last Will and Testament, Amendment 1 (1987)
- California Proposition 43, Parks and Recreation Bond Measure (June 1986)
- Florida Amendment 3, Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1986)
- Montana Abolish Property Tax, CI-27 (1986)
- Montana Limitation of Property Taxes, I-105 (1986)
- Kansas Property Taxes, Amendment 3 (1986)
- West Virginia Warehouse Freeport Tax Exemption Amendment, Amendment 3 (1986)
- Mississippi State Property Lease Terms, Amendment 5 (1986)
- Wyoming Duties of State Board of Equalization, Amendment 3 (1986)
- Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Referendum 1 (1986)
- California Proposition 58, Tax Assessments on Real Estate Transfers Within Families Amendment (1986)
- Utah Proposition 1, Nonprofit Hospital and Nursing Home Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1986)
- Washington HJR 23, Tax Increment Financing Districts Amendment (1985)
- Texas Proposition 10, Assistance for Farm and Ranch Land Purchases Amendment (1985)
- Florida Amendment 1, Homestead and Personal Property Exemption Amendment (1984)
- Maine Watercraft Excise Tax, Constitutional Amendment 8 (1984)
- Minnesota Exchange of State-Owned Lands, Amendment 1 (1984)
- Nebraska Division of Confiscated Property, Amendment 1 (1984)
- Nebraska Redevelopment of Blighted Property, Amendment 3 (1984)
- Nebraska Classification of Agricultural Land, Amendment 4 (1984)
- Nevada Question 12, Government Taxes and Fees Initiative (1984)
- Pennsylvania Question 1, Real Property Tax Provisions Amendment (1984)
- Georgia Ownership of Agricultural Property, Amendment 9 (1984)
- Georgia Property Exemptions for Nonprofit Corporations, Referendum 1 (1984)
- Georgia Motor Vehicle Tax Exemptions, Referendum 2 (1984)
- Georgia Tax Exemptions for Homes for the Mentally Handicapped, Referendum 3 (1984)
- Washington SJR 105, Length of State Harbor Leases Proposition Amendment (1983)
- Maine Mineral Value and Municipal Property Tax Reimbursement, Constitutional Amendment 8 (1983)
- Texas Proposition 2, Urban Homestead Value Amendment (1983)
- Louisiana Return of Expropriated Property Amendment (October 1983)
- Arizona Proposition 203, Repeal of State Claims of Public Lands Initiative (1982)
- Nebraska Bonds for Property Development, Amendment 2 (1982)
- Nebraska Right of Redemption of Real Estate, Amendment 3 (1982)
- Nebraska Purchase of Farm Lands, Amendment 6 (1982)
- New Jersey Public Question No. 5 (1982)
- West Virginia Property Tax Limitation and Homestead Amendment of 1982, Amendment 3 (1982)
- Louisiana Property Redemption Amendment (1982)
- Arizona Proposition 103, Urban Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1982)
- Kentucky Proposes a Change in Property Taxes on the Disabled, Amendment 2 (May 1981)
- Texas Proposition 2, School Land Patents Amendment (1981)
- New Jersey Public Question No. 7 (1981)
- Texas Proposition 9, Spousal Property Rights Amendment (1980)
- Florida Amendment 1, Ad Valorem Tax Relief Initiative (March 1980)
- Florida Amendment 4, Local Homestead and Ad Valorem Tax Exemptions Amendment (October 1980)
- Arkansas Property Tax Relief, Proposed Amendment 59 (1980)
- Washington SJR 132, State Control Over Federal Lands Amendment (1980)
- Colorado Amendment No. 4, Real Estate Sale Initiative (1980)
- Colorado Amendment No. 3, Annexation of Unincorporated Land by Municipalities Initiative (1980)
- North Dakota Taxation of Property Referendum, Amendment 4 (1980)
- West Virginia Homestead and Taxation Exemption Amendment, Amendment 2 (1980)
- South Carolina Exemption of Real and Personal Property, Amendment 2 (1980)
- Georgia Property Classification, Amendment 1 (1980)
- Georgia Homestead Exemptions for Seniors, Amendment 8 (1980)
- California Proposition 10, Rent-Control Ordinances Initiative (June 1980)
- California Proposition 2, Lake Tahoe Basin Property Bond Measure (1980)
- Arizona Proposition 100, Property Tax Exemptions for Widows and Veterans Amendment (June 1980)
- Arizona Proposition 101, Property Tax Exemptions for Widows Amendment (June 1980)
- Arizona Proposition 102, Property Tax Exemptions for Disabled Persons Amendment (June 1980)
- Arizona Proposition 103, Legislative Increases in Property Tax Exemptions Amendment (June 1980)
- Arizona Proposition 104, Increase of Debt Limit on Taxable Property Amendment (June 1980)
- Arizona Proposition 105, State Revenues Amendment (June 1980)
- Arizona Proposition 106, Property Tax Limitations Amendment (June 1980)
- Arizona Proposition 107, Limitations of Property Tax Increases Amendment (June 1980)
- Arizona Proposition 108, Expenditure Limitations Amendment (June 1980)
- Arizona Proposition 109, Expenditure Limitations for Schools and Colleges Amendment (June 1980)
- Texas Proposition 3, Loans Guarantees for Farm Real Estate Amendment (1979)
- Idaho Property Valuation Initiative, INIT 1 (1978)
- Maine Municipal Reimbursement of Property Tax Losses, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 5 (1978)
- South Dakota Public Land Mineral Rights, Amendment C (1978)
- Alaska Homesteading of Vacant State Land, Proposition 4 (1978)
- Nebraska Board of Equalization Assessments, Amendment 7 (1978)
- Nevada Question 3, Property Rights of Married Couples Amendment (1978)
- Nevada Question 4, Property Tax Exemption for Business Inventories Amendment (1978)
- Hawaii Limits on Adverse Possession, Amendment 32 (1978)
- Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 11 (1978)
- Georgia County Property Assessment, Amendment 31 (1978)
- California Proposition 13, Tax Limitations Initiative (June 1978)
- California Proposition 10, Tax Exemptions for Improvements to Residential Buildings (June 1978)
- North Carolina Spousal Homestead Exemption Amendment (1977)
- Florida Amendment 4, Community Redevelopment Amendment (1976)
- Maryland Protection of Debtor Property, Question 14 (1976)
- Montana Tax Relief for Homesteads, I-72 (1976)
- South Dakota School and Public Lands, Amendment E (1976)
- Nebraska Bonds for Property Development, Amendment 7 (1976)
- Arkansas Exemption from Personal Property Tax, Proposed Amendment 57 (1976)
- Georgia Inventory Tax Exemptions, Amendment 5 (1976)
- Georgia Definition of Income for Tax Exemptions, Amendment 18 (1976)
- Georgia Mobile Home Classification, Amendment 19 (1976)
- Georgia State Properties Commission, Amendment 21 (1976)
- Georgia Tax Exemptions for Senior Residence Homes, Amendment 22 (1976)
- California Proposition 11, Tax Rates for Unsecured Property Amendment (1976)
- Florida Amendment 3, Office of Tax Assessor Amendment (1974)
- Kansas Property Titles, Amendment 5 (1974)
- California Proposition 6, Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1974)
- California Proposition 4, Property Reassessment After Disaster Amendment (June 1974)
- Texas Proposition 2, Homestead Protection Amendment (1973)
- Texas Proposition 3, Homestead Tax Exemptions Amendment (1973)
- Colorado Amendment No. 7, Tax Levies Limits and Maximums Initiative (1972)
- Florida Amendment 5, Willing of Property to a Spouse Amendment (1972)
- Washington SJR 1, One Percent Property Tax Limit Amendment (1972)
- Washington HJR 47, Formula Governing Excess Property Tax Levies Amendment (1972)
- Texas Proposition 6, Tax Exemptions for Homesteads Amendment (1972)
- Nebraska Valuation of Agricultural Lands, Amendment 7 (1972)
- Kansas State Aid in Farm Home Purchases, Amendment 3 (1972)
- Georgia Independent School District Tax Exemptions, Amendment 17 (1972)
- Georgia County School District Tax Exemptions, Amendment 18 (1972)
- Kentucky Senior Residence Tax Exemption Referendum (1971)
- Florida Amendment 5, Sale of State Submerged Lands Amendment (1970)
- Arizona Proposition 101, Eminent Domain Compensation Amendment (1970)
- Maine Land Valuation for Certain Lands at Current Value, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1970)
- South Dakota School Lands, Amendment H (1970)
- Texas Proposition 3, Assessment of Ranch and Farm Lands Amendment (1970)
- Texas Proposition 6, Homestead Value Amendment (1970)
- Nebraska Taxation of Personal Property, Amendment 10 (1970)
- North Carolina Escheated Property for Higher Education Aid Amendment (1970)
- Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 3 (1970)
- Georgia Homestead Tax Exemptions, Amendment 7 (1970)
- Georgia Property Taxes on Inventory, Amendment 11 (1970)
- South Carolina Amendment on Abandoned Property, Amendment 5 (1970)
- Louisiana Payment for Acquired Property Amendment (1970)
- Louisiana Port of New Orleans Amendment (1970)
- Louisiana Sewage and Water Board Bond Amendment Five (1970)
- Kentucky Agricultural Land Assessment Referendum (1969)
- Washington HJR 1, Use-Based Valuation Tax for Agricultural and Recreational Lands Amendment (1968)
- Colorado Amendment No. 2, Taxation of Public Property Amendment (1968)
- South Dakota School Land Sales, Amendment A (1968)
- Nebraska Taxation on Personal Property, Amendment 6 (1968)
- Hawaii Payment for Certain Damages to Private Property, Amendment 7 (1968)
- Georgia Homestead Exemptions for Seniors, Amendment 11 (1968)
- Washington SJR 20, Repeal Ban on Noncitizens Owning Land Amendment (1966)
- Colorado Amendment No. 5, Taxation of Property Initiative (1966)
- Washington HJR 7, Retirees Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1966)
- South Dakota Reclassifying Farm Property (1966)
- Nebraska Unsold School Lands, Amendment 11 (1966)
- Nebraska Property Tax Restriction, Amendment 14 (1966)
- Nebraska Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 15 (1966)
- Nebraska Property Tax, Amendment 16 (1966)
- Georgia Payment for Taking Property, Amendment 3 (1966)
- California Proposition 5, Assessment of Property After Disaster Amendment (1966)
- California Proposition 3, Open Space Lands Amendment (1966)
- Florida Amendment 13, Property Tax Exemption in Sarasota County Amendment (1964)
- South Dakota Property Classification (1964)
- Nebraska Classification of Intangible Property, Amendment 4 (1964)
- North Carolina Spousal Property Rights Amendment (January 1964)
- New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Validating Land Titles Prior to September 4, 1956 (1964)
- Georgia Personal Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 14 (1964)
- California Proposition 12, Property Tax Relief Because of Disaster Amendment (1964)
- California Proposition 14, Right to Decline Selling or Renting Residential Properties to Persons Initiative (1964)
- Arizona Proposition 200, Property Appraisal and Taxation Initiative (1962)
- South Dakota Taking of Private Property (1962)
- North Carolina Property Classification for Taxes Amendment (1962)
- California Proposition 4, Agricultural Land Tax Assessment Amendment (1962)
- California Proposition 10, Property Tax Exemption for Religious, Hospital, and Charitable Purposes Amendment (1962)
- California Proposition 11, Tax Assessment of Historical Structures Amendment (1962)
- California Proposition 13, Non-Profit College Grounds Tax Exemption Amendment (1962)
- Washington SJR 21, Repeal Ban on Noncitizens Owning Land Amendment (1962)
- Washington SJR 4, Remove Restriction on Alien Land Ownership Amendment (1960)
- Washington Initiative 208, Joint Property Tenancy with Right of Survivorship Measure (1960)
- Maryland Land Assessment and Classification, Amendment 13 (1960)
- Maryland Farm Land Assessment, Amendment 14 (1960)
- Nebraska Municipal Property for Private Enterprises, Amendment 8 (1960)
- Georgia Payment for Taking Property, Amendment 9 (1960)
- Washington Substitute HJR 4, Tax Levy Periods for Schools Amendment (1958)
- Nebraska Unpaid Property Taxes, Amendment 2 (1958)
- Nebraska Municipal Property for Private Enterprises, Amendment 7 (1958)
- Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 16 (1958)
- Colorado Amendment No. 2, Household Furnishings and Personal Effects Tax Exemption Amendment (1956)
- North Dakota Compensation Private Property Taken for Public Use, Referendum 5 (1956)
- California Proposition 6, Property Tax Exemption for Church Parking Lots Amendment (1956)
- Washington HJR 16, Allow Corporations with Noncitizen Majority Shareholders to Own Land Amendment (1954)
- California Proposition 7, Changes to the Land Time Law Measure (1954)
- California Proposition 18, Property Ownership Rights for Foreigners Amendment (1954)
- North Dakota Graduated Land Tax, Initiative 1 (1954)
- South Dakota Assessment of Agricultural Lands (1954)
- Nebraska Uniform Property Values, Amendment 4 (1954)
- Arkansas Property Assessment Equalization, Proposed Amendment 43 (1954)
- Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 3 (1954)
- California Proposition 9, Construction of Church Buildings Tax Exemption Amendment (1954)
- California Proposition 5, Freight and Passenger Ship Tax Exemption Amendment (1954)
- California Proposition 14, Tax Exemption for College Buildings Under Construction Amendment (1954)
- California Proposition 15, Non-Profit Property Under Construction Amendment (1954)
- California Proposition 16, Acquisition of Property and Water Law Amendment (1954)
- Colorado Property Tax Exemptions, Measure 3 (1952)
- Idaho Location and Disposition of Public Lands, HJR 6 (1952)
- North Carolina Property Tax Limitation Amendment (1952)
- Georgia Property Taxes, Amendment 3 (1952)
- Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 7 (1952)
- Georgia Property Assessment, Amendment 20 (1952)
- California Proposition 9, College Taxation Exemption Amendment (1952)
- California Proposition 23, Property Tax Assessment Amendment (1952)
- Washington SJR 9, Allow Canadians to Own Land Amendment (1950)
- North Dakota Graduated Property Tax Initiative, Amendment 2 (1950)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 108-109, State Land Leasing for Oil and Gas Exploration and Exploitation Amendment (September 1950)
- California Proposition 1, Prohibition of Personal Property Tax Initiative (1950)
- California Proposition 11, Withdrawal of Land Measure (1950)
- South Dakota New Lease Options (1948)
- North Carolina Property Tax Limits Amendment (1948)
- Washington HJR 9, Taxation of Federal Property Amendment (1946)
- New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Property Tax Exemptions (1946)
- Washington HJR 1, Forty Mills Tax Levy Limit on Property Amendment (1944)
- Colorado Aliens Eligible for Citizenship to Acquire Property, Measure 2 (1944)
- Idaho Exemption of Federal Government Property, SJR 4 (1944)
- North Carolina Homestead Deeds Amendment (1944)
- California Proposition 1, Removal of Federal Property Tax Exemption Amendment (May 1944)
- Georgia Tax Exemptions for Intangible Property, Amendment 13 (1943)
- Florida Amendment 9, Corporate Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1942)
- North Dakota Classification and Exemption of Personal Property from Taxation Referendum (1942)
- Missouri Amendment 2, Modify Property Rates Measure (1942)
- Idaho Lower Price of School Lands, SJR 3 (1942)
- Washington Referendum 6, Tax Levy Limits on Property Measure (1942)
- Florida State Ad Valorem Property Taxes Amendment (1940)
- Washington Referendum 5, Tax Levy Limits Measure (1940)
- Colorado Tax on Intangible Property, Measure 1 (1940)
- North Dakota Classification of Taxable Property Initiative (1940)
- North Dakota Graduated Land Tax Initiative (1940)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Rules Governing the Sale or Leasing of State Lands Amendment (1940)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, Property Tax Limitations Amendment (1940)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Homestead Exemption Amendment (1940)
- Florida Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1938)
- Washington Initiative 129, 40-Mill Property Tax Limit Measure (1938)
- Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 1 (1938)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Homestead Exemption Amendment (1938)
- Texas Proposition 3, Property Taxes Amendment (August 1937)
- Washington Initiative 114, Property Tax Levy Limits Measure (1936)
- Colorado Property Tax Exemptions for Churches, Schools and Cemeteries, Measure 9 (1936)
- North Dakota Assessment of Property Referendum (1936)
- North Dakota School and Public Lands Sales Referendum (1936)
- North Dakota Sale and Rental of School and University Lands Referendum (1936)
- Idaho Authority to Exchange Granted Lands, SJR 1 (1936)
- Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 1 (1936)
- North Carolina Uniform Property Taxes Amendment (1936)
- North Carolina Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1936)
- Georgia Property Tax, Amendment 1 (1936)
- California Proposition 6, Completion of the Boulder Dam Celebration Amendment (1936)
- California Proposition 17, Tax Rate Amendment (1936)
- Florida Amendment 2, Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1934)
- Washington Initiative 94, Tax Levy Limits on Property Measure (1934)
- Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 5 (1934)
- Texas Proposition 4, Equal Property Taxation Amendment (1934)
- Texas Proposition 6, Taxation of University Lands Amendment (1934)
- Maine Intangible Personal Property Tax, Direct Initiative Question No. 2 (1933)
- New York Compensation of Private Property, Amendment 1 (1933)
- California Proposition 5, Property Reassessment Amendment (June 1933)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, Judgement of Foreclosure Referendum (1933)
- Washington Initiative 64, Tax Levy Limit on Property Measure (1932)
- North Dakota Reducing Assessed Valuation Initiative (1932)
- Idaho Tax Exemptions of State and Municipal Property, HJR 1 (1932)
- Idaho Irrigation District Voting, HJR 2 (1932)
- Idaho Consolidating Counties, SJR 3 (1932)
- Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 3 (1932)
- Texas Proposition 3, Tax Exemptions for Homesteads Amendment (1932)
- Texas Proposition 6, Sale of Foreclosed Property Amendment (1932)
- New Mexico Proposed Amendment 1, Consent to Exchange of State Lands (1932)
- Georgia Property Tax Classification, Amendment 4 (1932)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 110-111, Economic and Fiscal Survey Amendment (1932)
- California Proposition 11, Huntington Beach Tide and Submerged Lands Initiative (1932)
- Washington Amendment to Article VII Secs. 1-4, Classification of Property for Taxes Measure (1930)
- Missouri Proposition 2, Special Real Estate Tax Exemption Measure (1930)
- Missouri Proposition 6, Allow for Eminent Domain Initiative (1930)
- Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 2 (1930)
- Texas Proposition 3, Taxation of University Lands Amendment (1930)
- North Carolina Classification of Property for Taxes Amendment (1930)
- New Mexico Proposed Amendment 1, Consent to Exchange of State Lands (1930)
- California Proposition 6, Toll Bridge Tax Collection Amendment (1930)
- Washington Amendment to Article VII Secs. 1-4, Classification of Property for Taxes Measure (1928)
- North Dakota Assessment of Property Referendum (1928)
- Texas Proposition 4, Tax Exemptions for Church Properties Amendment (1928)
- North Carolina Classification of Property for Taxes Amendment (1928)
- California Proposition 9, State Right of Way Amendment (1928)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 308-309, State Board of Equalization Initiative (1928)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Repeal Tax Exemption for Property within Indian Reservations Amendment (May 1927)
- Florida Use of Property by Foreigners Amendment (1926)
- Texas Proposition 4, Taxes on Agricultural Lands Amendment (1926)
- New Mexico Proposed Amendment 2, Apportionment of State Land Money (1926)
- California Proposition 25, Burial Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1926)
- Washington Initiative 50, Property Tax Levy Limits Measure (1924)
- North Dakota Property Tax Initiative (1924)
- Missouri Amendment 1, Property Rights of Religious Corporations Measure (February 1924)
- Missouri Amendment 13, Property Tax Option and Motor Vehicle Registration Fees Measure (February 1922)
- North Carolina Tax Exemptions for Homesteads and Mortgages Amendment (1924)
- California Proposition 6, Personal Property Tax Rate Amendment (1924)
- California Proposition 15, Aviation Field Tax Exemption Amendment (1924)
- California Proposition 29, Taxation and Franchises Initiative (1922)
- Colorado Property Rights for Non-Citizens, Measure 10 (1922)
- Arkansas Personal Property Tax Amendment (1922)
- California Proposition 4, Land Settlement Act Bond Measure (1922)
- California Proposition 30, Railroad Franchises Initiative (1922)
- California Proposition 7, Veteran Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1922)
- California Proposition 14, Property Tax Substitution Amendment (1922)
- Washington Eminent Domain for Land Reclamation and Settlement Amendment (1920)
- Idaho Increase Annual Sale of School Land, HJR 10 (1920)
- Montana Bond for Land Reclamation, I-20 (1920)
- Nebraska Property Rights Regulation, Amendment 2 (September 1920)
- Nebraska Sale of School Lands, Amendment 21 (September 1920)
- Nebraska Property Taxes, Amendment 26 (September 1920)
- California Proposition 20, Taxation Valuation Initiative (1920)
- California Proposition 1, Alien Property Initiative (1920)
- California Proposition 13, Willing of Community Property Referendum (1920)
- North Dakota Uniform Taxation within Classification Initiative (1918)
- South Dakota Reduce School Lands Down Payment (1918)
- North Carolina Amendment 1, Tax Exemptions for Homesteads Amendment (1918)
- California Proposition 19, Land Value Taxation Initiative (1918)
- California Proposition 25, Eminent Domain Property Amendment (1918)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, Limitations on Agricultural Land Sales Initiative (1918)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Public Land Sale and Leasing Amendment (1918)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 310-311, Lease of State Lands Initiative (1918)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 304-305, Misdemeanor for Property Utilized for Prostitution or Lewdness Referendum (1918)
- California Proposition 13, Property Compensation Amendment (1918)
- Massachusetts Question 13, Limits on the Location of Buildings Amendment (1918)
- Idaho Permit Sale of School Land, HJR 3 (1916)
- Minnesota Fund to Improve State School Land, Amendment 1 (1916)
- Minnesota Condemnation of Private Lands, Amendment 6 (1916)
- South Dakota Abolish Lease Limit on School Lands (1916)
- South Dakota Real Estate Security Rural Credits System (1916)
- California Proposition 5, Land Taxation Initiative (1916)
- California Proposition 10, Religious Buildings Tax Exemptions Amendment (October 1915)
- Washington Allow Noncitizen Residents to Own Land Amendment (1914)
- Minnesota Fund to Improve State School Land, Amendment 3 (1914)
- New Mexico Proposed Amendment 2, Property Tax (1914)
- California Proposition 22, Land Title Initiative (1914)
- California Proposition 31, Public Utilities Property Valuation Amendment (1914)
- California Proposition 34, Public Property Taxation Amendment (1914)
- California Proposition 4, Places of Nuisance Referendum (1914)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 320-321, Self-Assessment Property Tax and State Acquisition Initiative (1914)
- Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, State Reclamation Service Amendment (1914)
- California Proposition 16, Taking of Neighboring Property Amendment (1914)
- Maine Property Tax Classification, Question No. 1 (1913)
- New York Compensation for Private Property, Amendment 1 (1913)
- Ohio Registration and Warranties for Land Titles Amendment (September 1912)
- Minnesota Investment of School Funds, Amendment 3 (1912)
- Ohio Regulations on Corporations and the Sale of Personal Property Amendment (September 1912)
- New York Private Property for Public Use, Amendment 4 (1911)
- New York Compensation of Private Property, Amendment 7 (1911)
- California Proposition 5, Railroad Eminent Domain Amendment (October 1911)
- California Proposition 22, Veterans Property Tax Exemption Amendment (October 1911)
- California Amendment 11, Mortgage Assessments Measure (1910)
- Washington Allow Differing Tax Rates by Property Class Amendment (1908)
- California Mortgage Assessments, Amendment 26 (1908)
- Texas Proposition 1, Improvement Districts Amendment (August 1907)
- Washington Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1900)
Before 1900
- New York Repeal of Property Qualification of Public Officers, Amendment 1 (1845)
- Minnesota Sale of Internal Improvement Lands, Amendment 3 (1868)
- New York Taxation of Real and Personal Property, Amendment 3 (1869)
- New York Property Qualification for African American Men, Amendment 4 (1869)
- Minnesota Sale of Internal Improvement Lands, Amendment 4 (1872)
- Texas State Property Tax Amendment (August 1883)
- Texas Property Tax Limits Amendment (August 1883)
- California Property Taxes, Amendment 1 (1886)
- Minnesota Exempted Property, Amendment 2 (1888)
- South Dakota Homesteads Exempt from Court Orders (1894)
- Minnesota Compensation for Damaged Property, Amendment 4 (1896)
- California Taxation on Mortgages, Amendment 1 (1896)
- Washington Municipal Property Tax Classification Amendment (1898)
- Idaho Property Qualification for the Division and Creation of Counties, HJR 8 (1898)
Before 1800
- Vermont "Quieting Ancient Settlers" Act (1785)
- "Quieting Ancient Settlers" and the Betterment Acts (1785)
Did not make ballot
Did not make ballot
- California Eminent Domain Protection Act (2008)
- Missouri Eminent Domain Initiative Amendment to Article VI (2008)
- California Property Ownership Initiative (2008)
- Colorado Non-Residential Property Valuation (2008)
- Florida Growth Management Initiative (2008)
- Missouri Eminent Domain Initiative Amendment to Article I (2008)
- South Dakota Protect Private Property Referendum (2008)
- Florida Smarter Growth Land Use Initiative (2010)
- California Elimination of Religion-Based Property Tax Exemptions (2014)
- Florida Referendum for Land Use (2008)
- North Dakota Property Tax Reform Initiative (2014)
- Idaho Sale of Public University Lands Amendment (2014)
- Idaho Disposition of Public Lands Amendment (2014)
- Alabama Homestead Exemptions Amendment, HB 608 (2014)
- Florida Municipal Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2014)
- Oregon Genome Ownership and Open Source Data Amendment (2014)
- Colorado Foreclosure Due Process Amendment (2014)
- New Jersey Tax Exemption for Disabled Use and Access of Homes Amendment (2014)
- New Jersey Homestead Rebate Amounts for Veterans Amendment (2014)
- New Jersey Homestead Real Property Limited Assessment Amendment, ACR 88 (2014)
- New Jersey Limited Constitutional Convention on Property Taxes and Government Spending Amendment (2014)
- New Jersey Restrict Non-blighted Property Condemnation Amendment (2014)
- North Dakota Property Tax Abolishment Initiative (2014)
- Texas Tax Exemption for Property Leased to Schools Amendment (2015)
- Texas Tax Exemption for Hiring Veterans Amendment (2015)
- Texas Political Subdivision Property Tax Exemptions Amendment (2015)
- Texas Partition of Spousal Community Property Amendment (2015)
- Texas Homestead Exemption Limitation Amendment (2015)
- Texas Maximum Appraised Value of Homestead Amendment (2015)
- Texas Homestead Exemption from Taxation for Public Schools Amendment (2015)
- Texas Limit Maximum Appraised Value of Homestead Amendment (2015)
- Louisiana Adjusted Homestead Exemption Amendment (2015)
- Louisiana Income Limitation on Special Assessment Homestead Exemption Amendment (2015)
- Washington Maximum Regular Property Tax Levies Measure, Initiative 1368 (2015)
- Washington Repeal Real Estate Excise Taxes Measure, Initiative 1369 (2015)
- Oregon Estate Tax Ban Amendment (2016)
- California Homeowners and Renters Tax Relief Initiative (2016)
- North Carolina State Government Buildings Bond (2015)
- Washington Property Tax Decrease Initiative (2017)
- Texas Appraisal of Open-Space Land with Oil and Gas Production Amendment, SJR 51 (2017)
- West Virginia Use of County Property Tax Revenue to Fund Infrastructure Projects Amendment (2018)
- Washington Voter Approval for Property Tax Increases Initiative (2017)
- Texas Property Tax Exemption for Precious Metals in Bullion Depository Amendment, HJR 113 (2017)
- Texas Property Tax Exemption for Purple Heart Recipients Amendment, HJR 67 (2017)
- Louisiana Allow Local Governments to Exempt Offshore Vessels From Property Taxation Amendment (2018)
- Texas Property Tax Lien on Properties Sold Amendment, SJR 55 (2017)
- Nevada Depreciation Formula Reset and Senior and Disabled Persons Tax Rebates Amendment (2020)
- Massachusetts Vacant Land Parcels for Sale Initiative (2018)
- Florida Restrictions on Naming of Government Programs and Property Amendment (2018)
- Arizona Property Tax Exemption for Agricultural, Trade, and Business Uses Amendment (2018)
- Hawaii Surcharge on Investment Properties to Fund Public Education Amendment (2018)
- South Dakota Ability to Buy, Sell, or Rent Any Property or Service Initiative (2020)
- New Mexico Surviving Spouse of First Responder Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2020)
- Louisiana Payments in Lieu of Property Taxes Option Amendment (October 2019)
- Texas Property Tax Exemption for Surviving Spouse of Military Member Amendment (2019)
- Louisiana Cooperative Endeavor Agreement Fee Payments Amendment (2017)
- Texas Tax Exemption for Property Housing People with Developmental Disabilities Amendment, HJR 52 (2017)
- Texas Property Tax Freeze for Surviving Spouse of Disabled Person Amendment (2019)
- Louisiana Unclaimed Property Trust Fund Amendment (October 2019)
- Oregon Compensation for Loss of Property Value Due to State Regulation Initiative (2020)
- Missouri Prohibit Taxes on Personal Property Initiative (2020)
- California Property Tax Transfers and Exemptions Initiative (2020)
- Oregon No Property Tax for People 60 Years of Age and Older Initiative (2020)
- Oregon Reduce Property Tax for People 65 Years of Age and Older Initiative (2020)
- Oregon Property Tax Exemption for People 65 Years of Age and Older Initiative (2020)
- Louisiana Property Tax Exemptions for Certain Capital Investment Projects Amendment (2022)
- Florida Forced Sale of Private Property Initiative (2022)
- Georgia Agricultural Aircraft Exempt from Property Taxes Measure (2022)
- Oklahoma Remove Income Limit from Senior Property Valuation Freeze Amendment (2022)
- California Residential Property Tax Exemption and Surcharge and Housing Development Reviews Initiative (2022)
- Washington Property Tax Rate Limits Initiative (2023)
- Arizona Business and Agriculture Personal Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2020)
- Arizona Constitutional Property Tax Exemptions Amendment (2020)
- Arizona Definition of Nontaxable Income Sources for Senior Property Valuation Freeze Amendment (2018)
- Arizona Property Tax Exemption for Disabled Veterans Amendment (2022)
- Arizona Residential Property Tax Elimination for Seniors Initiative (2020)
- California Property Tax Transfer Initiative (2020)
- California Property Tax Transfer for Persons with Severely Disabled Children Amendment (2018)
- California Property Tax Transfers Initiative (2020)
- Colorado Property Tax Rate Reduction Initiative (2022)
- Missouri Real Estate Property Value Amendment (2024)
- Colorado Property Tax Rate Reduction Initiative (2023)
- Colorado Allow State to Retain and Spend Revenue to Offset Property Tax Revenue Reduction Initiative (2023)
- Colorado Property Tax Increase Limit Initiative (2024)
- California Changes to Tax Assessment on Inherited Homes Initiative (2024)
- Florida Tax Exemption Increase on Personal Tangible Property Amendment (2024)
- Florida Establish Tax Exemption on Personal Tangible Property on Agricultural Property Amendment (2024)
- Wyoming Prohibit Foreign Entities and Adversaries from Owning Real Property Amendment (2024)
- Georgia Expand Disabled Veteran Homestead Exemption to Spouses and Minor Children Measure (2024)
- Georgia Waiver for Delinquent Local Property Taxes Amendment (2024)
- Georgia Volunteer Program for Senior Tax Credit Amendment (2024)
- Georgia Statewide Homestead Property Tax Exemption Increase Measure (2024)
- Oklahoma Double Income Limit for Property Tax Benefit Amendment (2024)
- Arizona Property Tax Exemptions for Virtual Currency Amendment (2024)
- Arizona Prevent Zoning Change Unless Initiated by Property Owner Initiative (2024)
- Arizona Patented Mining Claims on Property Initiative (2024)
- Washington Property Tax Levy Initiative (2024)
- Washington Removal of Persons from Property Initiative (2024)
- Oregon Property Tax Freeze for Seniors Amendment (2024)
- Kentucky No Property Tax Increase for Homeowners 65 Years or Older Amendment (2024)
- Missouri Property Assessment Amendment (2024)
- Colorado Property Tax Valuation Reduction Initiative (2024)
- Colorado Property Tax Revenue Cap Initiative (2024)
- Washington Property Tax Levy Initiative (2025)