Property on the ballot

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Property on the ballot: This topic refers to ballot measures regarding property, property rights, property acquisition, property use and zoning, property development and property sales by individuals, companies, and governments. Subtopics include: eminent domain


Ballot measures lists

By state

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Alabama Baldwin County Stockton Landmark District Amendment, Amendment 3 (2012)
  2. Alabama Calhoun County Delinquent Taxes Amendment (1994)


  1. Alaska Homesteading of Vacant State Land, Proposition 4 (1978)


  1. Arizona Proposition 300, Process for Government Actions on Private Property Use Referendum (1994)
  2. Arizona Proposition 101, State Lands Exchange Amendment (1994)
  3. Arizona Proposition 102, State Trust Land Amendment (1992)
  4. Arizona Proposition 100, State Trust Land Exchange Amendment (1990)
  5. Arizona Proposition 200, Property Appraisal and Taxation Initiative (1962)
  6. Arizona Proposition 203, Repeal of State Claims of Public Lands Initiative (1982)
  7. Arizona Proposition 101, Eminent Domain Compensation Amendment (1970)
  8. Arizona Measure Nos. 110-111, Economic and Fiscal Survey Amendment (1932)
  9. Arizona Measure Nos. 320-321, Self-Assessment Property Tax and State Acquisition Initiative (1914)
  10. Arizona Measure Nos. 108-109, State Land Leasing for Oil and Gas Exploration and Exploitation Amendment (September 1950)
  11. Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, Judgement of Foreclosure Referendum (1933)
  12. Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, Limitations on Agricultural Land Sales Initiative (1918)
  13. Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Rules Governing the Sale or Leasing of State Lands Amendment (1940)
  14. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Public Land Sale and Leasing Amendment (1918)
  15. Arizona Measure Nos. 310-311, Lease of State Lands Initiative (1918)
  16. Arizona Measure Nos. 304-305, Misdemeanor for Property Utilized for Prostitution or Lewdness Referendum (1918)
  17. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Homestead Exemption Amendment (1938)
  18. Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, Property Tax Limitations Amendment (1940)
  19. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Homestead Exemption Amendment (1940)
  20. Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, State Reclamation Service Amendment (1914)
  21. Arizona Measure Nos. 308-309, State Board of Equalization Initiative (1928)
  22. Arizona Proposition 100, Property Tax Exemptions for Widows and Veterans Amendment (June 1980)
  23. Arizona Proposition 101, Property Tax Exemptions for Widows Amendment (June 1980)
  24. Arizona Proposition 102, Property Tax Exemptions for Disabled Persons Amendment (June 1980)
  25. Arizona Proposition 103, Legislative Increases in Property Tax Exemptions Amendment (June 1980)
  26. Arizona Proposition 104, Increase of Debt Limit on Taxable Property Amendment (June 1980)
  27. Arizona Proposition 105, State Revenues Amendment (June 1980)
  28. Arizona Proposition 106, Property Tax Limitations Amendment (June 1980)
  29. Arizona Proposition 107, Limitations of Property Tax Increases Amendment (June 1980)
  30. Arizona Proposition 108, Expenditure Limitations Amendment (June 1980)
  31. Arizona Proposition 109, Expenditure Limitations for Schools and Colleges Amendment (June 1980)
  32. Arizona Proposition 101, Property Tax Exemptions for Dual-Use Purposes Amendment (1996)
  33. Arizona Proposition 100, Prohibition of New Property Tax Amendment (2008)
  34. Arizona Proposition 103, Urban Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1982)
  35. Arizona Proposition 312, Property Tax Refund for Non-Enforcement of Public Nuisance Laws Measure (2024)
  36. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Repeal Tax Exemption for Property within Indian Reservations Amendment (May 1927)
  37. Arizona Proposition 117, Property Tax Increase Cap Amendment (2012)
  38. Arizona Exempt Virtual Currency from Property Taxation Amendment (2026)


  1. Arkansas Property Tax Relief, Proposed Amendment 59 (1980)
  2. Arkansas Personal Property Tax Amendment (1922)
  3. Arkansas Property Assessment Equalization, Proposed Amendment 43 (1954)
  4. Arkansas Exemption from Personal Property Tax, Proposed Amendment 57 (1976)
  5. Arkansas Personal Property Tax, Proposed Amendment 2 (1992)
  6. Arkansas Property Tax Relief, Proposed Amendment 2 (2000)


  1. California Proposition 43, Parks and Recreation Bond Measure (June 1986)
  2. California Proposition 128, Environmental Regulation and Bond Issue Initiative (1990)
  3. California Proposition 130, Restrictions on Logging and Bonds for Forests Initiative (1990)
  4. California Proposition 149, Parks and Recreation Bond Measure (1990)
  5. California Proposition 180, Park Lands, Wildlife Areas, and Forests Bond Measure (June 1994)
  6. California Proposition 138, Logging Rules and Bond Issue for Forest Improvements Initiative (1990)
  7. California Proposition 90, Limits on Government's Power of Eminent Domain Amendment (2006)
  8. California Proposition 98, Eminent Domain and Rent Control Prohibition Amendment (June 2008)
  9. California Proposition 99, Rules Governing Eminent Domain Amendment (June 2008)
  10. California Proposition 29, Taxation and Franchises Initiative (1922)
  11. California Proposition 7, Changes to the Land Time Law Measure (1954)
  12. California Proposition 18, Property Ownership Rights for Foreigners Amendment (1954)
  13. California Property Taxes, Amendment 1 (1886)
  14. California Taxation on Mortgages, Amendment 1 (1896)
  15. California Mortgage Assessments, Amendment 26 (1908)
  16. California Amendment 11, Mortgage Assessments Measure (1910)
  17. California Proposition 5, Railroad Eminent Domain Amendment (October 1911)
  18. California Proposition 22, Veterans Property Tax Exemption Amendment (October 1911)
  19. California Proposition 22, Land Title Initiative (1914)
  20. California Proposition 31, Public Utilities Property Valuation Amendment (1914)
  21. California Proposition 34, Public Property Taxation Amendment (1914)
  22. California Proposition 5, Land Taxation Initiative (1916)
  23. California Proposition 19, Land Value Taxation Initiative (1918)
  24. California Proposition 25, Eminent Domain Property Amendment (1918)
  25. California Proposition 20, Taxation Valuation Initiative (1920)
  26. California Proposition 4, Land Settlement Act Bond Measure (1922)
  27. California Proposition 30, Railroad Franchises Initiative (1922)
  28. California Proposition 25, Burial Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1926)
  29. California Proposition 13, Tax Limitations Initiative (June 1978)
  30. California Proposition 58, Tax Assessments on Real Estate Transfers Within Families Amendment (1986)
  31. California Proposition 90, Transfer of Assessed Valuation of Replacement Dwellings Amendment (1988)
  32. California Proposition 4, Places of Nuisance Referendum (1914)
  33. California Proposition 7, Veteran Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1922)
  34. California Proposition 6, Personal Property Tax Rate Amendment (1924)
  35. California Proposition 9, State Right of Way Amendment (1928)
  36. California Proposition 6, Toll Bridge Tax Collection Amendment (1930)
  37. California Proposition 5, Property Reassessment Amendment (June 1933)
  38. California Proposition 6, Completion of the Boulder Dam Celebration Amendment (1936)
  39. California Proposition 9, College Taxation Exemption Amendment (1952)
  40. California Proposition 23, Property Tax Assessment Amendment (1952)
  41. California Proposition 9, Construction of Church Buildings Tax Exemption Amendment (1954)
  42. California Proposition 5, Freight and Passenger Ship Tax Exemption Amendment (1954)
  43. California Proposition 6, Property Tax Exemption for Church Parking Lots Amendment (1956)
  44. California Proposition 4, Agricultural Land Tax Assessment Amendment (1962)
  45. California Proposition 5, Assessment of Property After Disaster Amendment (1966)
  46. California Proposition 3, Open Space Lands Amendment (1966)
  47. California Proposition 11, Tax Rates for Unsecured Property Amendment (1976)
  48. California Proposition 10, Rent-Control Ordinances Initiative (June 1980)
  49. California Proposition 6, Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1974)
  50. California Proposition 2, Lake Tahoe Basin Property Bond Measure (1980)
  51. California Proposition 171, Replacement Property Transfer Amendment (1993)
  52. California Proposition 4, Property Reassessment After Disaster Amendment (June 1974)
  53. California Proposition 1, Alien Property Initiative (1920)
  54. California Proposition 1, Prohibition of Personal Property Tax Initiative (1950)
  55. California Proposition 1, Removal of Federal Property Tax Exemption Amendment (May 1944)
  56. California Proposition 10, Property Tax Exemption for Religious, Hospital, and Charitable Purposes Amendment (1962)
  57. California Proposition 10, Religious Buildings Tax Exemptions Amendment (October 1915)
  58. California Proposition 11, Huntington Beach Tide and Submerged Lands Initiative (1932)
  59. California Proposition 11, Tax Assessment of Historical Structures Amendment (1962)
  60. California Proposition 11, Withdrawal of Land Measure (1950)
  61. California Proposition 12, Property Tax Relief Because of Disaster Amendment (1964)
  62. California Proposition 13, Non-Profit College Grounds Tax Exemption Amendment (1962)
  63. California Proposition 13, Property Compensation Amendment (1918)
  64. California Proposition 13, Willing of Community Property Referendum (1920)
  65. California Proposition 14, Property Tax Substitution Amendment (1922)
  66. California Proposition 14, Right to Decline Selling or Renting Residential Properties to Persons Initiative (1964)
  67. California Proposition 14, Tax Exemption for College Buildings Under Construction Amendment (1954)
  68. California Proposition 15, Aviation Field Tax Exemption Amendment (1924)
  69. California Proposition 15, Non-Profit Property Under Construction Amendment (1954)
  70. California Proposition 15, Tax on Commercial and Industrial Properties for Education and Local Government Funding Initiative (2020)
  71. California Proposition 16, Acquisition of Property and Water Law Amendment (1954)
  72. California Proposition 16, Taking of Neighboring Property Amendment (1914)
  73. California Proposition 17, Tax Rate Amendment (1936)
  74. California Proposition 10, Tax Exemptions for Improvements to Residential Buildings (June 1978)
  75. California Proposition 72, Rainwater Capture Systems Excluded from Property Tax Assessments Amendment (June 2018)
  76. California Proposition 5, Property Tax Transfer Initiative (2018)


  1. Colorado Amendment 11, Property Tax Exemptions Initiative (1996)
  2. Colorado Amendment 16, Management of Land Trusts Initiative (1996)
  3. Colorado Amendment No. 7, Tax Levies Limits and Maximums Initiative (1972)
  4. Colorado Amendment No. 5, Taxation of Property Initiative (1966)
  5. Colorado Property Rights for Non-Citizens, Measure 10 (1922)
  6. Colorado Property Tax Exemptions for Churches, Schools and Cemeteries, Measure 9 (1936)
  7. Colorado Tax on Intangible Property, Measure 1 (1940)
  8. Colorado Aliens Eligible for Citizenship to Acquire Property, Measure 2 (1944)
  9. Colorado Property Tax Exemptions, Measure 3 (1952)
  10. Colorado Amendment No. 2, Household Furnishings and Personal Effects Tax Exemption Amendment (1956)
  11. Colorado Amendment No. 2, Taxation of Public Property Amendment (1968)
  12. Colorado Amendment No. 4, Real Estate Sale Initiative (1980)
  13. Colorado Amendment No. 3, Annexation of Unincorporated Land by Municipalities Initiative (1980)
  14. Colorado Referendum M, Removal of Obsolete Land Value Increase Provision Amendment (2008)
  15. Colorado Amendment No. 5, Property Tax Exemption for Unpatented Mining Claims Amendment (1988)
  16. Colorado Amendment No. 1, Voter Approval Requirement for State and Local Government Revenue Increases Initiative (1990)
  17. Colorado Referendum A, Property Tax Exemption for Those Older Than 65 Amendment (2000)
  18. Colorado Amendment 32, Taxing Residential Property Initiative (2003)
  19. Colorado Amendment G, Property Tax Exemption for Veterans with Individual Unemployability Status Amendment (2024)
  20. Colorado Amendment R, Elimination of Property Taxes for Private Use of Government Property Amendment (2010)
  21. Colorado Proposition HH, Property Tax Changes and Revenue Change Measure (2023)
  22. Colorado Proposition 120, Reduce Property Tax Rates and Retain $25 Million in TABOR Surplus Revenue Initiative (2021)
  23. Colorado Amendment B, Gallagher Amendment Repeal and Property Tax Assessment Rates Measure (2020)
  24. Colorado Amendment 74, Compensation to Owners for Decreased Property Value Due to State Regulation Initiative (2018)


  1. Florida Amendment 7, Exemption for Property Value Increases for Senior Living Quarters Amendment (2002)
  2. Florida Amendment 6, Increase in Low-Income Senior Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (2006)
  3. Florida Amendment 1, Property Taxation and Assessment Amendment (January 2008)
  4. Florida Amendment 3, Property Value Assessment Exemptions Amendment (2008)
  5. Florida Amendment 6, Assessment of Waterfront Property Amendment (2008)
  6. Florida Amendment 4, Community Redevelopment Amendment (1976)
  7. Florida Amendment 3, Office of Tax Assessor Amendment (1974)
  8. Florida Amendment 5, Willing of Property to a Spouse Amendment (1972)
  9. Florida Amendment 5, Sale of State Submerged Lands Amendment (1970)
  10. Florida Amendment 9, Corporate Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1942)
  11. Florida State Ad Valorem Property Taxes Amendment (1940)
  12. Florida Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1938)
  13. Florida Amendment 2, Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1934)
  14. Florida Use of Property by Foreigners Amendment (1926)
  15. Florida Amendment 1, Historic Property Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Amendment (1998)
  16. Florida Amendment 3, Low-Income Senior Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1998)
  17. Florida Amendment 10, Tax Exemptions for Municipal and Local Property and Communications with Local Officials Amendment (1998)
  18. Florida Amendment 3, Historic Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1992)
  19. Florida Amendment 10, Homestead Property Valuation Increases Initiative (1992)
  20. Florida Amendment 3, High Water Recharge Lands Classification Amendment (1988)
  21. Florida Amendment 3, Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1986)
  22. Florida Amendment 1, Homestead and Personal Property Exemption Amendment (1984)
  23. Florida Amendment 1, Ad Valorem Tax Relief Initiative (March 1980)
  24. Florida Amendment 4, Local Homestead and Ad Valorem Tax Exemptions Amendment (October 1980)
  25. Florida Amendment 13, Property Tax Exemption in Sarasota County Amendment (1964)
  26. Florida Property Tax Exemptions for Senior Citizens, Amendment 5 (2016)
  27. Florida Amendment 11, Repeal Prohibition on Aliens' Property Ownership, Delete Obsolete Provision on High-Speed Rail, and Repeal of Criminal Statutes' Effect on Prosecution Amendment (2018)
  28. Florida Amendment 10, Tangible Personal Property Exemption Amendment (2012)
  29. Florida Amendment 4, Property Assessments and Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (2012)
  30. Florida Amendment 2, Injured Veterans' Homestead Property Tax Discount Amendment (2012)
  31. Florida Amendment 4, Conservation Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2008)
  32. Florida Amendment 8, Transfer of Property Taken Through Eminent Domain Amendment (2006)
  33. Florida Amendment 5, Annual Inflation Adjustment for Homestead Property Tax Exemption Value Amendment (2024)
  34. Florida Tax Exemptions for Disabled First Responders, Amendment 3 (2016)
  35. Florida Amendment 2, Permanent Cap on Nonhomestead Parcel Assessment Increases Amendment (2018)


  1. Georgia Industrial Zone Property, Amendment 5 (1996)
  2. Georgia Industrial Property Designation, Amendment 5 (2010)
  3. Georgia Property Tax Classification, Amendment 4 (1932)
  4. Georgia Property Tax, Amendment 1 (1936)
  5. Georgia Property Taxes, Amendment 3 (1952)
  6. Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 7 (1952)
  7. Georgia Property Assessment, Amendment 20 (1952)
  8. Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 3 (1954)
  9. Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 16 (1958)
  10. Georgia Payment for Taking Property, Amendment 9 (1960)
  11. Georgia Personal Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 14 (1964)
  12. Georgia Payment for Taking Property, Amendment 3 (1966)
  13. Georgia Homestead Exemptions for Seniors, Amendment 11 (1968)
  14. Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 3 (1970)
  15. Georgia Homestead Tax Exemptions, Amendment 7 (1970)
  16. Georgia Property Taxes on Inventory, Amendment 11 (1970)
  17. Georgia Independent School District Tax Exemptions, Amendment 17 (1972)
  18. Georgia County School District Tax Exemptions, Amendment 18 (1972)
  19. Georgia Inventory Tax Exemptions, Amendment 5 (1976)
  20. Georgia Definition of Income for Tax Exemptions, Amendment 18 (1976)
  21. Georgia Mobile Home Classification, Amendment 19 (1976)
  22. Georgia State Properties Commission, Amendment 21 (1976)
  23. Georgia Tax Exemptions for Senior Residence Homes, Amendment 22 (1976)
  24. Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 11 (1978)
  25. Georgia County Property Assessment, Amendment 31 (1978)
  26. Georgia Property Classification, Amendment 1 (1980)
  27. Georgia Homestead Exemptions for Seniors, Amendment 8 (1980)
  28. Georgia Ownership of Agricultural Property, Amendment 9 (1984)
  29. Georgia Property Exemptions for Nonprofit Corporations, Referendum 1 (1984)
  30. Georgia Motor Vehicle Tax Exemptions, Referendum 2 (1984)
  31. Georgia Tax Exemptions for Homes for the Mentally Handicapped, Referendum 3 (1984)
  32. Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Referendum 1 (1986)
  33. Georgia Tax Exemptions for Seniors, Referendum 1 (March 1988)
  34. Georgia Property Relocation, Amendment 12 (1988)
  35. Georgia Historical Property Classification, Amendment 13 (1988)
  36. Georgia Protection of Conservation Property, Amendment 3 (1990)
  37. Georgia Classification of Heavy Equipment, Amendment 7 (1992)
  38. Georgia Intangible Tax Repeal, Amendment 1 (1996)
  39. Georgia Homestead Tax Exemptions, Referendum B (1998)
  40. Georgia Tax Relief for Homeowners, Amendment 2 (2000)
  41. Georgia Classification of Marine Vessels, Amendment 6 (2000)
  42. Georgia Tax Exemptions for Elks Lodges, Referendum D (2000)
  43. Georgia Tax Valuations for Residential Developments, Amendment 2 (2002)
  44. Georgia Tax Incentives for Property Redevelopment, Amendment 3 (2002)
  45. Georgia Tax Rates for Commercial Dockside Facilities, Amendment 5 (2002)
  46. Georgia Income Limit for Homestead Exemptions, Referendum A (2002)
  47. Georgia Tax Exemptions for Commercial Fishing Vessels, Referendum D (2002)
  48. Georgia Tax Exemptions for Personal Property, Referendum E (2002)
  49. Georgia Charitable Institutions Tax Exemptions, Referendum C (2006)
  50. Georgia Elderly Homestead Tax Exemptions, Referendum D (2006)
  51. Georgia Surviving Spouse Tax Exemptions, Referendum E (2006)
  52. Georgia Homestead Exemptions, Referendum A (1994)
  53. Georgia Tax Exemptions for Intangible Property, Amendment 13 (1943)
  54. Georgia Amendment 3, Forest Land Conservation and Timberland Properties Amendment (2018)
  55. Georgia Referendum A, Homestead Municipal Property Tax Exemption Measure (2018)
  56. Georgia Referendum B, Include Business-Financed Properties in Existing Non-Profit Mentally Disabled Housing Tax Exemption Measure (2018)
  57. Georgia Referendum A, Timber Equipment Exempt from Property Taxes Measure (2022)
  58. Georgia Referendum A, Personal Property Tax Exemption Increase Measure (2024)
  59. Georgia Amendment 1, Local Option Homestead Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2024)


  1. Hawaii Limits on Adverse Possession, Amendment 32 (1978)
  2. Hawaii Payment for Certain Damages to Private Property, Amendment 7 (1968)


  1. Idaho Property Qualification for the Division and Creation of Counties, HJR 8 (1898)
  2. Idaho Permit Sale of School Land, HJR 3 (1916)
  3. Idaho Increase Annual Sale of School Land, HJR 10 (1920)
  4. Idaho Tax Exemptions of State and Municipal Property, HJR 1 (1932)
  5. Idaho Irrigation District Voting, HJR 2 (1932)
  6. Idaho Consolidating Counties, SJR 3 (1932)
  7. Idaho Authority to Exchange Granted Lands, SJR 1 (1936)
  8. Idaho Lower Price of School Lands, SJR 3 (1942)
  9. Idaho Exemption of Federal Government Property, SJR 4 (1944)
  10. Idaho Location and Disposition of Public Lands, HJR 6 (1952)
  11. Idaho Property Valuation Initiative, INIT 1 (1978)


  1. Kansas Property Taxes, Amendment 3 (1986)
  2. Kansas Property Titles, Amendment 5 (1974)
  3. Kansas State Aid in Farm Home Purchases, Amendment 3 (1972)


  1. Kentucky Proposes a Change in Property Taxes on the Disabled, Amendment 2 (May 1981)
  2. Kentucky Agricultural Land Assessment Referendum (1969)
  3. Kentucky Senior Residence Tax Exemption Referendum (1971)
  4. Kentucky Property Tax Exemptions for Property Owners 65 Years of Age and Older Amendment (2026)


  1. Louisiana Contraband Act, Ballot Measure 12 (October 2003)
  2. Louisiana Donate Abandoned Property Amendment (October 1995)
  3. Louisiana Eminent Domain Act, Amendment 5 (September 2006)
  4. Louisiana Expropriation of Property Act, Amendment 6 (September 2006)
  5. Louisiana Property Rights Act, Ballot Measure 3 (October 2003)
  6. Louisiana Property Rights Compensation Act, Amendment 4 (September 2006)
  7. Louisiana New Orleans Property Redemption Amendment (October 1995)
  8. Louisiana New Iberia Property Tax Exemption, Amendment 6 (2012)
  9. Louisiana Business Property Tax Exemption, Amendment 8 (2012)
  10. Louisiana Redemption of Blighted Property, Amendment 10 (2014)
  11. Louisiana Sale of New Orleans Property, Amendment 13 (2014)
  12. Louisiana Taxation of Property Owned by Another State, Amendment 4 (2015)
  13. Louisiana Blighted Property, Amendment 15 (October 1998)
  14. Louisiana Payment for Acquired Property Amendment (1970)
  15. Louisiana Port of New Orleans Amendment (1970)
  16. Louisiana Sewage and Water Board Bond Amendment Five (1970)
  17. Louisiana Property Redemption Amendment (1982)
  18. Louisiana Return of Expropriated Property Amendment (October 1983)
  19. Louisiana Donation of Lands Amendment (October 1989)
  20. Louisiana Terrebonne Parish Land Amendment (October 1992)
  21. Louisiana Donation of Abandoned Housing by Local Governments, Amendment 2 (1996)
  22. Louisiana Amendment 1, No Property Tax on Properties Under Construction Measure (October 2017)
  23. Louisiana Amendment 2, Property Tax Exemption for Surviving Spouses of Emergency Responders Killed Performing Duties Measure (October 2017)
  24. Louisiana Amendment 6, Phase-In of Tax Increases from Property Reappraisal Amendment (2018)
  25. Louisiana Amendment 4, New Orleans Affordable Housing Property Tax Exemption Amendment (October 2019)
  26. Louisiana Amendment 1, Property Tax Exemption for Stored Materials Routed for Outer Continental Shelf Amendment (October 2019)
  27. Louisiana Amendment 2, Property Tax Exemptions for Certain Disabled Veterans and Spouses Measure (2022)
  28. Louisiana Amendment 3, Property Tax Exemptions for First Responders Amendment (2023)
  29. Louisiana Amendment 4, Prohibit Property Tax Exemptions for Nonprofits Owning Damaged Residential Property Amendment (October 2023)
  30. Louisiana Amendment 4, Property Tax Payments and Tax Sales Amendment (December 2024)


  1. Maine Property Tax Classification, Question No. 1 (1913)
  2. Maine Intangible Personal Property Tax, Direct Initiative Question No. 2 (1933)
  3. Maine Land Valuation for Certain Lands at Current Value, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1970)
  4. Maine Municipal Reimbursement of Property Tax Losses, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 5 (1978)
  5. Maine Mineral Value and Municipal Property Tax Reimbursement, Constitutional Amendment 8 (1983)
  6. Maine Watercraft Excise Tax, Constitutional Amendment 8 (1984)
  7. Maine Commercial Fishing Property Tax Amendment, Question 4 (2000)
  8. Maine Impose Limits on Real and Personal Property Taxes, Question 1 (2004)


  1. Maryland Protection of Debtor Property, Question 14 (1976)
  2. Maryland Land Assessment and Classification, Amendment 13 (1960)
  3. Maryland Farm Land Assessment, Amendment 14 (1960)


  1. Massachusetts Question 13, Limits on the Location of Buildings Amendment (1918)


  1. Minnesota Sale of Internal Improvement Lands, Amendment 3 (1868)
  2. Minnesota Sale of Internal Improvement Lands, Amendment 4 (1872)
  3. Minnesota Exempted Property, Amendment 2 (1888)
  4. Minnesota Compensation for Damaged Property, Amendment 4 (1896)
  5. Minnesota Investment of School Funds, Amendment 3 (1912)
  6. Minnesota Fund to Improve State School Land, Amendment 3 (1914)
  7. Minnesota Fund to Improve State School Land, Amendment 1 (1916)
  8. Minnesota Condemnation of Private Lands, Amendment 6 (1916)
  9. Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 2 (1930)
  10. Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 3 (1932)
  11. Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 5 (1934)
  12. Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 1 (1936)
  13. Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 1 (1938)
  14. Minnesota Exchange of State-Owned Lands, Amendment 1 (1984)


  1. Mississippi Last Will and Testament, Amendment 1 (1987)
  2. Mississippi State Property Lease Terms, Amendment 5 (1986)
  3. Mississippi Right to Devise Property, Amendment 4 (1992)


  1. Missouri Amendment 1, Property Rights of Religious Corporations Measure (February 1924)
  2. Missouri Amendment 13, Property Tax Option and Motor Vehicle Registration Fees Measure (February 1922)
  3. Missouri Proposition 2, Special Real Estate Tax Exemption Measure (1930)
  4. Missouri Proposition 6, Allow for Eminent Domain Initiative (1930)
  5. Missouri Amendment 2, Modify Property Rates Measure (1942)


  1. Montana Bond for Land Reclamation, I-20 (1920)
  2. Montana Tax Relief for Homesteads, I-72 (1976)
  3. Montana Abolish Property Tax, CI-27 (1986)
  4. Montana Limitation of Property Taxes, I-105 (1986)
  5. Montana Public Lands Transfer, C-23 (1992)
  6. Montana Property Tax Determination, C-28 (1994)
  7. Montana 2% Annual Increase in Property Valuation Assessment Limit Initiative (2026)


  1. Nebraska Property Rights Regulation, Amendment 2 (September 1920)
  2. Nebraska Sale of School Lands, Amendment 21 (September 1920)
  3. Nebraska Property Taxes, Amendment 26 (September 1920)
  4. Nebraska Uniform Property Values, Amendment 4 (1954)
  5. Nebraska Unpaid Property Taxes, Amendment 2 (1958)
  6. Nebraska Municipal Property for Private Enterprises, Amendment 7 (1958)
  7. Nebraska Municipal Property for Private Enterprises, Amendment 8 (1960)
  8. Nebraska Classification of Intangible Property, Amendment 4 (1964)
  9. Nebraska Unsold School Lands, Amendment 11 (1966)
  10. Nebraska Property Tax Restriction, Amendment 14 (1966)
  11. Nebraska Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 15 (1966)
  12. Nebraska Property Tax, Amendment 16 (1966)
  13. Nebraska Taxation on Personal Property, Amendment 6 (1968)
  14. Nebraska Taxation of Personal Property, Amendment 10 (1970)
  15. Nebraska Valuation of Agricultural Lands, Amendment 7 (1972)
  16. Nebraska Bonds for Property Development, Amendment 7 (1976)
  17. Nebraska Board of Equalization Assessments, Amendment 7 (1978)
  18. Nebraska Bonds for Property Development, Amendment 2 (1982)
  19. Nebraska Right of Redemption of Real Estate, Amendment 3 (1982)
  20. Nebraska Purchase of Farm Lands, Amendment 6 (1982)
  21. Nebraska Division of Confiscated Property, Amendment 1 (1984)
  22. Nebraska Redevelopment of Blighted Property, Amendment 3 (1984)
  23. Nebraska Classification of Agricultural Land, Amendment 4 (1984)
  24. Nebraska Classification of Agricultural Lands, Amendment 1 (1990)
  25. Nebraska Property Tax, Amendment 1 (May 1992)
  26. Nebraska Property Tax Levy Limits, Measure 412 (1996)
  27. Nebraska Property Tax, Amendment 2C (1998)
  28. Nebraska Property Tax Exemption, Amendment 1 (2004)
  29. Nebraska Nonprofit Property Development Bonds, Amendment 1 (2006)


  1. Nevada Rules against Perpetuities, Question 5 (2002)
  2. Nevada Question 3, Property Rights of Married Couples Amendment (1978)
  3. Nevada Question 4, Property Tax Exemption for Business Inventories Amendment (1978)
  4. Nevada Question 12, Government Taxes and Fees Initiative (1984)

New Mexico

  1. New Mexico Bond Question: Land Acquisition Bonds (1988)
  2. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 13, Land Grand Permanent Funds (1994)
  3. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 2, Property Tax (1914)
  4. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 2, Apportionment of State Land Money (1926)
  5. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 1, Consent to Exchange of State Lands (1930)
  6. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 1, Consent to Exchange of State Lands (1932)
  7. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Property Tax Exemptions (1946)
  8. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Validating Land Titles Prior to September 4, 1956 (1964)

New Jersey

  1. New Jersey Public Question No. 7 (1981)
  2. New Jersey Public Question No. 5 (1982)
  3. New Jersey Public Question 1, Property Tax Deduction for Veterans Extended to Continuing Care Retirement Communities Amendment (2019)

New York

  1. New York Compensation of Private Property, Amendment 1 (1933)
  2. New York Compensation for Private Property, Amendment 1 (1913)
  3. New York Private Property for Public Use, Amendment 4 (1911)
  4. New York Compensation of Private Property, Amendment 7 (1911)
  5. New York Taxation of Real and Personal Property, Amendment 3 (1869)
  6. New York Property Qualification for African American Men, Amendment 4 (1869)
  7. New York Repeal of Property Qualification of Public Officers, Amendment 1 (1845)

North Carolina

  1. North Carolina Amendment 1, Tax Exemptions for Homesteads Amendment (1918)
  2. North Carolina Tax Exemptions for Homesteads and Mortgages Amendment (1924)
  3. North Carolina Classification of Property for Taxes Amendment (1928)
  4. North Carolina Classification of Property for Taxes Amendment (1930)
  5. North Carolina Uniform Property Taxes Amendment (1936)
  6. North Carolina Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1936)
  7. North Carolina Homestead Deeds Amendment (1944)
  8. North Carolina Property Tax Limits Amendment (1948)
  9. North Carolina Property Tax Limitation Amendment (1952)
  10. North Carolina Property Classification for Taxes Amendment (1962)
  11. North Carolina Spousal Property Rights Amendment (January 1964)
  12. North Carolina Escheated Property for Higher Education Aid Amendment (1970)
  13. North Carolina Spousal Homestead Exemption Amendment (1977)

North Dakota

  1. North Dakota Uniform Taxation within Classification Initiative (1918)
  2. North Dakota Property Tax Initiative (1924)
  3. North Dakota Assessment of Property Referendum (1928)
  4. North Dakota Reducing Assessed Valuation Initiative (1932)
  5. North Dakota Assessment of Property Referendum (1936)
  6. North Dakota School and Public Lands Sales Referendum (1936)
  7. North Dakota Sale and Rental of School and University Lands Referendum (1936)
  8. North Dakota Classification of Taxable Property Initiative (1940)
  9. North Dakota Graduated Land Tax Initiative (1940)
  10. North Dakota Classification and Exemption of Personal Property from Taxation Referendum (1942)
  11. North Dakota Graduated Property Tax Initiative, Amendment 2 (1950)
  12. North Dakota Graduated Land Tax, Initiative 1 (1954)
  13. North Dakota Compensation Private Property Taken for Public Use, Referendum 5 (1956)
  14. North Dakota Taxation of Property Referendum, Amendment 4 (1980)
  15. North Dakota Taxable Status of Land Held for Conservation Purposes, Constitutional Measure 1 (2002)
  16. North Dakota Initiated Measure 4, Prohibit Taxes on Assessed Value of Real Property Initiative (2024)


  1. Ohio Registration and Warranties for Land Titles Amendment (September 1912)
  2. Ohio Regulations on Corporations and the Sale of Personal Property Amendment (September 1912)


  1. Pennsylvania Question 1, Real Property Tax Provisions Amendment (1984)
  2. Pennsylvania Allow Local Taxing Authorities to Exempt Full Value of Homestead Amendment (2017)
  3. Pennsylvania Question 1, Property Tax Homestead Exclusion Amendment (1997)

South Carolina

  1. South Carolina Exemption of Real and Personal Property, Amendment 2 (1980)
  2. South Carolina Amendment on Abandoned Property, Amendment 5 (1970)

South Dakota

  1. South Dakota Homesteads Exempt from Court Orders (1894)
  2. South Dakota Abolish Lease Limit on School Lands (1916)
  3. South Dakota Real Estate Security Rural Credits System (1916)
  4. South Dakota Reduce School Lands Down Payment (1918)
  5. South Dakota New Lease Options (1948)
  6. South Dakota Assessment of Agricultural Lands (1954)
  7. South Dakota Taking of Private Property (1962)
  8. South Dakota Property Classification (1964)
  9. South Dakota Reclassifying Farm Property (1966)
  10. South Dakota School Land Sales, Amendment A (1968)
  11. South Dakota School Lands, Amendment H (1970)
  12. South Dakota School and Public Lands, Amendment E (1976)
  13. South Dakota Public Land Mineral Rights, Amendment C (1978)
  14. South Dakota Property Tax Limitation, Amendment C (1988)
  15. South Dakota Disposition of Private Property, Amendment A (1990)
  16. South Dakota Limit Property Tax, Amendment E (1990)
  17. South Dakota Leased Lands Taxation, Amendment A (1994)
  18. South Dakota Property Tax Reform, Initiative 1 (1994)
  19. South Dakota Prohibit Property Taxes from Funding Schools, Amendment A (1998)
  20. South Dakota Agricultural Property Taxes, Amendment F (1998)
  21. South Dakota Property Classification, Amendment A (2000)
  22. South Dakota Property Tax Assessments, Amendment D (2006)
  23. South Dakota Trust Fund for Unclaimed Property Amendment (2026)


  1. Tennessee Prohibit State Taxation on Real Property Amendment (2026)


  1. Texas Proposition 1, Bastrop County Land Titles Amendment (2001)
  2. Texas Proposition 6, Urban Homesteads Amendment (1999)
  3. Texas Proposition 7, Sale of Eminent Domain Property Amendment (2007)
  4. Texas Proposition 16, Residential Homestead Liens Amendment (2001)
  5. Texas Proposition 12, Surviving Spouse Property Rights Amendment (1987)
  6. Texas Proposition 2, Homestead Protection Amendment (1973)
  7. Texas Proposition 8, Clearing State Land Titles Amendment (2005)
  8. Texas Proposition 9, Spousal Property Rights Amendment (1980)
  9. Texas Proposition 9, Public Beach Access Amendment (2009)
  10. Texas State Property Tax Amendment (August 1883)
  11. Texas Property Tax Limits Amendment (August 1883)
  12. Texas Proposition 1, Improvement Districts Amendment (August 1907)
  13. Texas Proposition 4, Taxes on Agricultural Lands Amendment (1926)
  14. Texas Proposition 4, Tax Exemptions for Church Properties Amendment (1928)
  15. Texas Proposition 3, Taxation of University Lands Amendment (1930)
  16. Texas Proposition 3, Tax Exemptions for Homesteads Amendment (1932)
  17. Texas Proposition 6, Sale of Foreclosed Property Amendment (1932)
  18. Texas Proposition 4, Equal Property Taxation Amendment (1934)
  19. Texas Proposition 6, Taxation of University Lands Amendment (1934)
  20. Texas Proposition 3, Property Taxes Amendment (August 1937)
  21. Texas Proposition 3, Assessment of Ranch and Farm Lands Amendment (1970)
  22. Texas Proposition 6, Homestead Value Amendment (1970)
  23. Texas Proposition 6, Tax Exemptions for Homesteads Amendment (1972)
  24. Texas Proposition 3, Homestead Tax Exemptions Amendment (1973)
  25. Texas Proposition 3, Loans Guarantees for Farm Real Estate Amendment (1979)
  26. Texas Proposition 2, School Land Patents Amendment (1981)
  27. Texas Proposition 2, Urban Homestead Value Amendment (1983)
  28. Texas Proposition 10, Assistance for Farm and Ranch Land Purchases Amendment (1985)
  29. Texas Proposition 9, Patents for School Fund Lands Amendment (1991)
  30. Texas Proposition 3, Fort Bend and Austin Counties Property Land Titles Amendment (1993)
  31. Texas Proposition 9, Redemption of Real Property Amendment (1993)
  32. Texas Proposition 4, Homestead Encumbrance Amendment (1995)
  33. Texas Proposition 2, Reverse Mortgages Amendment (1999)
  34. Texas Proposition 15, Separate Spousal Property Amendment (1999)
  35. Texas Proposition 13, Donation of School District Property Amendment (2001)
  36. Texas Proposition 17, Land Title Disputes Amendment (2001)
  37. Texas Proposition 3, Appraisal Values for Taxes Amendment (2007)
  38. Texas Proposition 2, Taxes on Homestead Value Amendment (2009)
  39. Texas Proposition 3, Property Appraisal Standards Amendment (2009)
  40. Texas Homestead Exemption for School District Property Taxes Amendment, Proposition 1 (2015)
  41. Texas Proposition 6, Property Tax Exemption for Surviving Spouses of First Responders Killed in Line of Duty Amendment (2017)
  42. Texas Proposition 1, Property Tax Exemption for Partially Disabled Veteran with Donated House Amendment (2017)
  43. Texas Proposition 9, Precious Metals in Depositories Exempt from Property Tax Amendment (2019)
  44. Texas Proposition 10, Tax Exemptions for Temporarily Held Property Amendment (2001)
  45. Texas Proposition 5, Tax Exemption for Travel Trailers Amendment (September 2003)
  46. Texas Proposition 3, Temporary Property Tax Exemption for Disaster Areas Amendment (2019)
  47. Texas Increase Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2025)


  1. Utah Marital Property Provision Repeal, Proposition 2 (1998)
  2. Utah Initiative B, Modify Forfeiture Law and Proceedings Measure (2000)
  3. Utah Proposition No. 2: Clarify Legislature's Duty to Reapportion the State, Exempt Sale of Property (1988)
  4. Utah Constitutional Amendment B, Tax Exemption for Property Leased by a Government Entity (2018)
  5. Utah Constitutional Amendment A, Active Military Property Tax Exemption Measure (2018)
  6. Utah Proposition 1, Nonprofit Hospital and Nursing Home Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1986)
  7. Utah Amendment 1, Permit Property Tax Exemption for Personal Property with Inconsequential Tax Value Measure (2006)
  8. Utah Amendment 6, Permit Property Tax Exemption for Privately Owned, Government-Used Property Measure (2002)
  9. Utah Proposition 1, Expand the Property Tax Exemption for Veterans Amendment (1996)


  1. Vermont "Quieting Ancient Settlers" Act (1785)


  1. Virginia Question 1, Property Tax Exemption for Flood Abatement Amendment (2018)
  2. Virginia Question 2, Remove Restriction on Residence for Surviving Spouse of Disabled Veteran Tax Exemption Amendment (2018)


  1. Washington SJR 9, Allow Canadians to Own Land Amendment (1950)
  2. Washington SJR 20, Repeal Ban on Noncitizens Owning Land Amendment (1966)
  3. Washington HJR 16, Allow Corporations with Noncitizen Majority Shareholders to Own Land Amendment (1954)
  4. Washington Eminent Domain for Land Reclamation and Settlement Amendment (1920)
  5. Washington Allow Noncitizen Residents to Own Land Amendment (1914)
  6. Washington SJR 4, Remove Restriction on Alien Land Ownership Amendment (1960)
  7. Washington Initiative 933, Property Damage Compensation from Government Regulation Measure (2006)
  8. Washington Referendum 48, State Land-Use Regulation Restrictions and Government Compensation for Reduced Property Value Measure (1995)
  9. Washington HJR 4223, Property Tax Exemption Increase Amendment (2006)
  10. Washington HJR 4222, Personal Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1988)
  11. Washington SJR 105, Length of State Harbor Leases Proposition Amendment (1983)
  12. Washington HJR 23, Tax Increment Financing Districts Amendment (1985)
  13. Washington SJR 132, State Control Over Federal Lands Amendment (1980)
  14. Washington SJR 1, One Percent Property Tax Limit Amendment (1972)
  15. Washington HJR 47, Formula Governing Excess Property Tax Levies Amendment (1972)
  16. Washington HJR 1, Use-Based Valuation Tax for Agricultural and Recreational Lands Amendment (1968)
  17. Washington HJR 7, Retirees Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1966)
  18. Washington Referendum 47, Property Tax Limitation Measure (1997)
  19. Washington Initiative 747, Property Tax Limitation Measure (2001)
  20. Washington Initiative 208, Joint Property Tenancy with Right of Survivorship Measure (1960)
  21. Washington Substitute HJR 4, Tax Levy Periods for Schools Amendment (1958)
  22. Washington HJR 9, Taxation of Federal Property Amendment (1946)
  23. Washington HJR 1, Forty Mills Tax Levy Limit on Property Amendment (1944)
  24. Washington Referendum 5, Tax Levy Limits Measure (1940)
  25. Washington Initiative 129, 40-Mill Property Tax Limit Measure (1938)
  26. Washington Initiative 114, Property Tax Levy Limits Measure (1936)
  27. Washington Initiative 94, Tax Levy Limits on Property Measure (1934)
  28. Washington Initiative 64, Tax Levy Limit on Property Measure (1932)
  29. Washington Amendment to Article VII Secs. 1-4, Classification of Property for Taxes Measure (1930)
  30. Washington Amendment to Article VII Secs. 1-4, Classification of Property for Taxes Measure (1928)
  31. Washington Initiative 50, Property Tax Levy Limits Measure (1924)
  32. Washington Allow Differing Tax Rates by Property Class Amendment (1908)
  33. Washington Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1900)
  34. Washington Municipal Property Tax Classification Amendment (1898)
  35. Washington Leasehold Excise Tax on Tribal Property, Advisory Vote No. 9 (2014)
  36. Washington Advisory Vote 18, State Property Tax for Schools Bill (2017)
  37. Washington Advisory Vote 29, Nonbinding Question Concerning an Excise Tax on Real Property (2019)
  38. Washington Referendum 6, Tax Levy Limits on Property Measure (1942)
  39. Washington SJR 21, Repeal Ban on Noncitizens Owning Land Amendment (1962)
  40. Washington HJR 4220, Four-Year or Six-Year Fire Protection District Tax Levies Amendment (2002)

West Virginia

  1. West Virginia Nonprofit Youth Organization Tax Exemption, Amendment 1 (2014)
  2. West Virginia Homestead and Taxation Exemption Amendment, Amendment 2 (1980)
  3. West Virginia Property Tax Limitation and Homestead Amendment of 1982, Amendment 3 (1982)
  4. West Virginia Warehouse Freeport Tax Exemption Amendment, Amendment 3 (1986)
  5. West Virginia Landowners Protection Amendment, Amendment 3 (1992)


  1. Wyoming Property Tax Amendment, Amendment 1 (1988)
  2. Wyoming Duties of State Board of Equalization, Amendment 3 (1986)
  3. Wyoming Homeowner’s Primary Residence Property Tax Exemption Initiative (2026)
  4. Wyoming Prohibit Foreign Entities and Adversaries from Owning Real Property Amendment (2026)
  5. Wyoming Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2026)

By year

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Wyoming Homeowner’s Primary Residence Property Tax Exemption Initiative (2026)
  2. Tennessee Prohibit State Taxation on Real Property Amendment (2026)
  3. Wyoming Prohibit Foreign Entities and Adversaries from Owning Real Property Amendment (2026)
  4. Wyoming Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2026)
  5. Arizona Exempt Virtual Currency from Property Taxation Amendment (2026)
  6. Montana 2% Annual Increase in Property Valuation Assessment Limit Initiative (2026)
  7. South Dakota Trust Fund for Unclaimed Property Amendment (2026)
  8. Kentucky Property Tax Exemptions for Property Owners 65 Years of Age and Older Amendment (2026)


  1. Texas Increase Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2025)


  1. Colorado Amendment G, Property Tax Exemption for Veterans with Individual Unemployability Status Amendment (2024)
  2. Arizona Proposition 312, Property Tax Refund for Non-Enforcement of Public Nuisance Laws Measure (2024)
  3. Florida Amendment 5, Annual Inflation Adjustment for Homestead Property Tax Exemption Value Amendment (2024)
  4. Georgia Referendum A, Personal Property Tax Exemption Increase Measure (2024)
  5. Georgia Amendment 1, Local Option Homestead Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2024)
  6. Louisiana Amendment 4, Property Tax Payments and Tax Sales Amendment (December 2024)
  7. North Dakota Initiated Measure 4, Prohibit Taxes on Assessed Value of Real Property Initiative (2024)


  1. Colorado Proposition HH, Property Tax Changes and Revenue Change Measure (2023)
  2. Louisiana Amendment 4, Prohibit Property Tax Exemptions for Nonprofits Owning Damaged Residential Property Amendment (October 2023)
  3. Louisiana Amendment 3, Property Tax Exemptions for First Responders Amendment (2023)


  1. Georgia Referendum A, Timber Equipment Exempt from Property Taxes Measure (2022)
  2. Louisiana Amendment 2, Property Tax Exemptions for Certain Disabled Veterans and Spouses Measure (2022)


  1. Colorado Proposition 120, Reduce Property Tax Rates and Retain $25 Million in TABOR Surplus Revenue Initiative (2021)


  1. California Proposition 15, Tax on Commercial and Industrial Properties for Education and Local Government Funding Initiative (2020)
  2. Colorado Amendment B, Gallagher Amendment Repeal and Property Tax Assessment Rates Measure (2020)


  1. Texas Proposition 9, Precious Metals in Depositories Exempt from Property Tax Amendment (2019)
  2. New Jersey Public Question 1, Property Tax Deduction for Veterans Extended to Continuing Care Retirement Communities Amendment (2019)
  3. Louisiana Amendment 4, New Orleans Affordable Housing Property Tax Exemption Amendment (October 2019)
  4. Louisiana Amendment 1, Property Tax Exemption for Stored Materials Routed for Outer Continental Shelf Amendment (October 2019)
  5. Washington Advisory Vote 29, Nonbinding Question Concerning an Excise Tax on Real Property (2019)
  6. Texas Proposition 3, Temporary Property Tax Exemption for Disaster Areas Amendment (2019)


  1. Virginia Question 1, Property Tax Exemption for Flood Abatement Amendment (2018)
  2. Georgia Amendment 3, Forest Land Conservation and Timberland Properties Amendment (2018)
  3. Virginia Question 2, Remove Restriction on Residence for Surviving Spouse of Disabled Veteran Tax Exemption Amendment (2018)
  4. Georgia Referendum A, Homestead Municipal Property Tax Exemption Measure (2018)
  5. Georgia Referendum B, Include Business-Financed Properties in Existing Non-Profit Mentally Disabled Housing Tax Exemption Measure (2018)
  6. Florida Amendment 11, Repeal Prohibition on Aliens' Property Ownership, Delete Obsolete Provision on High-Speed Rail, and Repeal of Criminal Statutes' Effect on Prosecution Amendment (2018)
  7. Louisiana Amendment 6, Phase-In of Tax Increases from Property Reappraisal Amendment (2018)
  8. Utah Constitutional Amendment B, Tax Exemption for Property Leased by a Government Entity (2018)
  9. Colorado Amendment 74, Compensation to Owners for Decreased Property Value Due to State Regulation Initiative (2018)
  10. California Proposition 72, Rainwater Capture Systems Excluded from Property Tax Assessments Amendment (June 2018)
  11. Florida Amendment 2, Permanent Cap on Nonhomestead Parcel Assessment Increases Amendment (2018)
  12. California Proposition 5, Property Tax Transfer Initiative (2018)
  13. Utah Constitutional Amendment A, Active Military Property Tax Exemption Measure (2018)


  1. Pennsylvania Allow Local Taxing Authorities to Exempt Full Value of Homestead Amendment (2017)
  2. Washington Advisory Vote 18, State Property Tax for Schools Bill (2017)
  3. Texas Proposition 6, Property Tax Exemption for Surviving Spouses of First Responders Killed in Line of Duty Amendment (2017)
  4. Louisiana Amendment 1, No Property Tax on Properties Under Construction Measure (October 2017)
  5. Texas Proposition 1, Property Tax Exemption for Partially Disabled Veteran with Donated House Amendment (2017)
  6. Louisiana Amendment 2, Property Tax Exemption for Surviving Spouses of Emergency Responders Killed Performing Duties Measure (October 2017)


  1. Florida Property Tax Exemptions for Senior Citizens, Amendment 5 (2016)
  2. Florida Tax Exemptions for Disabled First Responders, Amendment 3 (2016)


  1. Texas Homestead Exemption for School District Property Taxes Amendment, Proposition 1 (2015)
  2. Louisiana Taxation of Property Owned by Another State, Amendment 4 (2015)


  1. Louisiana Redemption of Blighted Property, Amendment 10 (2014)
  2. West Virginia Nonprofit Youth Organization Tax Exemption, Amendment 1 (2014)
  3. Louisiana Sale of New Orleans Property, Amendment 13 (2014)
  4. Washington Leasehold Excise Tax on Tribal Property, Advisory Vote No. 9 (2014)


  1. Alabama Baldwin County Stockton Landmark District Amendment, Amendment 3 (2012)
  2. Louisiana New Iberia Property Tax Exemption, Amendment 6 (2012)
  3. Louisiana Business Property Tax Exemption, Amendment 8 (2012)
  4. Florida Amendment 10, Tangible Personal Property Exemption Amendment (2012)
  5. Florida Amendment 4, Property Assessments and Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (2012)
  6. Florida Amendment 2, Injured Veterans' Homestead Property Tax Discount Amendment (2012)
  7. Arizona Proposition 117, Property Tax Increase Cap Amendment (2012)
  8. Baldwin County Annexation Amendment (2012)


  1. Georgia Industrial Property Designation, Amendment 5 (2010)
  2. Colorado Amendment R, Elimination of Property Taxes for Private Use of Government Property Amendment (2010)


  1. Texas Proposition 9, Public Beach Access Amendment (2009)
  2. Texas Proposition 2, Taxes on Homestead Value Amendment (2009)
  3. Texas Proposition 3, Property Appraisal Standards Amendment (2009)


  1. California Proposition 98, Eminent Domain and Rent Control Prohibition Amendment (June 2008)
  2. California Proposition 99, Rules Governing Eminent Domain Amendment (June 2008)
  3. Florida Amendment 1, Property Taxation and Assessment Amendment (January 2008)
  4. Florida Amendment 3, Property Value Assessment Exemptions Amendment (2008)
  5. Florida Amendment 6, Assessment of Waterfront Property Amendment (2008)
  6. Colorado Referendum M, Removal of Obsolete Land Value Increase Provision Amendment (2008)
  7. Arizona Proposition 100, Prohibition of New Property Tax Amendment (2008)
  8. Florida Amendment 4, Conservation Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2008)


  1. Texas Proposition 7, Sale of Eminent Domain Property Amendment (2007)
  2. Texas Proposition 3, Appraisal Values for Taxes Amendment (2007)


  1. California Proposition 90, Limits on Government's Power of Eminent Domain Amendment (2006)
  2. Louisiana Eminent Domain Act, Amendment 5 (September 2006)
  3. Louisiana Expropriation of Property Act, Amendment 6 (September 2006)
  4. Louisiana Property Rights Compensation Act, Amendment 4 (September 2006)
  5. Washington Initiative 933, Property Damage Compensation from Government Regulation Measure (2006)
  6. Florida Amendment 6, Increase in Low-Income Senior Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (2006)
  7. Washington HJR 4223, Property Tax Exemption Increase Amendment (2006)
  8. South Dakota Property Tax Assessments, Amendment D (2006)
  9. Nebraska Nonprofit Property Development Bonds, Amendment 1 (2006)
  10. Georgia Charitable Institutions Tax Exemptions, Referendum C (2006)
  11. Georgia Elderly Homestead Tax Exemptions, Referendum D (2006)
  12. Georgia Surviving Spouse Tax Exemptions, Referendum E (2006)
  13. Florida Amendment 8, Transfer of Property Taken Through Eminent Domain Amendment (2006)
  14. Utah Amendment 1, Permit Property Tax Exemption for Personal Property with Inconsequential Tax Value Measure (2006)


  1. Texas Proposition 8, Clearing State Land Titles Amendment (2005)


  1. Maine Impose Limits on Real and Personal Property Taxes, Question 1 (2004)
  2. Nebraska Property Tax Exemption, Amendment 1 (2004)


  1. Louisiana Property Rights Act, Ballot Measure 3 (October 2003)
  2. Louisiana Contraband Act, Ballot Measure 12 (October 2003)
  3. Colorado Amendment 32, Taxing Residential Property Initiative (2003)
  4. Texas Proposition 5, Tax Exemption for Travel Trailers Amendment (September 2003)


  1. Nevada Rules against Perpetuities, Question 5 (2002)
  2. Florida Amendment 7, Exemption for Property Value Increases for Senior Living Quarters Amendment (2002)
  3. North Dakota Taxable Status of Land Held for Conservation Purposes, Constitutional Measure 1 (2002)
  4. Georgia Tax Valuations for Residential Developments, Amendment 2 (2002)
  5. Georgia Tax Incentives for Property Redevelopment, Amendment 3 (2002)
  6. Georgia Tax Rates for Commercial Dockside Facilities, Amendment 5 (2002)
  7. Georgia Income Limit for Homestead Exemptions, Referendum A (2002)
  8. Georgia Tax Exemptions for Commercial Fishing Vessels, Referendum D (2002)
  9. Georgia Tax Exemptions for Personal Property, Referendum E (2002)
  10. Utah Amendment 6, Permit Property Tax Exemption for Privately Owned, Government-Used Property Measure (2002)
  11. Washington HJR 4220, Four-Year or Six-Year Fire Protection District Tax Levies Amendment (2002)


  1. Texas Proposition 16, Residential Homestead Liens Amendment (2001)
  2. Texas Proposition 17, Land Title Disputes Amendment (2001)
  3. Texas Proposition 1, Bastrop County Land Titles Amendment (2001)
  4. Washington Initiative 747, Property Tax Limitation Measure (2001)
  5. Texas Proposition 13, Donation of School District Property Amendment (2001)
  6. Texas Proposition 10, Tax Exemptions for Temporarily Held Property Amendment (2001)


  1. Utah Initiative B, Modify Forfeiture Law and Proceedings Measure (2000)
  2. Maine Commercial Fishing Property Tax Amendment, Question 4 (2000)
  3. South Dakota Property Classification, Amendment A (2000)
  4. Arkansas Property Tax Relief, Proposed Amendment 2 (2000)
  5. Georgia Tax Relief for Homeowners, Amendment 2 (2000)
  6. Georgia Classification of Marine Vessels, Amendment 6 (2000)
  7. Georgia Tax Exemptions for Elks Lodges, Referendum D (2000)
  8. Colorado Referendum A, Property Tax Exemption for Those Older Than 65 Amendment (2000)


  1. Texas Proposition 6, Urban Homesteads Amendment (1999)
  2. Texas Proposition 2, Reverse Mortgages Amendment (1999)
  3. Texas Proposition 15, Separate Spousal Property Amendment (1999)


  1. Utah Marital Property Provision Repeal, Proposition 2 (1998)
  2. Florida Amendment 1, Historic Property Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Amendment (1998)
  3. Florida Amendment 3, Low-Income Senior Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1998)
  4. Florida Amendment 10, Tax Exemptions for Municipal and Local Property and Communications with Local Officials Amendment (1998)
  5. South Dakota Prohibit Property Taxes from Funding Schools, Amendment A (1998)
  6. South Dakota Agricultural Property Taxes, Amendment F (1998)
  7. Nebraska Property Tax, Amendment 2C (1998)
  8. Louisiana Blighted Property, Amendment 15 (October 1998)
  9. Georgia Homestead Tax Exemptions, Referendum B (1998)


  1. Washington Referendum 47, Property Tax Limitation Measure (1997)
  2. Pennsylvania Question 1, Property Tax Homestead Exclusion Amendment (1997)


  1. Colorado Amendment 11, Property Tax Exemptions Initiative (1996)
  2. Colorado Amendment 16, Management of Land Trusts Initiative (1996)
  3. Georgia Industrial Zone Property, Amendment 5 (1996)
  4. Nebraska Property Tax Levy Limits, Measure 412 (1996)
  5. Georgia Intangible Tax Repeal, Amendment 1 (1996)
  6. Louisiana Donation of Abandoned Housing by Local Governments, Amendment 2 (1996)
  7. Arizona Proposition 101, Property Tax Exemptions for Dual-Use Purposes Amendment (1996)
  8. Utah Proposition 1, Expand the Property Tax Exemption for Veterans Amendment (1996)


  1. Louisiana Donate Abandoned Property Amendment (October 1995)
  2. Louisiana New Orleans Property Redemption Amendment (October 1995)
  3. Washington Referendum 48, State Land-Use Regulation Restrictions and Government Compensation for Reduced Property Value Measure (1995)
  4. Texas Proposition 4, Homestead Encumbrance Amendment (1995)


  1. California Proposition 180, Park Lands, Wildlife Areas, and Forests Bond Measure (June 1994)
  2. Arizona Proposition 300, Process for Government Actions on Private Property Use Referendum (1994)
  3. Arizona Proposition 101, State Lands Exchange Amendment (1994)
  4. Montana Property Tax Determination, C-28 (1994)
  5. South Dakota Leased Lands Taxation, Amendment A (1994)
  6. South Dakota Property Tax Reform, Initiative 1 (1994)
  7. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 13, Land Grand Permanent Funds (1994)
  8. Georgia Homestead Exemptions, Referendum A (1994)
  9. Alabama Calhoun County Delinquent Taxes Amendment (1994)


  1. Texas Proposition 3, Fort Bend and Austin Counties Property Land Titles Amendment (1993)
  2. Texas Proposition 9, Redemption of Real Property Amendment (1993)
  3. California Proposition 171, Replacement Property Transfer Amendment (1993)


  1. Arizona Proposition 102, State Trust Land Amendment (1992)
  2. Florida Amendment 3, Historic Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1992)
  3. Florida Amendment 10, Homestead Property Valuation Increases Initiative (1992)
  4. Montana Public Lands Transfer, C-23 (1992)
  5. Nebraska Property Tax, Amendment 1 (May 1992)
  6. Arkansas Personal Property Tax, Proposed Amendment 2 (1992)
  7. West Virginia Landowners Protection Amendment, Amendment 3 (1992)
  8. Mississippi Right to Devise Property, Amendment 4 (1992)
  9. Georgia Classification of Heavy Equipment, Amendment 7 (1992)
  10. Louisiana Terrebonne Parish Land Amendment (October 1992)


  1. Texas Proposition 9, Patents for School Fund Lands Amendment (1991)


  1. California Proposition 128, Environmental Regulation and Bond Issue Initiative (1990)
  2. California Proposition 130, Restrictions on Logging and Bonds for Forests Initiative (1990)
  3. California Proposition 149, Parks and Recreation Bond Measure (1990)
  4. California Proposition 138, Logging Rules and Bond Issue for Forest Improvements Initiative (1990)
  5. Arizona Proposition 100, State Trust Land Exchange Amendment (1990)
  6. South Dakota Disposition of Private Property, Amendment A (1990)
  7. South Dakota Limit Property Tax, Amendment E (1990)
  8. Nebraska Classification of Agricultural Lands, Amendment 1 (1990)
  9. Georgia Protection of Conservation Property, Amendment 3 (1990)
  10. Colorado Amendment No. 1, Voter Approval Requirement for State and Local Government Revenue Increases Initiative (1990)


  1. Louisiana Donation of Lands Amendment (October 1989)


  1. Florida Amendment 3, High Water Recharge Lands Classification Amendment (1988)
  2. Washington HJR 4222, Personal Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1988)
  3. South Dakota Property Tax Limitation, Amendment C (1988)
  4. Utah Proposition No. 2: Clarify Legislature's Duty to Reapportion the State, Exempt Sale of Property (1988)
  5. New Mexico Bond Question: Land Acquisition Bonds (1988)
  6. Wyoming Property Tax Amendment, Amendment 1 (1988)
  7. Georgia Tax Exemptions for Seniors, Referendum 1 (March 1988)
  8. Georgia Property Relocation, Amendment 12 (1988)
  9. Georgia Historical Property Classification, Amendment 13 (1988)
  10. California Proposition 90, Transfer of Assessed Valuation of Replacement Dwellings Amendment (1988)
  11. Colorado Amendment No. 5, Property Tax Exemption for Unpatented Mining Claims Amendment (1988)


  1. Texas Proposition 12, Surviving Spouse Property Rights Amendment (1987)
  2. Mississippi Last Will and Testament, Amendment 1 (1987)


  1. California Proposition 43, Parks and Recreation Bond Measure (June 1986)
  2. Florida Amendment 3, Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1986)
  3. Montana Abolish Property Tax, CI-27 (1986)
  4. Montana Limitation of Property Taxes, I-105 (1986)
  5. Kansas Property Taxes, Amendment 3 (1986)
  6. West Virginia Warehouse Freeport Tax Exemption Amendment, Amendment 3 (1986)
  7. Mississippi State Property Lease Terms, Amendment 5 (1986)
  8. Wyoming Duties of State Board of Equalization, Amendment 3 (1986)
  9. Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Referendum 1 (1986)
  10. California Proposition 58, Tax Assessments on Real Estate Transfers Within Families Amendment (1986)
  11. Utah Proposition 1, Nonprofit Hospital and Nursing Home Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1986)


  1. Washington HJR 23, Tax Increment Financing Districts Amendment (1985)
  2. Texas Proposition 10, Assistance for Farm and Ranch Land Purchases Amendment (1985)


  1. Florida Amendment 1, Homestead and Personal Property Exemption Amendment (1984)
  2. Maine Watercraft Excise Tax, Constitutional Amendment 8 (1984)
  3. Minnesota Exchange of State-Owned Lands, Amendment 1 (1984)
  4. Nebraska Division of Confiscated Property, Amendment 1 (1984)
  5. Nebraska Redevelopment of Blighted Property, Amendment 3 (1984)
  6. Nebraska Classification of Agricultural Land, Amendment 4 (1984)
  7. Nevada Question 12, Government Taxes and Fees Initiative (1984)
  8. Pennsylvania Question 1, Real Property Tax Provisions Amendment (1984)
  9. Georgia Ownership of Agricultural Property, Amendment 9 (1984)
  10. Georgia Property Exemptions for Nonprofit Corporations, Referendum 1 (1984)
  11. Georgia Motor Vehicle Tax Exemptions, Referendum 2 (1984)
  12. Georgia Tax Exemptions for Homes for the Mentally Handicapped, Referendum 3 (1984)


  1. Washington SJR 105, Length of State Harbor Leases Proposition Amendment (1983)
  2. Maine Mineral Value and Municipal Property Tax Reimbursement, Constitutional Amendment 8 (1983)
  3. Texas Proposition 2, Urban Homestead Value Amendment (1983)
  4. Louisiana Return of Expropriated Property Amendment (October 1983)


  1. Arizona Proposition 203, Repeal of State Claims of Public Lands Initiative (1982)
  2. Nebraska Bonds for Property Development, Amendment 2 (1982)
  3. Nebraska Right of Redemption of Real Estate, Amendment 3 (1982)
  4. Nebraska Purchase of Farm Lands, Amendment 6 (1982)
  5. New Jersey Public Question No. 5 (1982)
  6. West Virginia Property Tax Limitation and Homestead Amendment of 1982, Amendment 3 (1982)
  7. Louisiana Property Redemption Amendment (1982)
  8. Arizona Proposition 103, Urban Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1982)


  1. Kentucky Proposes a Change in Property Taxes on the Disabled, Amendment 2 (May 1981)
  2. Texas Proposition 2, School Land Patents Amendment (1981)
  3. New Jersey Public Question No. 7 (1981)


  1. Texas Proposition 9, Spousal Property Rights Amendment (1980)
  2. Florida Amendment 1, Ad Valorem Tax Relief Initiative (March 1980)
  3. Florida Amendment 4, Local Homestead and Ad Valorem Tax Exemptions Amendment (October 1980)
  4. Arkansas Property Tax Relief, Proposed Amendment 59 (1980)
  5. Washington SJR 132, State Control Over Federal Lands Amendment (1980)
  6. Colorado Amendment No. 4, Real Estate Sale Initiative (1980)
  7. Colorado Amendment No. 3, Annexation of Unincorporated Land by Municipalities Initiative (1980)
  8. North Dakota Taxation of Property Referendum, Amendment 4 (1980)
  9. West Virginia Homestead and Taxation Exemption Amendment, Amendment 2 (1980)
  10. South Carolina Exemption of Real and Personal Property, Amendment 2 (1980)
  11. Georgia Property Classification, Amendment 1 (1980)
  12. Georgia Homestead Exemptions for Seniors, Amendment 8 (1980)
  13. California Proposition 10, Rent-Control Ordinances Initiative (June 1980)
  14. California Proposition 2, Lake Tahoe Basin Property Bond Measure (1980)
  15. Arizona Proposition 100, Property Tax Exemptions for Widows and Veterans Amendment (June 1980)
  16. Arizona Proposition 101, Property Tax Exemptions for Widows Amendment (June 1980)
  17. Arizona Proposition 102, Property Tax Exemptions for Disabled Persons Amendment (June 1980)
  18. Arizona Proposition 103, Legislative Increases in Property Tax Exemptions Amendment (June 1980)
  19. Arizona Proposition 104, Increase of Debt Limit on Taxable Property Amendment (June 1980)
  20. Arizona Proposition 105, State Revenues Amendment (June 1980)
  21. Arizona Proposition 106, Property Tax Limitations Amendment (June 1980)
  22. Arizona Proposition 107, Limitations of Property Tax Increases Amendment (June 1980)
  23. Arizona Proposition 108, Expenditure Limitations Amendment (June 1980)
  24. Arizona Proposition 109, Expenditure Limitations for Schools and Colleges Amendment (June 1980)


  1. Texas Proposition 3, Loans Guarantees for Farm Real Estate Amendment (1979)


  1. Idaho Property Valuation Initiative, INIT 1 (1978)
  2. Maine Municipal Reimbursement of Property Tax Losses, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 5 (1978)
  3. South Dakota Public Land Mineral Rights, Amendment C (1978)
  4. Alaska Homesteading of Vacant State Land, Proposition 4 (1978)
  5. Nebraska Board of Equalization Assessments, Amendment 7 (1978)
  6. Nevada Question 3, Property Rights of Married Couples Amendment (1978)
  7. Nevada Question 4, Property Tax Exemption for Business Inventories Amendment (1978)
  8. Hawaii Limits on Adverse Possession, Amendment 32 (1978)
  9. Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 11 (1978)
  10. Georgia County Property Assessment, Amendment 31 (1978)
  11. California Proposition 13, Tax Limitations Initiative (June 1978)
  12. California Proposition 10, Tax Exemptions for Improvements to Residential Buildings (June 1978)


  1. North Carolina Spousal Homestead Exemption Amendment (1977)


  1. Florida Amendment 4, Community Redevelopment Amendment (1976)
  2. Maryland Protection of Debtor Property, Question 14 (1976)
  3. Montana Tax Relief for Homesteads, I-72 (1976)
  4. South Dakota School and Public Lands, Amendment E (1976)
  5. Nebraska Bonds for Property Development, Amendment 7 (1976)
  6. Arkansas Exemption from Personal Property Tax, Proposed Amendment 57 (1976)
  7. Georgia Inventory Tax Exemptions, Amendment 5 (1976)
  8. Georgia Definition of Income for Tax Exemptions, Amendment 18 (1976)
  9. Georgia Mobile Home Classification, Amendment 19 (1976)
  10. Georgia State Properties Commission, Amendment 21 (1976)
  11. Georgia Tax Exemptions for Senior Residence Homes, Amendment 22 (1976)
  12. California Proposition 11, Tax Rates for Unsecured Property Amendment (1976)


  1. Florida Amendment 3, Office of Tax Assessor Amendment (1974)
  2. Kansas Property Titles, Amendment 5 (1974)
  3. California Proposition 6, Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1974)
  4. California Proposition 4, Property Reassessment After Disaster Amendment (June 1974)


  1. Texas Proposition 2, Homestead Protection Amendment (1973)
  2. Texas Proposition 3, Homestead Tax Exemptions Amendment (1973)


  1. Colorado Amendment No. 7, Tax Levies Limits and Maximums Initiative (1972)
  2. Florida Amendment 5, Willing of Property to a Spouse Amendment (1972)
  3. Washington SJR 1, One Percent Property Tax Limit Amendment (1972)
  4. Washington HJR 47, Formula Governing Excess Property Tax Levies Amendment (1972)
  5. Texas Proposition 6, Tax Exemptions for Homesteads Amendment (1972)
  6. Nebraska Valuation of Agricultural Lands, Amendment 7 (1972)
  7. Kansas State Aid in Farm Home Purchases, Amendment 3 (1972)
  8. Georgia Independent School District Tax Exemptions, Amendment 17 (1972)
  9. Georgia County School District Tax Exemptions, Amendment 18 (1972)


  1. Kentucky Senior Residence Tax Exemption Referendum (1971)


  1. Florida Amendment 5, Sale of State Submerged Lands Amendment (1970)
  2. Arizona Proposition 101, Eminent Domain Compensation Amendment (1970)
  3. Maine Land Valuation for Certain Lands at Current Value, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1970)
  4. South Dakota School Lands, Amendment H (1970)
  5. Texas Proposition 3, Assessment of Ranch and Farm Lands Amendment (1970)
  6. Texas Proposition 6, Homestead Value Amendment (1970)
  7. Nebraska Taxation of Personal Property, Amendment 10 (1970)
  8. North Carolina Escheated Property for Higher Education Aid Amendment (1970)
  9. Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 3 (1970)
  10. Georgia Homestead Tax Exemptions, Amendment 7 (1970)
  11. Georgia Property Taxes on Inventory, Amendment 11 (1970)
  12. South Carolina Amendment on Abandoned Property, Amendment 5 (1970)
  13. Louisiana Payment for Acquired Property Amendment (1970)
  14. Louisiana Port of New Orleans Amendment (1970)
  15. Louisiana Sewage and Water Board Bond Amendment Five (1970)


  1. Kentucky Agricultural Land Assessment Referendum (1969)


  1. Washington HJR 1, Use-Based Valuation Tax for Agricultural and Recreational Lands Amendment (1968)
  2. Colorado Amendment No. 2, Taxation of Public Property Amendment (1968)
  3. South Dakota School Land Sales, Amendment A (1968)
  4. Nebraska Taxation on Personal Property, Amendment 6 (1968)
  5. Hawaii Payment for Certain Damages to Private Property, Amendment 7 (1968)
  6. Georgia Homestead Exemptions for Seniors, Amendment 11 (1968)


  1. Washington SJR 20, Repeal Ban on Noncitizens Owning Land Amendment (1966)
  2. Colorado Amendment No. 5, Taxation of Property Initiative (1966)
  3. Washington HJR 7, Retirees Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1966)
  4. South Dakota Reclassifying Farm Property (1966)
  5. Nebraska Unsold School Lands, Amendment 11 (1966)
  6. Nebraska Property Tax Restriction, Amendment 14 (1966)
  7. Nebraska Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 15 (1966)
  8. Nebraska Property Tax, Amendment 16 (1966)
  9. Georgia Payment for Taking Property, Amendment 3 (1966)
  10. California Proposition 5, Assessment of Property After Disaster Amendment (1966)
  11. California Proposition 3, Open Space Lands Amendment (1966)


  1. Florida Amendment 13, Property Tax Exemption in Sarasota County Amendment (1964)
  2. South Dakota Property Classification (1964)
  3. Nebraska Classification of Intangible Property, Amendment 4 (1964)
  4. North Carolina Spousal Property Rights Amendment (January 1964)
  5. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Validating Land Titles Prior to September 4, 1956 (1964)
  6. Georgia Personal Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 14 (1964)
  7. California Proposition 12, Property Tax Relief Because of Disaster Amendment (1964)
  8. California Proposition 14, Right to Decline Selling or Renting Residential Properties to Persons Initiative (1964)


  1. Arizona Proposition 200, Property Appraisal and Taxation Initiative (1962)
  2. South Dakota Taking of Private Property (1962)
  3. North Carolina Property Classification for Taxes Amendment (1962)
  4. California Proposition 4, Agricultural Land Tax Assessment Amendment (1962)
  5. California Proposition 10, Property Tax Exemption for Religious, Hospital, and Charitable Purposes Amendment (1962)
  6. California Proposition 11, Tax Assessment of Historical Structures Amendment (1962)
  7. California Proposition 13, Non-Profit College Grounds Tax Exemption Amendment (1962)
  8. Washington SJR 21, Repeal Ban on Noncitizens Owning Land Amendment (1962)


  1. Washington SJR 4, Remove Restriction on Alien Land Ownership Amendment (1960)
  2. Washington Initiative 208, Joint Property Tenancy with Right of Survivorship Measure (1960)
  3. Maryland Land Assessment and Classification, Amendment 13 (1960)
  4. Maryland Farm Land Assessment, Amendment 14 (1960)
  5. Nebraska Municipal Property for Private Enterprises, Amendment 8 (1960)
  6. Georgia Payment for Taking Property, Amendment 9 (1960)


  1. Washington Substitute HJR 4, Tax Levy Periods for Schools Amendment (1958)
  2. Nebraska Unpaid Property Taxes, Amendment 2 (1958)
  3. Nebraska Municipal Property for Private Enterprises, Amendment 7 (1958)
  4. Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 16 (1958)


  1. Colorado Amendment No. 2, Household Furnishings and Personal Effects Tax Exemption Amendment (1956)
  2. North Dakota Compensation Private Property Taken for Public Use, Referendum 5 (1956)
  3. California Proposition 6, Property Tax Exemption for Church Parking Lots Amendment (1956)


  1. Washington HJR 16, Allow Corporations with Noncitizen Majority Shareholders to Own Land Amendment (1954)
  2. California Proposition 7, Changes to the Land Time Law Measure (1954)
  3. California Proposition 18, Property Ownership Rights for Foreigners Amendment (1954)
  4. North Dakota Graduated Land Tax, Initiative 1 (1954)
  5. South Dakota Assessment of Agricultural Lands (1954)
  6. Nebraska Uniform Property Values, Amendment 4 (1954)
  7. Arkansas Property Assessment Equalization, Proposed Amendment 43 (1954)
  8. Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 3 (1954)
  9. California Proposition 9, Construction of Church Buildings Tax Exemption Amendment (1954)
  10. California Proposition 5, Freight and Passenger Ship Tax Exemption Amendment (1954)
  11. California Proposition 14, Tax Exemption for College Buildings Under Construction Amendment (1954)
  12. California Proposition 15, Non-Profit Property Under Construction Amendment (1954)
  13. California Proposition 16, Acquisition of Property and Water Law Amendment (1954)


  1. Colorado Property Tax Exemptions, Measure 3 (1952)
  2. Idaho Location and Disposition of Public Lands, HJR 6 (1952)
  3. North Carolina Property Tax Limitation Amendment (1952)
  4. Georgia Property Taxes, Amendment 3 (1952)
  5. Georgia Property Tax Exemptions, Amendment 7 (1952)
  6. Georgia Property Assessment, Amendment 20 (1952)
  7. California Proposition 9, College Taxation Exemption Amendment (1952)
  8. California Proposition 23, Property Tax Assessment Amendment (1952)


  1. Washington SJR 9, Allow Canadians to Own Land Amendment (1950)
  2. North Dakota Graduated Property Tax Initiative, Amendment 2 (1950)
  3. Arizona Measure Nos. 108-109, State Land Leasing for Oil and Gas Exploration and Exploitation Amendment (September 1950)
  4. California Proposition 1, Prohibition of Personal Property Tax Initiative (1950)
  5. California Proposition 11, Withdrawal of Land Measure (1950)


  1. South Dakota New Lease Options (1948)
  2. North Carolina Property Tax Limits Amendment (1948)


  1. Washington HJR 9, Taxation of Federal Property Amendment (1946)
  2. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Property Tax Exemptions (1946)


  1. Washington HJR 1, Forty Mills Tax Levy Limit on Property Amendment (1944)
  2. Colorado Aliens Eligible for Citizenship to Acquire Property, Measure 2 (1944)
  3. Idaho Exemption of Federal Government Property, SJR 4 (1944)
  4. North Carolina Homestead Deeds Amendment (1944)
  5. California Proposition 1, Removal of Federal Property Tax Exemption Amendment (May 1944)


  1. Georgia Tax Exemptions for Intangible Property, Amendment 13 (1943)


  1. Florida Amendment 9, Corporate Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1942)
  2. North Dakota Classification and Exemption of Personal Property from Taxation Referendum (1942)
  3. Missouri Amendment 2, Modify Property Rates Measure (1942)
  4. Idaho Lower Price of School Lands, SJR 3 (1942)
  5. Washington Referendum 6, Tax Levy Limits on Property Measure (1942)


  1. Florida State Ad Valorem Property Taxes Amendment (1940)
  2. Washington Referendum 5, Tax Levy Limits Measure (1940)
  3. Colorado Tax on Intangible Property, Measure 1 (1940)
  4. North Dakota Classification of Taxable Property Initiative (1940)
  5. North Dakota Graduated Land Tax Initiative (1940)
  6. Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Rules Governing the Sale or Leasing of State Lands Amendment (1940)
  7. Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, Property Tax Limitations Amendment (1940)
  8. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Homestead Exemption Amendment (1940)


  1. Florida Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1938)
  2. Washington Initiative 129, 40-Mill Property Tax Limit Measure (1938)
  3. Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 1 (1938)
  4. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Homestead Exemption Amendment (1938)


  1. Texas Proposition 3, Property Taxes Amendment (August 1937)


  1. Washington Initiative 114, Property Tax Levy Limits Measure (1936)
  2. Colorado Property Tax Exemptions for Churches, Schools and Cemeteries, Measure 9 (1936)
  3. North Dakota Assessment of Property Referendum (1936)
  4. North Dakota School and Public Lands Sales Referendum (1936)
  5. North Dakota Sale and Rental of School and University Lands Referendum (1936)
  6. Idaho Authority to Exchange Granted Lands, SJR 1 (1936)
  7. Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 1 (1936)
  8. North Carolina Uniform Property Taxes Amendment (1936)
  9. North Carolina Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1936)
  10. Georgia Property Tax, Amendment 1 (1936)
  11. California Proposition 6, Completion of the Boulder Dam Celebration Amendment (1936)
  12. California Proposition 17, Tax Rate Amendment (1936)


  1. Florida Amendment 2, Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment (1934)
  2. Washington Initiative 94, Tax Levy Limits on Property Measure (1934)
  3. Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 5 (1934)
  4. Texas Proposition 4, Equal Property Taxation Amendment (1934)
  5. Texas Proposition 6, Taxation of University Lands Amendment (1934)


  1. Maine Intangible Personal Property Tax, Direct Initiative Question No. 2 (1933)
  2. New York Compensation of Private Property, Amendment 1 (1933)
  3. California Proposition 5, Property Reassessment Amendment (June 1933)
  4. Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, Judgement of Foreclosure Referendum (1933)


  1. Washington Initiative 64, Tax Levy Limit on Property Measure (1932)
  2. North Dakota Reducing Assessed Valuation Initiative (1932)
  3. Idaho Tax Exemptions of State and Municipal Property, HJR 1 (1932)
  4. Idaho Irrigation District Voting, HJR 2 (1932)
  5. Idaho Consolidating Counties, SJR 3 (1932)
  6. Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 3 (1932)
  7. Texas Proposition 3, Tax Exemptions for Homesteads Amendment (1932)
  8. Texas Proposition 6, Sale of Foreclosed Property Amendment (1932)
  9. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 1, Consent to Exchange of State Lands (1932)
  10. Georgia Property Tax Classification, Amendment 4 (1932)
  11. Arizona Measure Nos. 110-111, Economic and Fiscal Survey Amendment (1932)
  12. California Proposition 11, Huntington Beach Tide and Submerged Lands Initiative (1932)


  1. Washington Amendment to Article VII Secs. 1-4, Classification of Property for Taxes Measure (1930)
  2. Missouri Proposition 2, Special Real Estate Tax Exemption Measure (1930)
  3. Missouri Proposition 6, Allow for Eminent Domain Initiative (1930)
  4. Minnesota Exchange State Public Lands, Amendment 2 (1930)
  5. Texas Proposition 3, Taxation of University Lands Amendment (1930)
  6. North Carolina Classification of Property for Taxes Amendment (1930)
  7. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 1, Consent to Exchange of State Lands (1930)
  8. California Proposition 6, Toll Bridge Tax Collection Amendment (1930)


  1. Washington Amendment to Article VII Secs. 1-4, Classification of Property for Taxes Measure (1928)
  2. North Dakota Assessment of Property Referendum (1928)
  3. Texas Proposition 4, Tax Exemptions for Church Properties Amendment (1928)
  4. North Carolina Classification of Property for Taxes Amendment (1928)
  5. California Proposition 9, State Right of Way Amendment (1928)
  6. Arizona Measure Nos. 308-309, State Board of Equalization Initiative (1928)


  1. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Repeal Tax Exemption for Property within Indian Reservations Amendment (May 1927)


  1. Florida Use of Property by Foreigners Amendment (1926)
  2. Texas Proposition 4, Taxes on Agricultural Lands Amendment (1926)
  3. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 2, Apportionment of State Land Money (1926)
  4. California Proposition 25, Burial Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1926)


  1. Washington Initiative 50, Property Tax Levy Limits Measure (1924)
  2. North Dakota Property Tax Initiative (1924)
  3. Missouri Amendment 1, Property Rights of Religious Corporations Measure (February 1924)
  4. Missouri Amendment 13, Property Tax Option and Motor Vehicle Registration Fees Measure (February 1922)
  5. North Carolina Tax Exemptions for Homesteads and Mortgages Amendment (1924)
  6. California Proposition 6, Personal Property Tax Rate Amendment (1924)
  7. California Proposition 15, Aviation Field Tax Exemption Amendment (1924)


  1. California Proposition 29, Taxation and Franchises Initiative (1922)
  2. Colorado Property Rights for Non-Citizens, Measure 10 (1922)
  3. Arkansas Personal Property Tax Amendment (1922)
  4. California Proposition 4, Land Settlement Act Bond Measure (1922)
  5. California Proposition 30, Railroad Franchises Initiative (1922)
  6. California Proposition 7, Veteran Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1922)
  7. California Proposition 14, Property Tax Substitution Amendment (1922)


  1. Washington Eminent Domain for Land Reclamation and Settlement Amendment (1920)
  2. Idaho Increase Annual Sale of School Land, HJR 10 (1920)
  3. Montana Bond for Land Reclamation, I-20 (1920)
  4. Nebraska Property Rights Regulation, Amendment 2 (September 1920)
  5. Nebraska Sale of School Lands, Amendment 21 (September 1920)
  6. Nebraska Property Taxes, Amendment 26 (September 1920)
  7. California Proposition 20, Taxation Valuation Initiative (1920)
  8. California Proposition 1, Alien Property Initiative (1920)
  9. California Proposition 13, Willing of Community Property Referendum (1920)


  1. North Dakota Uniform Taxation within Classification Initiative (1918)
  2. South Dakota Reduce School Lands Down Payment (1918)
  3. North Carolina Amendment 1, Tax Exemptions for Homesteads Amendment (1918)
  4. California Proposition 19, Land Value Taxation Initiative (1918)
  5. California Proposition 25, Eminent Domain Property Amendment (1918)
  6. Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, Limitations on Agricultural Land Sales Initiative (1918)
  7. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Public Land Sale and Leasing Amendment (1918)
  8. Arizona Measure Nos. 310-311, Lease of State Lands Initiative (1918)
  9. Arizona Measure Nos. 304-305, Misdemeanor for Property Utilized for Prostitution or Lewdness Referendum (1918)
  10. California Proposition 13, Property Compensation Amendment (1918)
  11. Massachusetts Question 13, Limits on the Location of Buildings Amendment (1918)


  1. Idaho Permit Sale of School Land, HJR 3 (1916)
  2. Minnesota Fund to Improve State School Land, Amendment 1 (1916)
  3. Minnesota Condemnation of Private Lands, Amendment 6 (1916)
  4. South Dakota Abolish Lease Limit on School Lands (1916)
  5. South Dakota Real Estate Security Rural Credits System (1916)
  6. California Proposition 5, Land Taxation Initiative (1916)


  1. California Proposition 10, Religious Buildings Tax Exemptions Amendment (October 1915)


  1. Washington Allow Noncitizen Residents to Own Land Amendment (1914)
  2. Minnesota Fund to Improve State School Land, Amendment 3 (1914)
  3. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 2, Property Tax (1914)
  4. California Proposition 22, Land Title Initiative (1914)
  5. California Proposition 31, Public Utilities Property Valuation Amendment (1914)
  6. California Proposition 34, Public Property Taxation Amendment (1914)
  7. California Proposition 4, Places of Nuisance Referendum (1914)
  8. Arizona Measure Nos. 320-321, Self-Assessment Property Tax and State Acquisition Initiative (1914)
  9. Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, State Reclamation Service Amendment (1914)
  10. California Proposition 16, Taking of Neighboring Property Amendment (1914)


  1. Maine Property Tax Classification, Question No. 1 (1913)
  2. New York Compensation for Private Property, Amendment 1 (1913)


  1. Ohio Registration and Warranties for Land Titles Amendment (September 1912)
  2. Minnesota Investment of School Funds, Amendment 3 (1912)
  3. Ohio Regulations on Corporations and the Sale of Personal Property Amendment (September 1912)


  1. New York Private Property for Public Use, Amendment 4 (1911)
  2. New York Compensation of Private Property, Amendment 7 (1911)
  3. California Proposition 5, Railroad Eminent Domain Amendment (October 1911)
  4. California Proposition 22, Veterans Property Tax Exemption Amendment (October 1911)


  1. California Amendment 11, Mortgage Assessments Measure (1910)


  1. Washington Allow Differing Tax Rates by Property Class Amendment (1908)
  2. California Mortgage Assessments, Amendment 26 (1908)


  1. Texas Proposition 1, Improvement Districts Amendment (August 1907)


  1. Washington Property Tax Exemption Amendment (1900)

Before 1900

  1. New York Repeal of Property Qualification of Public Officers, Amendment 1 (1845)
  2. Minnesota Sale of Internal Improvement Lands, Amendment 3 (1868)
  3. New York Taxation of Real and Personal Property, Amendment 3 (1869)
  4. New York Property Qualification for African American Men, Amendment 4 (1869)
  5. Minnesota Sale of Internal Improvement Lands, Amendment 4 (1872)
  6. Texas State Property Tax Amendment (August 1883)
  7. Texas Property Tax Limits Amendment (August 1883)
  8. California Property Taxes, Amendment 1 (1886)
  9. Minnesota Exempted Property, Amendment 2 (1888)
  10. South Dakota Homesteads Exempt from Court Orders (1894)
  11. Minnesota Compensation for Damaged Property, Amendment 4 (1896)
  12. California Taxation on Mortgages, Amendment 1 (1896)
  13. Washington Municipal Property Tax Classification Amendment (1898)
  14. Idaho Property Qualification for the Division and Creation of Counties, HJR 8 (1898)

Before 1800

  1. Vermont "Quieting Ancient Settlers" Act (1785)
  2. "Quieting Ancient Settlers" and the Betterment Acts (1785)

Did not make ballot

Did not make ballot

  1. California Eminent Domain Protection Act (2008)
  2. Missouri Eminent Domain Initiative Amendment to Article VI (2008)
  3. California Property Ownership Initiative (2008)
  4. Colorado Non-Residential Property Valuation (2008)
  5. Florida Growth Management Initiative (2008)
  6. Missouri Eminent Domain Initiative Amendment to Article I (2008)
  7. South Dakota Protect Private Property Referendum (2008)
  8. Florida Smarter Growth Land Use Initiative (2010)
  9. California Elimination of Religion-Based Property Tax Exemptions (2014)
  10. Florida Referendum for Land Use (2008)
  11. North Dakota Property Tax Reform Initiative (2014)
  12. Idaho Sale of Public University Lands Amendment (2014)
  13. Idaho Disposition of Public Lands Amendment (2014)
  14. Alabama Homestead Exemptions Amendment, HB 608 (2014)
  15. Florida Municipal Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2014)
  16. Oregon Genome Ownership and Open Source Data Amendment (2014)
  17. Colorado Foreclosure Due Process Amendment (2014)
  18. New Jersey Tax Exemption for Disabled Use and Access of Homes Amendment (2014)
  19. New Jersey Homestead Rebate Amounts for Veterans Amendment (2014)
  20. New Jersey Homestead Real Property Limited Assessment Amendment, ACR 88 (2014)
  21. New Jersey Limited Constitutional Convention on Property Taxes and Government Spending Amendment (2014)
  22. New Jersey Restrict Non-blighted Property Condemnation Amendment (2014)
  23. North Dakota Property Tax Abolishment Initiative (2014)
  24. Texas Tax Exemption for Property Leased to Schools Amendment (2015)
  25. Texas Tax Exemption for Hiring Veterans Amendment (2015)
  26. Texas Political Subdivision Property Tax Exemptions Amendment (2015)
  27. Texas Partition of Spousal Community Property Amendment (2015)
  28. Texas Homestead Exemption Limitation Amendment (2015)
  29. Texas Maximum Appraised Value of Homestead Amendment (2015)
  30. Texas Homestead Exemption from Taxation for Public Schools Amendment (2015)
  31. Texas Limit Maximum Appraised Value of Homestead Amendment (2015)
  32. Louisiana Adjusted Homestead Exemption Amendment (2015)
  33. Louisiana Income Limitation on Special Assessment Homestead Exemption Amendment (2015)
  34. Washington Maximum Regular Property Tax Levies Measure, Initiative 1368 (2015)
  35. Washington Repeal Real Estate Excise Taxes Measure, Initiative 1369 (2015)
  36. Oregon Estate Tax Ban Amendment (2016)
  37. California Homeowners and Renters Tax Relief Initiative (2016)
  38. North Carolina State Government Buildings Bond (2015)
  39. Washington Property Tax Decrease Initiative (2017)
  40. Texas Appraisal of Open-Space Land with Oil and Gas Production Amendment, SJR 51 (2017)
  41. West Virginia Use of County Property Tax Revenue to Fund Infrastructure Projects Amendment (2018)
  42. Washington Voter Approval for Property Tax Increases Initiative (2017)
  43. Texas Property Tax Exemption for Precious Metals in Bullion Depository Amendment, HJR 113 (2017)
  44. Texas Property Tax Exemption for Purple Heart Recipients Amendment, HJR 67 (2017)
  45. Louisiana Allow Local Governments to Exempt Offshore Vessels From Property Taxation Amendment (2018)
  46. Texas Property Tax Lien on Properties Sold Amendment, SJR 55 (2017)
  47. Nevada Depreciation Formula Reset and Senior and Disabled Persons Tax Rebates Amendment (2020)
  48. Massachusetts Vacant Land Parcels for Sale Initiative (2018)
  49. Florida Restrictions on Naming of Government Programs and Property Amendment (2018)
  50. Arizona Property Tax Exemption for Agricultural, Trade, and Business Uses Amendment (2018)
  51. Hawaii Surcharge on Investment Properties to Fund Public Education Amendment (2018)
  52. South Dakota Ability to Buy, Sell, or Rent Any Property or Service Initiative (2020)
  53. New Mexico Surviving Spouse of First Responder Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2020)
  54. Louisiana Payments in Lieu of Property Taxes Option Amendment (October 2019)
  55. Texas Property Tax Exemption for Surviving Spouse of Military Member Amendment (2019)
  56. Louisiana Cooperative Endeavor Agreement Fee Payments Amendment (2017)
  57. Texas Tax Exemption for Property Housing People with Developmental Disabilities Amendment, HJR 52 (2017)
  58. Texas Property Tax Freeze for Surviving Spouse of Disabled Person Amendment (2019)
  59. Louisiana Unclaimed Property Trust Fund Amendment (October 2019)
  60. Oregon Compensation for Loss of Property Value Due to State Regulation Initiative (2020)
  61. Missouri Prohibit Taxes on Personal Property Initiative (2020)
  62. California Property Tax Transfers and Exemptions Initiative (2020)
  63. Oregon No Property Tax for People 60 Years of Age and Older Initiative (2020)
  64. Oregon Reduce Property Tax for People 65 Years of Age and Older Initiative (2020)
  65. Oregon Property Tax Exemption for People 65 Years of Age and Older Initiative (2020)
  66. Louisiana Property Tax Exemptions for Certain Capital Investment Projects Amendment (2022)
  67. Florida Forced Sale of Private Property Initiative (2022)
  68. Georgia Agricultural Aircraft Exempt from Property Taxes Measure (2022)
  69. Oklahoma Remove Income Limit from Senior Property Valuation Freeze Amendment (2022)
  70. California Residential Property Tax Exemption and Surcharge and Housing Development Reviews Initiative (2022)
  71. Washington Property Tax Rate Limits Initiative (2023)
  72. Arizona Business and Agriculture Personal Property Tax Exemption Amendment (2020)
  73. Arizona Constitutional Property Tax Exemptions Amendment (2020)
  74. Arizona Definition of Nontaxable Income Sources for Senior Property Valuation Freeze Amendment (2018)
  75. Arizona Property Tax Exemption for Disabled Veterans Amendment (2022)
  76. Arizona Residential Property Tax Elimination for Seniors Initiative (2020)
  77. California Property Tax Transfer Initiative (2020)
  78. California Property Tax Transfer for Persons with Severely Disabled Children Amendment (2018)
  79. California Property Tax Transfers Initiative (2020)
  80. Colorado Property Tax Rate Reduction Initiative (2022)
  81. Missouri Real Estate Property Value Amendment (2024)
  82. Colorado Property Tax Rate Reduction Initiative (2023)
  83. Colorado Allow State to Retain and Spend Revenue to Offset Property Tax Revenue Reduction Initiative (2023)
  84. Colorado Property Tax Increase Limit Initiative (2024)
  85. California Changes to Tax Assessment on Inherited Homes Initiative (2024)
  86. Florida Tax Exemption Increase on Personal Tangible Property Amendment (2024)
  87. Florida Establish Tax Exemption on Personal Tangible Property on Agricultural Property Amendment (2024)
  88. Wyoming Prohibit Foreign Entities and Adversaries from Owning Real Property Amendment (2024)
  89. Georgia Expand Disabled Veteran Homestead Exemption to Spouses and Minor Children Measure (2024)
  90. Georgia Waiver for Delinquent Local Property Taxes Amendment (2024)
  91. Georgia Volunteer Program for Senior Tax Credit Amendment (2024)
  92. Georgia Statewide Homestead Property Tax Exemption Increase Measure (2024)
  93. Oklahoma Double Income Limit for Property Tax Benefit Amendment (2024)
  94. Arizona Property Tax Exemptions for Virtual Currency Amendment (2024)
  95. Arizona Prevent Zoning Change Unless Initiated by Property Owner Initiative (2024)
  96. Arizona Patented Mining Claims on Property Initiative (2024)
  97. Washington Property Tax Levy Initiative (2024)
  98. Washington Removal of Persons from Property Initiative (2024)
  99. Oregon Property Tax Freeze for Seniors Amendment (2024)
  100. Kentucky No Property Tax Increase for Homeowners 65 Years or Older Amendment (2024)
  101. Missouri Property Assessment Amendment (2024)
  102. Colorado Property Tax Valuation Reduction Initiative (2024)
  103. Colorado Property Tax Revenue Cap Initiative (2024)
  104. Washington Property Tax Levy Initiative (2025)
Voting on Property
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Ballot Measures
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By year
Not on ballot

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Measures by topic
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Measures by state

See also