Maine Family Division

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The Maine Family Division is a division of the Maine District Courts.

According to its website, the goals of the Family Division are:

  • To promote a timely resolution of family cases.
  • To address promptly the establishment, modification and enforcement of child support orders and other orders in family proceedings.
  • To provide effective case management for family cases involving children.
  • To facilitate parenting arrangements in the best interest of children at an early stage in the proceedings.
  • To promote education for the parties about parenting issues and to inform litigants about community services available to help them address family problems.
  • To provide court users with a better understanding of court processes.
  • To identify domestic relations cases in which there is domestic abuse or a power imbalance in order to protect children and adults and to ensure a fair resolution of the case.
  • To promote civility in divorce and other family law proceedings.
  • To minimize the harm to children caused by family law cases.
  • To make appropriate referrals to alternative dispute resolution services.

Court magistrates


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