Kings County, California ballot measures

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Kings County
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Kings County is one of 58 California counties. The Office of the Kings County Registrar of Voters is responsible for the conduct of elections in the county, including elections on local ballot measures for all municipalities and school districts.


November 5

See also: California 2024 local ballot measures

Armona Union Elementary School District, California, Measure A, Improving School Facilities Bond Measure (November 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported authorizing the Armona Union Elementary School District to issue $9,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund improving school facilities and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $29 per $100,000 in assessed value.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing the Armona Union Elementary School District to issue $9,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund improving school facilities and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $29 per $100,000 in assessed value.

Avenal, California, Measure B, Vacancy Tax, Transient Occupancy Tax, Business License Tax Measure (November 2024):  ✖

A "yes" vote supported authorizing a vacancy tax starting at $250 per linear foot of frontage and a maximum rate of $1,000 per linear foot of frontage, a transient occupancy tax at 15%, and a business license tax at a rate of 0.475%.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing a vacancy tax starting at $250 per linear foot of frontage and a maximum rate of $1,000 per linear foot of frontage, a transient occupancy tax at 15%, and a business license tax at a rate of 0.475%.

Hanford, California, Measure H, Public Services Sales Tax Measure (November 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported authorizing an additional sales tax of 1% with revenue dedicated to public services.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing an additional sales tax of 1% with revenue dedicated to public services.

Kingsburg Joint Union High School District, California, Measure K, School Improvements Bond Measure (November 2024):

A “yes” vote supported authorizing the Kingsburg Joint Union High School District to issue $20,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school improvements and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $23.48 per $100,000 in assessed value.

A “no” vote opposed authorizing the Kingsburg Joint Union High School District to issue $20,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school improvements and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $23.48 per $100,000 in assessed value.

Laton Joint Unified School District, California, Measure L, School Improvements Bond Measure (November 2024):

A “yes” vote supported authorizing the Laton Joint Unified School District to issue $9,700,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school improvements and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $57 per $100,000 in assessed value.

A “no” vote opposed authorizing the Laton Joint Unified School District to issue $9,700,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school improvements and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $57 per $100,000 in assessed value.

Lemoore, California, Measure S, Public Services Sales Tax Measure (November 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported authorizing an additional sales tax of 1% with revenue dedicated to public services.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing an additional sales tax of 1% with revenue dedicated to public services.

State Center Community College District, California, Measure Q, School Improvements Bond Measure (November 2024):  ✖

A “yes” vote supported authorizing the State Center Community College District to issue $698,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school improvements and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $20 per $100,000 in assessed value.

A “no” vote opposed authorizing the State Center Community College District to issue $698,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school improvements and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $20 per $100,000 in assessed value.

Tulare Joint Union High School District, California, Measure E, School Infrastructure Improvement Bond Measure (November 2024):

A "yes" vote supported authorizing the Tulare Joint Union High School District to issue $80,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school infrastructure improvements and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $29 per $100,000 in assessed value.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing the Tulare Joint Union High School District to issue $80,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school infrastructure improvements and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $29 per $100,000 in assessed value.


November 8

See also: California 2022 local ballot measures

Avenal, California, Measure A, Sales Tax Measure (November 2022):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported authorizing an additional sales tax of 1% indefinitely, thereby raising the total combined sales tax rate in Avenal from 7.25% to 8.25%.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing an additional sales tax of 1% indefinitely, thereby raising the total combined sales tax rate in Avenal from 7.25% to 8.25%.

Avenal, California, Measure C, Marijuana Business Tax (November 2022):  ✔

 A "yes" vote supported authorizing the city to tax marijuana retailers at a rate of $25 per square foot (annually adjusted by inflation) or 15% of gross receipts (whichever is more).

 A "no" vote opposed authorizing the city to tax marijuana retailers at a rate of $25 per square foot (annually adjusted by inflation) or 15% of gross receipts (whichever is more).

Kings River-Hardwick Elementary School District, California, Measure K, Facilities Bond Measure (November 2022):  ✖

A "yes" vote supported authorizing the Kings River-Hardwick Elementary School District to issue $4 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund educational facilities and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $30 per $100,000 in assessed value.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing the Kings River-Hardwick Elementary School District to issue $4 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund educational facilities and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $30 per $100,000 in assessed value.

West Hills Community College District SFID No. 3, California, Measure J, Facilities Bond Measure (November 2022):  ✖

A "yes" vote supported authorizing the West Hills Community College District to issue $8.6 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund new classrooms and labs and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $9.35 per $100,000 in assessed value.  

A "no" vote opposed authorizing the West Hills Community College District to issue $8.6 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund new classrooms and labs and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $9.35 per $100,000 in assessed value.  


November 3

See also: November 3, 2020 ballot measures in California

Lemoore, California, Measure K, Law Enforcement and Fire Services Sales Tax (November 2020):  ✖

A “yes” vote supported authorizing an additional sales tax of 1% for seven years generating an estimated $1.8 million per year for law enforcement and fire services, thereby increasing the total sales tax rate in Lemoore from 7.25% to 8.25%.

A “no” vote opposed authorizing for seven years an additional sales tax of 1% generating an estimated $1.8 million per year for law enforcement and fire services, thereby leaving the existing total sales tax rate in Lemoore at 7.25%.

Riverdale Joint Unified School District, California, Measure J, Bond Issue (November 2020):  ✔

A “yes” vote supported authorizing the Riverdale Joint Unified School District to issue up to $25.9 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund renovations of classrooms, athletic facilities, and schools, construction of permanent classrooms, and replacement of roofs, fire alarms, and heating/air conditioning systems and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $60 per $100,000 in assessed value.

A “no” vote opposed authorizing the Riverdale Joint Unified School District to issue up to $25.9 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund renovations of classrooms, athletic facilities, and schools, construction of permanent classrooms, and replacement of roofs, fire alarms, and heating/air conditioning systems and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $60 per $100,000 in assessed value.

March 3

See also: March 3, 2020 ballot measures in California


June 6

See also: June 6, 2017 ballot measures in California

Measure A: Corcoran Sales Tax Approveda


November 8

See also: November 8, 2016 ballot measures in California

Measure B: Kingsburg Tri-County Healthcare District Sale and Transfer of Assets Defeatedd
Measure K: Kings County Sales Tax for Public Safety Services Defeatedd
Measure L: Lemoore Union High School District Bond Issue Approveda
Measure S: Reef-Sunset Unified School District Bond Issue Approveda
Measure T: Corcoran Hospital District Assets Sale Approveda
Measure U: Hanford Elementary School District Bond Issue Approveda
Measure V: Armona Elementary School District Bond Issue Approveda
Measure W: Hanford High School District Bond Issue Approveda
Measure Y: Pioneer Union Elementary School District Bond Issue Approveda

June 7

See also: June 7, 2016 ballot measures in California

Measure P: Pioneer Union School District Bond Issue Defeatedd
Measure K: Kings County Public Safety Sales Tax Defeatedd


November 4

See also: November 4, 2014 ballot measures in California

Defeatedd Measure S: City of Hanford Sales Tax
Approveda Measure T: West Hills Community College District Bond Issue (also in parts of Monterey County, Fresno County and San Benito County)

June 3

See also: June 3, 2014 ballot measures in California

Approveda Measure K: Kingsburg Joint Union High School District Bond Issue (also in Tulare County and Fresno County)


November 6

See also: November 6, 2012 ballot measures in California

Approveda Measure L: West Hills Community College District bond proposition (also on ballot in parts of Fresno County)

June 5

See also: June 5, 2012 ballot measures in California

Approveda Measure A: Reef-Sunset Unified School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure V: Corcoran Joint Unified School District bond proposition (also on ballot in Tulare County)


November 2

See also: November 2, 2010 election in California

Approveda Measure K: Kingsburg Hospital District Sale of Assets (also on ballot in Fresno County and Tulare County)

June 8

See also: June 8, 2010 election in California

Defeatedd Measure Q: Corcoran Unified Schools bond proposition (also on the ballot in parts of Tulare County)


November 4

See also: November 4, 2008 ballot measures in California

Approveda Measure E: West Hills Community College District bond proposition (District 3, the Lemoore area) (also on the ballot in parts of Fresno County)
Approveda Measure J: College of the Sequoias bond proposition (also on the ballot in parts of Tulare County)

See also

External links


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