Campaign finance agencies in Connecticut

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In Connecticut, there is one primary agency involved in campaign finance regulation: the Connecticut State Elections Enforcement Commission. The commission receives and processes required campaign finance disclosure statements submitted by candidates and political committees. In addition, the commission enforces the state's campaign finance laws. The commission is authorized to levy fines against violators of the law.[1]

See also: Campaign finance requirements in Connecticut

Connecticut State Elections Enforcement Commission


Established in 1973, the Connecticut State Elections Enforcement Commission oversees campaign finance reporting processes for state-level candidates and political committees. The commission is authorized to investigate and prosecute alleged violations of Connecticut's campaign finance laws. The commission can impose civil penalties against individuals and committees who violate the law. Violations of the state's campaign finance laws qualify as class D felonies.[1][2][3]


The commission comprises five members. One commissioner each is appointed by the following public officials:[1]

  1. Governor
  2. Speaker of the Connecticut House of Representatives
  3. Minority leader of the Connecticut House of Representatives
  4. President pro tempore of the Connecticut State Senate
  5. Minority leader of the Connecticut State Senate

The table below lists the commissioners as of July 2015.

Connecticut State Elections Enforcement Commission—commissioners as of July 2015
Name Position
Anthony J. Castagno Chairman
Salvatore A. Bramante Vice Chair
Patricia Stankevicius Commissioner
Stephen T. Penny Commissioner
Michael J. Ajello Commissioner
Source: Connecticut State Elections Enforcement Commission, " About Us," accessed July 29, 2015

Day-to-day operations of the commission are conducted by a full-time professional staff. As of July 2015, the commission employed more than 30 staffers. The commission comprises seven units:[4]

  1. Senior Executive Operations
  2. Enforcement Unit
  3. Compliance Unit
  4. Fiscal, Administrative, and Grant Payments Unit
  5. Public Financing Unit
  6. Campaign Disclosure and Audit Unit
  7. Information Technology Services

Electronic reporting system

See also: Campaign finance requirements in Connecticut

Candidates and political committees in Connecticut can file required campaign finance reporting documents online using eCRIS, Connecticut's Campaign Reporting Information System, which can be accessed here. Members of the public can search eCRIS by visiting this link.[5][6]

Agency budget, 2012-2014

In fiscal year 2014, general fund expenditures for the Connecticut State Elections Enforcement Commission totaled approximately $1.5 million. See the table below for further details.[7][8][9]

Connecticut State Elections Enforcement Commission—agency spending in fiscal years 2012 through 2014
Year Total appropriations Actual expenditures
2014 $1,557,234 $1,511,793
2013 $1,531,628 $1,436,088
2012 $1,369,103 $1,239,686
Source: Connecticut Office of the State Comptroller, "Comptroller's Reports," accessed July 29, 2015

Contact information

Connecticut State Elections Enforcement Commission

20 Trinity St.
Hartford, Connecticut 06106
Telephone: (860) 256-2940
Fax: (860) 256-2981
Email: [email protected]

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Campaign finance Connecticut. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

State Executive Officials

External links
