Brewster School District Levy Replacement (February 2012)

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A Brewster School District Levy Replacement measure was on the February 14, 2012 ballot in the Brewster school district area which is in Okanogan and Douglas Counties.

This measure was approved

  • YES 367 (59.39%)Approveda
  • NO 251 (40.61%)[1]

This measure seeks to replace the current school levy which is set to expire with one set at a rate of $3.12 per $1,000 of assessed property value for a period of two years in order to continue to pay for general maintenance and operational costs in the district.[2]

Text of measure

The question on the ballot:

The Board of Directors of Brewster School District adopted Resolution No. 03-11/12 concerning a proposition to finance maintenance and operation expenses. This proposition would authorize the District to levy the following taxes on all taxable property for the purpose of replacing an expired levy for support of the General Fund educational maintenance and operation expenses: Collection Year: 2013-2014; Approximate Levy Rate per $1000 Assessed Value: $3.12; Levy Amount: $975,494. All as specified in District Resolution No. 03-11/12. Should this proposition be approved?[3]


  1. Douglas County Elections, Current Election Results (dead link)
  2. Douglas County Elections, Online Voter's Guide (dead link)
  3. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.