Bay County Medical Care Facility Levy Increase Proposal (November 2012)

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Voting on taxes
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A Bay County Medical Care Facility Levy Increase proposal was on the November 6, 2012 election ballot in Bay and Midland counties, which are in Michigan, where it was approved.

This proposal authorized the Bay County to increase property taxes by up to .75 mill ($.75 per $1,000 of assessed valuation) for five years in order to replace a tax levy that expired in 2011 and to fund Medical Care Facilities. The estimated first year revenue from this tax is $2,187,485.61.[1]

Election results

The following are election results for the measure:

Midland County

Bay County Medical Care Facility Levy Proposal
Approveda Yes 27 56.3%

Results via Midland County, General Elections November 6, 2012 Election Results Official Summary

Bay County

Bay County Medical Care Facility Levy Proposal
Approveda Yes 25,256 50.73%

Results via Bay County, Michigan General Election November 6, 2012.

Text of measure

Language on the ballot:

This proposal would replace previous medical care facility millage which expired with the 2011 tax levy.

Shall the Limitation of the amount of property taxes which may be assessed each year against all real and personal property in Bay County be increased by not more than .75 of a mill (75 cents per $1,000) for a period of 5 years, December 1, 2012 to November 30, 2017 inclusive, for the operation, maintenance and capital costs of the Bay Medical Care Facility? (This millage will raise estimated revenues of $2,187,485.61 in the first year of the levy.)



External links

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 [ County Elections, Local Propositions]
  2. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.

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