Aurora Car Impound Measure, 2009

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The Aurora Car Impound Measure did not appear on the November 3, 2009 ballot in Arapahoe, Adams and Douglas counties for voters in the City of Aurora.

The measure proposed that local police tow vehicles driven by unlicensed drivers. Additionally, a $2,500 bond would have to be paid before the vehicle can be returned to the owner. The money would be returned after a year, but only if the vehicle has not been driven by any unlicensed driver during that period.[1]

In August the measure was challenged in court and a judge ruled that all signatures collected for the measure were invalid. However, measure supporters said that they hope to work with city officials to make any necessary changes to the measure to move it to the November ballot.[2]


The measure was filed by Dan Hayes, a real estate broker from Jefferson County, who helped collect signatures in not only Aurora but also in Lakewood. The same proposed measure was passed in Denver in 2008 but according to reports is not fully enforced. Hayes argues that, "Anyone driving without a license is a huge risk to everyone" and emphasized that contrary to opponents arguments, the measure is not specifically targeted towards illegal immigrants.[1]


Opponents argued that the measure is directed towards illegal immigrants and will create a lot of unforeseen problems. City Councilman Bob Broom called the measure "poor public policy" and a "waste of police time" because it will force police to remain at the scene until a tow truck responds.[1] In addition, opponents point to the City of Denver where the measure was approved but city officials have been reluctant to fully enforce the new law.[2]

Court challenge

On August 14, 2009, a judge ruled that the 5,278 signatures gathered in support of the measure were invalid because the petition did not include the full text of the initiative. The measure was taken to court after an Aurora woman, Jacqueline Skene,challenged the measure. “I filed the protest against the initiative because I am very concerned that the proponents misled voters to support a flawed policy through a very flawed process. Unfortunately, these petitions demonstrated both a blatant disrespect for the use of taxpayer funds and a disregard for the rules that protect the voters of Aurora,” she said.[2]

See also

The City of Aurora is covered by three counties: Arapahoe, Adams and Douglas counties.
