Campaign finance agencies in Arkansas

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In Arkansas, there are two primary agencies involved in campaign finance regulation: the Arkansas Ethics Commission and the Arkansas Secretary of State. The former serves as "the compliance and enforcement agency" for the state's disclosure laws, which apply to candidates, political committees, public officials, and loybbists. The latter serves as the reporting agency for candidates and political committees.[1][2]

See also: Campaign finance requirements in Arkansas

Arkansas Ethics Commission


Established in 1991, the Arkansas Ethics Commission serves as "the compliance and enforcement agency under Arkansas' standards of conduct and disclosure laws concerning candidates for public office, state and local public officials, lobbyists and committees, and individuals involved with initiatives, referendums and other matters referred to the voters." The commission may issue advisory opinions "interpreting the ethics laws assigned to its jurisdiction." In addition, the commission is authorized to investigate alleged violations of the state's campaign finance and ethics laws. The commission may also issue "disciplinary action for violations of the law" or "refer its findings to a prosecuting attorney for criminal proceedings."[1]


The Arkansas Ethics Commission comprises five members who serve staggered five-year terms. Members are appointed by the following public officials:[1]

  1. Governor
  2. Lieutenant governor
  3. Attorney general
  4. President pro tempore of the Arkansas State Senate
  5. Speaker of the Arkansas State Senate

The commission is assisted by a staff comprising one executive director, two staff attorneys, two directors of compliance, one systems administrator, one fiscal officer, and two administrative assistants. The table below lists the commissioners as of July 2015.[1]

Arkansas Ethics Commission—members as of July 2015
Name Position
William C. Bird III Chairman
Anna Sue Bray Commissioner
Robert McCormack Commissioner
Sharon K. Trusty Commissioner
Sybil Jordan Hampton, Ed. D. Commissioner
Source: Arkansas Ethics Commission, "About the Commission," accessed July 28, 2015

Agency budget, 2010-2014

In fiscal year 2014, the Arkansas Ethics Commission spent $688,348. This represents a 3 percent increase over fiscal year 2010. See the table below for further details.[3][4]

Arkansas Ethics Commission—spending between fiscal years 2010 and 2014
Year Total expenditures
2014 $688,348
2013 $667,416
2012 $715,429
2011 $687,532
2010 $667,971
Source: Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration, "Agency Actual Expenditures," accessed July 28, 2015

Arkansas Secretary of State

See also: Arkansas Secretary of State


The secretary of state is the chief elections official in Arkansas. In that capacity, the secretary of state oversees campaign finance report filing processes. The Elections Division, which administers day-to-day processes, is led by a division director.[5]


The table below provides information about the staff of the Elections Division as of July 2015.

Arkansas Secretary of State, Elections Division—staff as of July 2015
Name Position Phone number
Mark Martin Secretary of State 501-682-1010
Leslie Bellamy Election Coordinator 501-683-3721
Josh Bridges Voter Services Project Administrator 501-682-3419
Ralph Burns Outreach Coordinator 501-683-5453
Jackie Cowan Elections Services Representative 501-682-3471
Rob Hammons Director, Elections Division 501-683-3733
Kyle Harris Election Coordinator 501-683-5487
April Johnson Elections Services Representative 501-682-3478
Shantell McGraw Election Coordinator 501-683-3717
Mitchell Minyard Voter Registration Supervisor 501-682-3527
Brandon Newell Voter Services Representative 501-682-8644
Kevin Steele Outreach Supervisor/Military & Veterans Liaison 501-683-5098
Ashley Trout Elections Services Representative 501-682-3451
Source: Arkansas Secretary of State, "SoS Staff," accessed July 23, 2015

Electronic reporting system

See also: Campaign finance requirements in Arkansas

Candidates and political committees file campaign finance disclosure reports electronically through an online reporting system maintained by the Elections Division. The filing system can be accessed here. Financial disclosure reports are accessible here.[6][7]

Contact information

Arkansas Ethics Commission

P.O. Box 1917
Little Rock, Arkansas 72203-1917
Telephone: (800) 422-7773

Arkansas Secretary of State, Elections Division

State Capitol, Suite 256
500 Woodlane Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
Telephone: 501-682-5070
Email: [email protected]

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Campaign finance Arkansas. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

State Executive Officials

External links
