Many vendors require you to have a static IP address for your application. Such that all requests to their API must originate from an allow-list of IP addresses. This means we need to force egress traffic from our Lambda functions through a static IP address. Sometimes, they even mandate that you use a static IP address for ingress traffic, too, so they can communicate with your system through a t
AmqpEndpoints, Arn, ConfigurationId, ConfigurationRevision, IpAddresses, MqttEndpoints, OpenWireEndpoints, StompEndpoints, WssEndpoints
Update 15/03/2019: Thanks to Zac Charles who pointed me to this new page in the DynamoDB docs. It explains how the OnDemand capacity mode works. Turns out you DON’T need to pre-warm a table. You just need to create the table with the desired peak throughput (Provisioned), and then change it to OnDemand. After you change the table to OnDemand it’ll still have the same throughput. To confirm this be
Yan Cui I help clients go faster for less using serverless technologies. Years ago, I used average latency on every dashboard and every alarm. That is, until I woke up to the problems of average latencies along with everybody else in the industry: When the dataset is small it can be easily skewed by a small number of outliers. When the dataset is large it can hide important details such as 10% of
The Saga pattern is a pattern for managing failures, where each action has a compensating action for rollback. In Hector Garcia-Molina’s 1987 paper, it is described as an approach to handling system failures in a long-running transactions. It has become increasingly relevant in the world of microservices as application logic often needs to transact across multiple bounded contexts – each encapsula
This article is brought to you by Don’t reinvent the patterns. Catalyst gives you consistent APIs for messaging, data, and workflow with key microservice patterns like circuit-breakers and retries for free. Try the Catalyst beta In enterprises we tend to sell architectural projects by showing you the current messy state and pitch you an idealized end state. But the problem is that, the ideal end s
Yan Cui I help clients go faster for less using serverless technologies. I saw this tweet on my timeline the other day.. which reminded me again to look at Elm and I’ve spend the last week or so getting myself immersed with this wonderful little language built around the idea of functional reactive programming. My first impressions of Elm so far have been very positive, there are some genuinely in
I'm an AWS Serverless Hero. I provide training and consulting on AWS and serverless application. I have run production workloads at scale in AWS since 2010 and have a track record of improving businesses with technology. I have been an architect and principal engineer within a variety of industries including banking, e-commerce, social networks, live streaming and mobile gaming. I have worked on l