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Fil:Coat of arms of Moscow.svg

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English: Coat of Arms of Moscow.
Deutsch: Coat of Arms of Moskau.
Italiano: Stemma di Mosca.
Español: Escudo de armas de Moscú.
Русский: Герб Москвы
Герб города Москвы представляет собой четырехугольный с закругленными нижними углами и заостренный в оконечности темно-красный геральдический щит с изображением развернутого вправо от зрителя всадника — Святого Георгия Победоносца в серебряных доспехах и голубой мантии (плаще), на серебряном коне с серебряной сбруей, поражающего золотым копьем черного Змия.

—Закон города Москвы от 11.06.03 № 39 «О гербе города Москвы». Статья 2, часть 1

  • Originally created in: Unknown
  • Converted to SVG in: 6. august 2008
Kjelde http://vector-images.com/image.php?epsid=14
  • Original Author: Vector-Images.com
  • Converted to SVG by: Oren neu dag
(Gjenbruk av denne fila)
Public domain
This work is not an object of copyright according to article 1259 of Book IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation No. 230-FZ of December 18, 2006.

Shall not be objects of copyright:

  • official documents of state government agencies and local government agencies of municipal formations, including laws, other legal texts, judicial decisions, other materials of legislative, administrative and judicial character, official documents of international organizations, as well as their official translations;
  • state symbols and signs (flags, emblems, orders, any forms of money, and the like), as well as symbols and signs of municipal formations;
  • works of folk art (folklore), which don't have specific authors;
  • news reports on events and facts, which have a purely informational character (daily news reports, television programs, transportation schedules, and the like).

Comment – This license tag is also applicable to official documents, state symbols and signs of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (union level[1]).

Warning – This license tag is not applicable to drafts of official documents, proposed official symbols and signs, which can be copyrighted.

Warning – This Russian official document, state symbol or sign (postage stamps, coins and banknotes mainly) may incorporate one or more works that can be copyrightable if separated from this document, symbol or sign. In such a case, this work is not an object of copyright if reused in its entirety but, at the same time, extracting specific portions from this work could constitute copyright infringement. For example, the denomination and country name must be preserved on postage stamps.

  1. Official documents, state symbols and signs of 14 other Soviet Republics are the subject of law of their legal successors. See respective license tags.
Insignia Dette biletet er sett saman av eit flagg, eit våpen, eit sigill eller eit anna offisielt insignium. Bruken av slike symbol er avgrensa i fleire land. Desse restriksjonane er uavhengige av den opphavsrettslege statusen.
Andre versjonar
Derivative works of this file:  Moscow template.svg


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6. august 2008



169 298 byte

663 piksel

558 piksel


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gjeldande17. mai 2021 kl. 16:38Miniatyrbilete av versjonen frå 17. mai 2021 kl. 16:38558 × 663 (165 KB)DughormRemoved white border - not a part of the design
6. august 2008 kl. 23:25Miniatyrbilete av versjonen frå 6. august 2008 kl. 23:25574 × 681 (173 KB)Oren neu dag{{Information |Description={{en|Coat of Arms of Moscow}} {{ru|Герб Москвы}} |Source=http://vector-images.com/image.php?epsid=14 |Date=* Originally created in: Unkown<br> * Converted to SVG in: 06/08/2008 |Auth

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