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Load news page with ajax here } else if(num > 1900){ //FIX ME. 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Leger or Léger may refer to:


  • Léger, a list of people with the surname Léger or Leger
  • Leodegar or Leger (615-679), Roman Catholic saint, martyr and Bishop of Autun
  • Leger Djime (born 1987), Chadian footballer
  • Leger Douzable (born 1986), National Football League player
  • Other uses

  • Leger, Edmonton, Canada, a city neighbourhood
  • Hotel Léger, one of the oldest hotels in California
  • St. Leger Stakes, one of the five "Classic" British horse races, often referred to as "the Leger"
  • See also

  • Ledger line or leger line, a tool of musical notation
  • Ləgər (disambiguation)
  • Ledger, the principal book for recording transactions
  • Ledger (disambiguation)
  • Leger, Edmonton

    Leger is a newer neighbourhood in the Terwillegar Heights area of south west Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

    According to the 2005 municipal census, approximately four out of five homes (82%) are single-family dwellings. Another 14% are duplexes and 4% are row houses. Substantially all (97%) of residences are owner-occupied.

    The neighbourhood is bounded on the south by 23 Avenue, on the west by Terwillegar Drive, on the east by Rabbit Hill Road, and on the north by a utility corridor located just north of 29 Avenue.


    In the City of Edmonton's 2012 municipal census, Leger had a population of 2,564 living in 805 dwellings, a 7.7% change from its 2009 population of 2,380. With a land area of 1.06 km2 (0.41 sq mi), it had a population density of 2,418.9 people/km2 in 2012.


    The Terwillegar Community Recreation Centre is located in the neighbourhood. The facility has an aquatic centre, a fitness centre and track, a flexi-hall with three full size gymnasiums, an arena with four NHL size ice sheets, a children's wing, and commercial spaces.

    Traité des Amateurs

    Traité des Amateurs is the short name of the celebrated bookTraité Théorique et Pratique du jeu des Echecs, par une Société des Amateurs, published in France in 1786 and subsequently translated into German and English.

    A reviewer in 1830 wrote that:

    The Traite des Amateurs, is one of the best practical works on Chess, extant. It contains a great number of beautifully played games, together with much solid information, and it is matter of regret that the scarcity of the book, prevents its being more generally used by the Chess student.

    Le Traité des Amateurs

    Le Traité des Amateurs is a chess treatise composed by a "Society of Amateurs" who were contemporaries of Philidor and all frequented the Café de la Régence in Paris. Of these, the strongest players were Bernard, Carlier, Leger and Verdoni. Philidor, who lived in London, took no part in writing the Traité des Amateurs (which embodies many criticisms and comments on his earlier book). George Walker, in his translation of the Traité for the Chess Player's Chronicle in 1846, states:


    Low or LOW may refer to:


  • Low (band), an American indie rock group from Duluth, Minnesota
  • Albums

  • Low (David Bowie album), 1977
  • Low (Testament album), 1994
  • Low (Low EP), 1994
  • Songs

  • "Low" (Cracker song), 1993
  • "Low" (Flo Rida song), 2007
  • "Low" (Foo Fighters song), 2002
  • "Low" (Juicy J song), 2014
  • "Low" (Kelly Clarkson song), 2003
  • "Low", by Camp Mulla
  • "Low", by Coldplay from X&Y
  • "Low", by Inna from the self-titled album
  • "Low", by Marianas Trench from Fix Me
  • "Low", by R.E.M. from Out of Time
  • "Low", by Silverchair from Young Modern
  • "Low", by Sleeping with Sirens from Feel
  • "Low", by Tech N9ne from K.O.D.
  • Other uses

  • Low (surname)
  • Launch on warning (LOW)
  • Low (complexity), a concept in computational complexity theory
  • Low (computability)
  • Low (comics), an Image Comics series by Rick Remender and Greg Tocchini
  • Low, Quebec, Canada
  • Low, Utah, United States
  • LOW Festival, a cultural festival
  • Low-pressure area, a concept in meteorology
  • Lo Wu Station, a rail station, MTR code LOW
  • Louise Weiss building, the seat of the European Parliament
  • This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - https://wn.com/Low

    Low (Flo Rida song)

    "Low" is the debut single by American rapper Flo Rida, featured on his debut studio album Mail on Sunday and also featured on the soundtrack to the 2008 film Step Up 2: The Streets. The song features fellow American rapper T-Pain and was co-written with T-Pain. There is also a remix in which the hook is sung by Flo Rida rather than T-Pain. An official remix was made which features Pitbull and T-Pain. With its catchy, up-tempo and club-oriented Southern hip hop rhythms, the song peaked at the summit of the U.S. Billboard Hot 100.

    The song was a massive success worldwide and was the longest running number-one single of 2008 in the United States. With over 6 million digital downloads, it has been certified 7× Platinum by the RIAA, and was the most downloaded single of the 2000s decade, measured by paid digital downloads. The song was named 3rd on the Billboard Hot 100 Songs of the Decade. "Low" spent ten consecutive weeks on top of the Billboard Hot 100, the longest-running number-one single of 2008.

    Low (Testament album)

    Low is the sixth studio album by American heavy metal band Testament. It was released on September 30, 1994. It was the first Testament release not to feature two of its founding members Alex Skolnick (guitar) and Louie Clemente (drums).


    Low would be Testament's last album with Atlantic Records, leading group members to create their own label Burnt Offerings Inc. as part of the change.

    The record was recorded with original band members Chuck Billy (vocals), Eric Peterson (guitar) and Greg Christian (bass). It also saw the first of two Testament album appearances by artist John Tempesta (drums), and three for artist James Murphy (guitar). Long time Testament collaborator Del James is given composer and vocal credits on the album. Additionally, a music video was filmed for the title track.


    Album cover artwork for Low was designed by Dave McKean. He would go on to do the next two Testament studio album covers Demonic (1997) and The Gathering (1999).

    Reception and legacy


    • Sébastien Léger live at the Great Pyramids of Giza, in Egypt for Cercle

      Sébastien Léger playing an exclusive live set from the Great Pyramids of Giza, in Egypt for Cercle ☞ Support us and get access to exclusive videos & perks: https://Cercle.lnk.to/Patreon ☞ Listen to our playlists, tracks & sets: https://Cercle.lnk.to/Playlists ☞ Subscribe to our newsletter to know about our next shows: https://Cercle.lnk.to/Members ☞ Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Cercle.lnk.to/ytcercle ☞ Cercle Records Sébastien Léger - Giza: https://Cercle.lnk.to/Gizasebastienleger The track is part of the limited edition vinyl compilation | COTON. More info here: https://Cercle.lnk.to/vinyls ☞ Sébastien Léger https://www.facebook.com/sebastienleger https://www.instagram.com/sebastien_leger/ https://open.spotify.com/artist/17j0kFtqn9Fss3D916jSlp https://music.apple.com/fr/...

      published: 05 Nov 2020
    • Sébastien Léger | The Moment Presents: Exceptional Trips (melodic house DJ set)

      "The Moment Presents: Exceptional Trips" brings culture, nature and music together every month in Turkey's most monumental destinations. The first event takes place in Göcek, the most popular yachting destination in Turkey, with Sébastien Léger playing an exclusive set for an exceptional sunset performance. #BeExceptional https://www.instagram.com/exceptionaltrips

      published: 04 Jul 2021
    • SÉBASTIEN LÉGER at Loveland Festival 2022 | AUDIO-ONLY RECORDING

      Loveland Festival is back in 2023! For the latest updates on lineup & tickets, visit https://www.loveland.nl/festival SÉBASTIEN LÉGER at Loveland Festival 2022 Recorded at Loveland Festival in Sloterpark, Amsterdam on Saturday 13 August 2022 #lovelandfestival #sébastienléger #lovelandlegacy #loveland

      published: 22 Apr 2023
    • Sébastien Léger | @Seminyak, Indonesia | @beatport Live

      ► Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://btprt.dj/meo4kp Tune in for Sébastien Léger's Ariana EP launch party at Seminyak Bali! _________________ ► Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://btprt.dj/meo4kp ► Heard about Beatport Link? Check it out here: https://btprt.dj/sc07h6 ► Visit our official website: https://btprt.dj/kzna3t ► Read the latest editorial on Beatportal: https://beatportal.com/ ► Watch our latest videos on YouTube: https://btprt.dj/27u53u ► Like us on Facebook: http://btprt.dj/yw6684 ► Follow us on Instagram: https://btprt.dj/vwu619 ► Follow us on Twitter: https://btprt.dj/p4bjaq #beatport #SebastienLeger #seminyakbeach

      published: 20 Jan 2023
    • Sébastien Léger (France) @ Lost Miracle 056 April 2023

      Tracklist: 00:00 01. Raw Main - Citadelle 05:49 02. Dulus - Harmonaig 11:06 03. ID - ID 16:54 04. Raw Main - Between The Lights 23:12 05. Alesso - Nillionaire (Dulus Remix) 29:14 06. Sébastien Léger - ID 37:05 07. Sébastien Léger - ID 43:21 08. Khen - Homeboy 48:50 09. Yseult - I Love You (Sébastien Léger Remix)

      published: 12 Apr 2023
    • Léger

      Provided to YouTube by AllPoints Léger · Heuss L'enfoiré · Mohamed Zeghoudi · Karim Djeriou En esprit ℗ Midi Midi Production/150 Prod Released on: 2019-01-25 Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 24 Jan 2019
    • Van w/ Sébastien Léger - Sight & Sound Sessions #14 | Go Türkiye

      Experience the excitement of Sébastien Léger performing a live set in the beautiful city of Van. Situated on the shores of Lake Van, this historic city provides the perfect backdrop for a day of electrifying music. Don't miss out on this one-of-a-kind experience! Come join us on a journey to the stunning city of Van! From the ancient ruins of the Van Castle to the picturesque streets of the old town, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Follow us as we explore all that Van has to offer and experience the charm of this unique destination. We are waiting for you: https://goturkiye.com/ https://van.goturkiye.com/ Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goturkiye/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/GoTurkiye Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GoTurkiye Fo...

      published: 07 Jan 2023
    • Du har makt över narcissisten!

      Du har makt över narcissisten! I en nära relation med en narcissist kommer du att upptäcka att hur du än gör och vänder och vrider på dig själv för att allt ska bli rätt, så kommer du troligtvis att uppleva att det ändå aldrig är bra nog. Det spelar alltså ingen roll vad du än gör och hur du än gör det, det blir ändå aldrig rätt och narcissisten är alltid arg och irriterad. Varför är den narcissistiska personen alltid så arg och varför säger jag att du har makt över narcissisten när du kanske själv upplever att de sitter på makten? Det här frågorna ska vi ta upp idag. #narcissism #narcissismsvenska #narcissisten #destruktivarelationer Jag är beteendevetare och har en kandidat i psykologi. Kursen läk och bli fri från din destruktiva relation:’ https://www.leger.se/kurs Boka samt...

      published: 30 Jul 2023
    • Libre et léger avec St François par Jack MARDESIC et Claire DENOËL

      Si je te dis que ce livre va t'aider à devenir plus pauvre, je suis certain que tu vas faire demi-tour 🤣 ...mais si je te dis qu'il te rendra plus léger(e) 🪂 et plus libre, je suis persuadé que cela t'intéresse et que tu ressens déjà, au fond de toi, une sensation agréable de soulagement, de libération d'un poids. Alors poursuivons l'expérience en suivant les pas 👣 de saint François d'Assise ! Comme tu t'en doutes, la pauvreté 💸 que prônent les franciscains n'est pas un dépouillement pour le simple plaisir de respecter une règle 📏 mais bien une manière de considérer la vie autrement. En rétablissant chaque chose ou sentiment à sa juste place, il devient plus facile de ne pas accorder une trop grande valeur aux objets, de comprendre les motivations qui nous animent et donc de désencombrer ...

      published: 18 Aug 2023
    • Sébastien Léger (France) @ Lost Miracle 054 February 2023

      Tracklist: 00:00 01. Made By Pete & Zoe Kypri - Horizon Red (Damian Lazarus Re-Shape) 06:45 02. André Moret - Young Movements 12:23 03. K3V & Jayy Vibes - Kingdom Of Dreams (Juan Ibanez Remix) 18:44 04. Armen Miran & Pambouk - Aware 23:44 05. Sébastien Léger - Ariana 29:50 06. Arag - Ogara 33:48 07. South Bloom - Let Me In (Kirik Remix) (Sébastien Léger re-edit mastering fix) 39:05 08. Massive Attack - Girl I Love You (Emi Galvan Unofficial Remix) 44:37 09. Sébastien Léger - Quand Je Serai Seul 50:44 10. Sébastien Léger - ID

      published: 07 Feb 2023
    developed with YouTube
    Sébastien Léger live at the Great Pyramids of Giza, in Egypt for Cercle

    Sébastien Léger live at the Great Pyramids of Giza, in Egypt for Cercle

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:35:36
    • Uploaded Date: 05 Nov 2020
    • views: 4146803
    Sébastien Léger playing an exclusive live set from the Great Pyramids of Giza, in Egypt for Cercle ☞ Support us and get access to exclusive videos & perks: https://Cercle.lnk.to/Patreon ☞ Listen to our playlists, tracks & sets: https://Cercle.lnk.to/Playlists ☞ Subscribe to our newsletter to know about our next shows: https://Cercle.lnk.to/Members ☞ Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Cercle.lnk.to/ytcercle ☞ Cercle Records Sébastien Léger - Giza: https://Cercle.lnk.to/Gizasebastienleger The track is part of the limited edition vinyl compilation | COTON. More info here: https://Cercle.lnk.to/vinyls ☞ Sébastien Léger https://www.facebook.com/sebastienleger https://www.instagram.com/sebastien_leger/ https://open.spotify.com/artist/17j0kFtqn9Fss3D916jSlp https://music.apple.com/fr/artist/s%C3%A9bastien-l%C3%A9ger/29431640 ☞ The story behind this video: https://youtu.be/VSjdEI2Q5p8 29°58'33.8"N 31°07'39.6"E Video credits: Artists: Sébastien Léger Venue: The Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt Produced by Cercle Executive producers: Philippe Tuchmann & Derek Barbolla Film directed by: Pol Souchier & Derek Barbolla Directors of photography: Mathieu Glissant & Mickaël Fidjili Drone pilots: Ifly Sound mastering: Antoine Guest Post-production: Mathieu Glissant (Saison Unique Production) Technical Manager: Aurélien Moisan Stage design: Karim Yousry -- Special thanks to: Bas Enab, Mahmoud Zidan & Misty Moustafa Sheta from Playground. Donal Mccarthy, Cian Toner & James Pidgeon from Sébastien Léger's management. Eric Caucheteur from Paris Webcube. Galerie Joseph. Also, special thanks to Freedom Music. And finally, special thanks to Ahmed Youssef, chairman of Egypt's Tourism Promotion Authority from the Ministry of Tourism. ______ This artistic performance has been recorded live. Tracklist: 0:00:00 Sébastian Léger - Oasis 0:08:30 Sébastian Léger - Giza 0:15:00 Sébastian Léger - Secret 0:21:15 Nerdseq M32 - ID (unreleased) 0:29:00 ID - ID 0:47:00 Sébastian Léger - Skadi 0:55:00 Sébastian Léger - Ashes In The Wild 1:01:00 Sébastian Léger - Jaguar 1:08:45 Sébastian Léger - Lanarka 1:19:42 Interview with Sébastien Léger ______ Follow us on http://www.cercle.io #sebastienleger #cercle
    Sébastien Léger | The Moment Presents: Exceptional Trips (melodic house DJ set)

    Sébastien Léger | The Moment Presents: Exceptional Trips (melodic house DJ set)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:26:46
    • Uploaded Date: 04 Jul 2021
    • views: 229438
    "The Moment Presents: Exceptional Trips" brings culture, nature and music together every month in Turkey's most monumental destinations. The first event takes place in Göcek, the most popular yachting destination in Turkey, with Sébastien Léger playing an exclusive set for an exceptional sunset performance. #BeExceptional https://www.instagram.com/exceptionaltrips
    SÉBASTIEN LÉGER at Loveland Festival 2022 | AUDIO-ONLY RECORDING

    SÉBASTIEN LÉGER at Loveland Festival 2022 | AUDIO-ONLY RECORDING

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:01:44
    • Uploaded Date: 22 Apr 2023
    • views: 72043
    Loveland Festival is back in 2023! For the latest updates on lineup & tickets, visit https://www.loveland.nl/festival SÉBASTIEN LÉGER at Loveland Festival 2022 Recorded at Loveland Festival in Sloterpark, Amsterdam on Saturday 13 August 2022 #lovelandfestival #sébastienléger #lovelandlegacy #loveland
    Sébastien Léger  | @Seminyak, Indonesia | @beatport Live

    Sébastien Léger | @Seminyak, Indonesia | @beatport Live

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:03:50
    • Uploaded Date: 20 Jan 2023
    • views: 42509
    ► Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://btprt.dj/meo4kp Tune in for Sébastien Léger's Ariana EP launch party at Seminyak Bali! _________________ ► Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://btprt.dj/meo4kp ► Heard about Beatport Link? Check it out here: https://btprt.dj/sc07h6 ► Visit our official website: https://btprt.dj/kzna3t ► Read the latest editorial on Beatportal: https://beatportal.com/ ► Watch our latest videos on YouTube: https://btprt.dj/27u53u ► Like us on Facebook: http://btprt.dj/yw6684 ► Follow us on Instagram: https://btprt.dj/vwu619 ► Follow us on Twitter: https://btprt.dj/p4bjaq #beatport #SebastienLeger #seminyakbeach
    Sébastien Léger (France) @ Lost Miracle 056 April 2023

    Sébastien Léger (France) @ Lost Miracle 056 April 2023

    • Order:
    • Duration: 57:41
    • Uploaded Date: 12 Apr 2023
    • views: 7054
    Tracklist: 00:00 01. Raw Main - Citadelle 05:49 02. Dulus - Harmonaig 11:06 03. ID - ID 16:54 04. Raw Main - Between The Lights 23:12 05. Alesso - Nillionaire (Dulus Remix) 29:14 06. Sébastien Léger - ID 37:05 07. Sébastien Léger - ID 43:21 08. Khen - Homeboy 48:50 09. Yseult - I Love You (Sébastien Léger Remix)


    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:31
    • Uploaded Date: 24 Jan 2019
    • views: 2929233
    Provided to YouTube by AllPoints Léger · Heuss L'enfoiré · Mohamed Zeghoudi · Karim Djeriou En esprit ℗ Midi Midi Production/150 Prod Released on: 2019-01-25 Auto-generated by YouTube.
    Van w/ Sébastien Léger - Sight & Sound Sessions #14 | Go Türkiye

    Van w/ Sébastien Léger - Sight & Sound Sessions #14 | Go Türkiye

    • Order:
    • Duration: 44:39
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Jan 2023
    • views: 350158
    Experience the excitement of Sébastien Léger performing a live set in the beautiful city of Van. Situated on the shores of Lake Van, this historic city provides the perfect backdrop for a day of electrifying music. Don't miss out on this one-of-a-kind experience! Come join us on a journey to the stunning city of Van! From the ancient ruins of the Van Castle to the picturesque streets of the old town, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Follow us as we explore all that Van has to offer and experience the charm of this unique destination. We are waiting for you: https://goturkiye.com/ https://van.goturkiye.com/ Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goturkiye/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/GoTurkiye Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GoTurkiye Follow us on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@goturkiye Türkiye is home to infinite locations that are beyond your wildest dreams! Full of ancient sites, unique beauty, and unparalleled destinations, visiting Türkiye is an unforgettable experience.
    Du har makt över narcissisten!

    Du har makt över narcissisten!

    • Order:
    • Duration: 8:55
    • Uploaded Date: 30 Jul 2023
    • views: 1859
    Du har makt över narcissisten! I en nära relation med en narcissist kommer du att upptäcka att hur du än gör och vänder och vrider på dig själv för att allt ska bli rätt, så kommer du troligtvis att uppleva att det ändå aldrig är bra nog. Det spelar alltså ingen roll vad du än gör och hur du än gör det, det blir ändå aldrig rätt och narcissisten är alltid arg och irriterad. Varför är den narcissistiska personen alltid så arg och varför säger jag att du har makt över narcissisten när du kanske själv upplever att de sitter på makten? Det här frågorna ska vi ta upp idag. #narcissism #narcissismsvenska #narcissisten #destruktivarelationer Jag är beteendevetare och har en kandidat i psykologi. Kursen läk och bli fri från din destruktiva relation:’ https://www.leger.se/kurs Boka samtal med mig: https://www.leger.se https://app.paperbell.com/checkout/packages?provider_id=6314 Köp min e-bok om röda och gröna flaggor i relationer: https://app.paperbell.com/checkout/packages/17373 Här kan du kontakta mig: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/klaraleger/ Email: klara@leger.se Ladda ner min gratis-guide med steg för läkning HÄR: https://mailchi.mp/104ac1dd63e8/lak-och-bli-fri-fran-din-destruktiva-relation-guide Denna videon innehåller klickbara länkar med tjänster som nämns i videon. Även om kanalen kan tjäna minimala summor när tittaren använder länkarna, så är tittaren inte på NÅGOT SÄTT tvingad att använda dem. Tack för ditt stöd!
    Libre et léger avec St François  par Jack MARDESIC et Claire DENOËL

    Libre et léger avec St François par Jack MARDESIC et Claire DENOËL

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:26
    • Uploaded Date: 18 Aug 2023
    • views: 23
    Si je te dis que ce livre va t'aider à devenir plus pauvre, je suis certain que tu vas faire demi-tour 🤣 ...mais si je te dis qu'il te rendra plus léger(e) 🪂 et plus libre, je suis persuadé que cela t'intéresse et que tu ressens déjà, au fond de toi, une sensation agréable de soulagement, de libération d'un poids. Alors poursuivons l'expérience en suivant les pas 👣 de saint François d'Assise ! Comme tu t'en doutes, la pauvreté 💸 que prônent les franciscains n'est pas un dépouillement pour le simple plaisir de respecter une règle 📏 mais bien une manière de considérer la vie autrement. En rétablissant chaque chose ou sentiment à sa juste place, il devient plus facile de ne pas accorder une trop grande valeur aux objets, de comprendre les motivations qui nous animent et donc de désencombrer 🚮 nos pensées, nous délestant ainsi d'une charge mentale inutile. C'est également l'opportunité de dédier ce nouvel espace à l'imprévu car le pauvre est celui qui, n'ayant rien à perdre, n'a plus peur de s'afficher tel qu'il est, de compter sur les autres pour combler ses lacunes, ni de placer sa confiance en Dieu. J'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à parcourir ce livre qui alterne sagesses et témoignages, démontrant ainsi que les exercices de spiritualité suscitent des effets bien réels dans de nombreuses vies, tous les jours 🗓️. Au cœur d'une société hyperconnectée qui nous abreuve d'informations 🤳et de sollicitations commerciales 🛍️, quel réconfort de redécouvrir la pensée de Saint François qui nous ramène naturellement à l'essentiel et nous rappelle que seule la sobriété est source de bonheur. Extrait : Un jour, un homme très riche, impressionné par la vie de Mère Teresa dans le bidonville de Calcutta s'exclame : "Ma sœur, même pour un million de dollars je ne pourrais pas faire ce que vous faites !" Et elle, de répondre avec un large sourire : " Moi non plus ! Je peux le faire seulement pour l'amour de Dieu." #editionsdesbeatitudes #jackmardesic #clairedenoel #evangelisersaculpabilite #leger #libre #accessoire #essentiel #utile #mental #esprit #pauvrete #pauvre #spiritualite #francois #francoisdassise #fransciscain #liberte #chargementale #valeur #objet #information #pensee #commercial #sobriete #catholique #religion
    Sébastien Léger (France) @ Lost Miracle 054 February 2023

    Sébastien Léger (France) @ Lost Miracle 054 February 2023

    • Order:
    • Duration: 58:09
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Feb 2023
    • views: 7749
    Tracklist: 00:00 01. Made By Pete & Zoe Kypri - Horizon Red (Damian Lazarus Re-Shape) 06:45 02. André Moret - Young Movements 12:23 03. K3V & Jayy Vibes - Kingdom Of Dreams (Juan Ibanez Remix) 18:44 04. Armen Miran & Pambouk - Aware 23:44 05. Sébastien Léger - Ariana 29:50 06. Arag - Ogara 33:48 07. South Bloom - Let Me In (Kirik Remix) (Sébastien Léger re-edit mastering fix) 39:05 08. Massive Attack - Girl I Love You (Emi Galvan Unofficial Remix) 44:37 09. Sébastien Léger - Quand Je Serai Seul 50:44 10. Sébastien Léger - ID
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    • Sébastien Léger (France) @ Lost Miracle 054 February 2023
      Sébastien Léger (France) @ Lost Miracle 054 February 2023remove from playlist
    developed with YouTube

    Sébastien Léger live at the Great Pyramids of Giza, in Egypt for Cercle

    Sébastien Léger playing an exclusive live set from the Great Pyramids of Giza, in Egypt for Cercle ☞ Support us and get access to exclusive videos & perks: https://Cercle.lnk.to/Patreon ☞ Listen to our playlists, tracks & sets: https://Cercle.lnk.to/Playlists ☞ Subscribe to our newsletter to know about our next shows: https://Cercle.lnk.to/Members ☞ Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Cercle.lnk.to/ytcercle ☞ Cercle Records Sébastien Léger - Giza: https://Cercle.lnk.to/Gizasebastienleger The track is part of the limited edition vinyl compilation | COTON. More info here: https://Cercle.lnk.to/vinyls ☞ Sébastien Léger https://www.facebook.com/sebastienleger https://www.instagram.com/sebastien_leger/ https://open.spotify.com/artist/17j0kFtqn9Fss3D916jSlp https://music.apple.com/fr/artist/s%C3%A9bastien-l%C3%A9ger/29431640 ☞ The story behind this video: https://youtu.be/VSjdEI2Q5p8 29°58'33.8"N 31°07'39.6"E Video credits: Artists: Sébastien Léger Venue: The Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt Produced by Cercle Executive producers: Philippe Tuchmann & Derek Barbolla Film directed by: Pol Souchier & Derek Barbolla Directors of photography: Mathieu Glissant & Mickaël Fidjili Drone pilots: Ifly Sound mastering: Antoine Guest Post-production: Mathieu Glissant (Saison Unique Production) Technical Manager: Aurélien Moisan Stage design: Karim Yousry -- Special thanks to: Bas Enab, Mahmoud Zidan & Misty Moustafa Sheta from Playground. Donal Mccarthy, Cian Toner & James Pidgeon from Sébastien Léger's management. Eric Caucheteur from Paris Webcube. Galerie Joseph. Also, special thanks to Freedom Music. And finally, special thanks to Ahmed Youssef, chairman of Egypt's Tourism Promotion Authority from the Ministry of Tourism. ______ This artistic performance has been recorded live. Tracklist: 0:00:00 Sébastian Léger - Oasis 0:08:30 Sébastian Léger - Giza 0:15:00 Sébastian Léger - Secret 0:21:15 Nerdseq M32 - ID (unreleased) 0:29:00 ID - ID 0:47:00 Sébastian Léger - Skadi 0:55:00 Sébastian Léger - Ashes In The Wild 1:01:00 Sébastian Léger - Jaguar 1:08:45 Sébastian Léger - Lanarka 1:19:42 Interview with Sébastien Léger ______ Follow us on http://www.cercle.io #sebastienleger #cercle
    Sébastien Léger live at the Great Pyramids of Giza, in Egypt for Cercle
    Sébastien Léger playing an exclusive live set from the Great Pyramids of Giza, in Egypt fo...
    published: 05 Nov 2020
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    Sébastien Léger | The Moment Presents: Exceptional Trips (melodic house DJ set)
    "The Moment Presents: Exceptional Trips" brings culture, nature and music together every m...
    published: 04 Jul 2021
    Play in Full Screen
    SÉBASTIEN LÉGER at Loveland Festival 2022 | AUDIO-ONLY RECORDING
    Loveland Festival is back in 2023! For the latest updates on lineup & tickets, visit https...
    published: 22 Apr 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    Sébastien Léger | @Seminyak, Indonesia | @beatport Live
    ► Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://btprt.dj/meo4kp Tune in for Sébastien Léger...
    published: 20 Jan 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    Sébastien Léger (France) @ Lost Miracle 056 April 2023
    Tracklist: 00:00 01. Raw Main - Citadelle 05:49 02. Dulus - Harmonaig 11:06 03. ID - ID 16...
    published: 12 Apr 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    Provided to YouTube by AllPoints Léger · Heuss L'enfoiré · Mohamed Zeghoudi · Karim Djeri...
    published: 24 Jan 2019
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    Van w/ Sébastien Léger - Sight & Sound Sessions #14 | Go Türkiye
    Experience the excitement of Sébastien Léger performing a live set in the beautiful city o...
    published: 07 Jan 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    Du har makt över narcissisten!
    Du har makt över narcissisten! I en nära relation med en narcissist kommer du att upptäcka...
    published: 30 Jul 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    Libre et léger avec St François par Jack MARDESIC et Claire DENOËL
    Si je te dis que ce livre va t'aider à devenir plus pauvre, je suis certain que tu vas fai...
    published: 18 Aug 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    Sébastien Léger (France) @ Lost Miracle 054 February 2023
    Tracklist: 00:00 01. Made By Pete & Zoe Kypri - Horizon Red (Damian Lazarus Re-Shape) 06:4...
    published: 07 Feb 2023
    Play in Full Screen


    Leger or Léger may refer to:


  • Léger, a list of people with the surname Léger or Leger
  • Leodegar or Leger (615-679), Roman Catholic saint, martyr and Bishop of Autun
  • Leger Djime (born 1987), Chadian footballer
  • Leger Douzable (born 1986), National Football League player
  • Other uses

  • Leger, Edmonton, Canada, a city neighbourhood
  • Hotel Léger, one of the oldest hotels in California
  • St. Leger Stakes, one of the five "Classic" British horse races, often referred to as "the Leger"
  • See also

  • Ledger line or leger line, a tool of musical notation
  • Ləgər (disambiguation)
  • Ledger, the principal book for recording transactions
  • Ledger (disambiguation)
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