・CodePlex Archive IronPythonサイトの移動先。 IronPython is currently in Beta status. We are plan... ・CodePlex Archive IronPythonサイトの移動先。 IronPython is currently in Beta status. We are planning on releasing V1.0 in summer 2006. 正式版は夏リリースのようですね。もうすぐだ。 ・MSBuild Extras - Toolkit for .NET 1.1 "MSBee" MSBuild Extras – Toolkit for .NET 1.1 “MSBee” is an addition to MSBuild that allows developers to build managed applications using Visual Studio 2005 projects that target .NET 1.1. VS2005を使って.NET1.1向けのアプ
2006/06/17 リンク