$ sudo knife cookbook site install yum-epel $ sudo knife cookbook site install yum-remi
$ sudo bundle exec knife zero bootstrap node01 -x �����[�U�[���� --sudo -P ���p�X���[�h�� Connecting to node01 node01 Installing Chef Client... node01 --2015-05-11 22:58:13-- https://www.opscode.com/chef/install.sh node01 Resolving www.opscode.com... node01 Connecting to www.opscode.com||:443... connected. node01 HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK ���������������� node01 Preparing... ########################################### [100%] node01 1:chef ########################################### [100%] node01 Thank you for installing Chef! node01 Starting first Chef Client run... node01 Starting Chef Client, version 12.3.0 ���������������� node01 Running handlers: node01 Running handlers complete node01 Chef Client finished, 0/0 resources updated in 1.63139453 seconds
�@�����yum-epel��yum-remi��2�����s�����邽�߂ɁA�uknife node run_list add�v�R�}���h��2����s���܂��B
$ sudo knife node run_list add node01 'recipe[yum-epel]' node01: run_list: recipe[yum-epel] $ sudo knife node run_list add node01 'recipe[yum-remi]' node01: run_list: recipe[yum-epel] recipe[yum-remi]
$ sudo bundle exec knife zero chef_client 'name:node01' -x �����[�U�[���� -P ���p�X���[�h�� --sudo node01 Starting Chef Client, version 12.3.0 node01 resolving cookbooks for run list: ["yum-epel", "yum-remi"] node01 Synchronizing Cookbooks: node01 - yum-epel node01 - yum-remi ���������������� node01 Recipe: yum-epel::default node01 * yum_repository[epel] action create node01 * template[/etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo] action create ���������������� node01 Recipe: yum-remi::default node01 * yum_repository[remi] action create node01 * template[/etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo] action create ���������������� node01 Running handlers: node01 Running handlers complete node01 Chef Client finished, **/** resources updated in **.******** seconds
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