ASdb is a research dataset that maps public autonomous systems (identified by ASN) to organizations and up to three industry types using data from business intelligence databases, website classifiers, and a machine learning algorithm. Below are a few example records:

ASN (Owner) Category 1 Sub-Category 1
32 (Stanford University) Education and Research Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools
14061 (DigitalOcean, LLC) Computer and Information Technology Hosting and Cloud Provider

ASdb is maintained by Stanford Empirical Security Research Group and is updated approximately quarterly. For more information, please see our research paper from IMC 2021. Corrections can be submitted to [email protected]. We are happy to provide raw data (beyond the resultant dataset) to other academic research teams.

Research Paper

ASdb: A System for Classifying Owners of Autonomous Systems
Maya Ziv, Liz Izhikevich, Kimberly Ruth, Katherine Izhikevich, and Zakir Durumeric
ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), November 2021.

Abstract: While Autonomous Systems (ASes) are crucial for routing Internet traffic, organizations that own them are little understood. Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) inconsistently collect, release, and update basic AS organization information (e.g., website), and prior work provides only coarse-grained classification. Bootstrapping from RIR WHOIS data, we build ASdb, a system that uses data from established business intelligence databases and machine learning to accurately categorize ASes at scale. ASdb achieves 96% coverage of ASes, and 93% and 75% accuracy on 17 industry categories and 95 sub-categories, respectively. ASdb creates a more rich, accurate, comprehensive, and maintainable dataset cataloging AS-owning organizations. This system, and resulting dataset, will allow researchers to better understand who owns the Internet, and perform new forms of meaningful analysis and interpretation at scale.


File Size Description
2021-05_categorized_ases.csv 14 MiB This file contains the primary datset snapshotted in May 2021. Records are identified by ASN and map to indsutry categories and sub-categories. All categories listed for an AS apply, and the ordering has no significance.
2021-11_categorized_ases.csv 14 MiB This file contains the primary datset snapshotted in November 2021. Records are identified by ASN and map to indsutry categories and sub-categories. All categories listed for an AS apply, and the ordering has no significance.
2022-05_categorized_ases.csv 14 MiB This file contains the primary datset snapshotted in May 2022. Records are identified by ASN and map to indsutry categories and sub-categories. All categories listed for an AS apply, and the ordering has no significance.
2022-12_categorized_ases.csv 14 MiB This file contains the primary datset snapshotted in December 2022. Records are identified by ASN and map to indsutry categories and sub-categories. All categories listed for an AS apply, and the ordering has no significance.
2023-05_categorized_ases.csv 14 MiB This file contains the primary datset snapshotted in May 2023. Records are identified by ASN and map to indsutry categories and sub-categories. All categories listed for an AS apply, and the ordering has no significance.
2024-01_categorized_ases.csv 14 MiB This file contains the primary datset snapshotted in January 2024. Records are identified by ASN and map to indsutry categories and sub-categories. All categories listed for an AS apply, and the ordering has no significance.
NAICSlite.csv 3.5 KiB List of all possible categories and sub-categories.

Dataset was last updated and published on 01/30/2024.