

Celebrating 100 matching in kamilas4am platform! 祝!ビジネスオーナーとショート動画クリエイター、100マッチング達成!


Facilitated 100 matching! kamilas4amはスモールビジネス及びスタートアップと、クリエイターのマッチングを100回達成しました!

kamilas4am株式会社(本社:愛知県名古屋市、Co-CEO:堀真輔、Mimi Dumalaog)はスモールビジネスとショート動画のクリエイターをつなぐ、コミュニティマーケットプレイスです。Helping small business in their social media marketing by providing them a community marketplace.

■1st milestone: facilitate 100 matching

kamilas4am hit our first 100 video matching between small business owners and performer creators!
This means we delivered 100 times of perfect matching between a creator and a small business owner.


URL : https://www.kamilas4am.com/

■Our mission:

kamilas4am’s main mission is to help small business owners increase their traction on social media platforms. We do this by matching them with performer creators who normally do these videos for fun.
Aside from the production itself, the platform also provides content idea and strategy to these small business owners. This way, we remove the hassle of thinking and planning content production for a small business owner.
kamilas4amのミッションは、スモールビジネスのオーナーがソーシャルメディアプラットフォーム上でのプレゼンスを高める支援することです。 そのため、趣味で動画づくりを楽しんでいるパフォーマークリエイター(OLや主婦、学生などが所属しています)をマッチングしてkamilaがディレクションを行っています。


■Our result:
We delivered several viral videos to our test clients - one even reaching 2.7 million views. More than this, our videos help a small business owner find their own tribe and build a community of warm followers.


■Our team:
Mimi Dumalaog is a Magna Cum Laude graduate from the University Philippines-Manila and is currently a PhD candidate at Nagoya University. She’s also a small business owner and currently has 50,000 SNS following. Shinsuke Hori studied marketing in America. Prior to opening his own company, he was working for a startup company in Japan as a sales and marketing officer. He also has experience managing a small business back in Cambodia. Currently, he has 40,000 SNS following.

Mimi Dumalaog Co-founder フィリピン大学マニラ校をMagna Cum Laude(日本の主席)で卒業し、現在名古屋大学の博士課程に在籍しています。スモールビジネスオーナーでもあり、現在5万人のSNSフォロワーを持つ。
堀真輔 Co-founder 米国でマーケティングを学びマクロミル入社。起業前は、保育スタートアップユニファで営業・マーケティングを担当。カンボジアでビジネス経験あり。現在、TikTokを中心にSNSで4万人のフォロワーを持つ。

Our Tiktok account : https://www.tiktok.com/@harry_kamilas4am

■Our plan:
kamilas4am aims to hit 1000 transactions by the end of this year. But since we are still in the test phase, interested small business owners who work with us now can get a discounted price in exchange of giving us feedback on how we can improve this service.
If you are an interested small business owner or performer creator, visit our website at kamilas4am.com or send us an email at [email protected]


ご興味のあるスモールビジネスオーナー、またはスタートアップの方は、当社ウェブサイトkamilas4am.comをご覧いただくか、[email protected] までご連絡ください。

■About us:
Helping small business in their social media marketing by providing them a community marketplace. Through this community marketplace, we solve their content marketing problem by connecting them with performer creators who creates short-form videos for fun. We will be the Airbnb for short-video production.


【会社概要 Company】
会社名:kamilas4am株式会社 (kamilas4am Inc.)
本社住所:愛知県名古屋市中村区平池町4丁目60-12 グローバルゲート11F
代表者:代表取締役 堀真輔

【お問合せ先 Contact】
E-mail:[email protected]