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Philosophers of education have argued that in order for Environmental Education’s goals to succeed, students must form bonds and place attachments with nature. Some argue that immersive experiences in nature will be sufficient to form... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyPhilosophyEnvironmental Education
The opening stage direction in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot (1953) is a simple one-line sentence: ‘A country road. A tree’ (2006 1). This ostensibly situates the protagonists in the midst of a journey, yet famously, it is one that... more
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      NarrativeMonomyth/Hero's JourneyJoseph CampbellSamuel Beckett
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      ReligionJoseph CampbellRitual TheoryCalifornia History
This paper aims to address the mythopoeic aspect of Neil Gaiman’s American Gods, so as to disclose the elements of American cultural identity embedded in the novel. It is an attempt to analyse its legends, myths, folklore, popular culture... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyJoseph CampbellFantasy Literature
Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five (1969) has remained the most widely discussed of his novels in the five decades since its publication. However, the volume of critical work produced on it far outweighs the unique lines of thought... more
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      Monomyth/Hero's JourneyJoseph CampbellKurt VonnegutFiction
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      MythologyPhilosophyMonomyth/Hero's JourneyJoseph Campbell
End to end business process of Warehouse Management System.
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      Joseph CampbellSHAIKH AHMAD SIRHINDI
En: Blake, Cristina y Sardi, Valeria (comp.), Una literatura sin fronteras, La Plata: Ar.t Digital, 2011.
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      Comparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureChildren's LiteratureChildren's Literature & Culture
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      MythologyMonomyth/Hero's JourneyJoseph Campbell
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      World LiteraturesPortuguese and Brazilian LiteratureMonomyth/Hero's JourneyJoseph Campbell
A pesar de tener en contra toda una tradición mítica y literaria universal, que ha reservado tradicionalmente el “viaje del héroe” a personajes masculinos, las mujeres han conseguido emprender su propio periplo azaroso en la ficción,... more
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      Joseph CampbellBuffy the Vampire SlayerStar WarsQuentin Tarantino
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This paper discusses the impact of the "monomyth" paradigm of Joseph Campbell, especially as it is presented in "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" (1949), and reviews a variety of reactions to it, including that of feminist critics.... more
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      Joseph CampbellMargaret AtwoodFeminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesThe Hero Monomyth in Modern Literature
The translation of The Writer's Journey, by Christopher Vogler, and the practically simultaneous publication of Story, by Robert McKee, revived the debate about books on film and TV scripts, in which guides, descriptive studies and... more
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      ScreenwritingNarratologyJoseph CampbellArchetypes
Análisis musical, histórico, tecnológico y estético de la música de videojuegos a través de las obras de Nobuo Uematsu centrado en la saga Final Fantasy.
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      Cultural StudiesMusicologyNarrativeOpera
The haunting paintings of Rene Magritte invoke his conception of the "mystery of the world." Employing Freudian psychoanalytic theory, Magritte's mystery is unraveled through his dark past revealing his art as the gift of life.
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistory of ReligionSocial and Cultural AnthropologyModern Art
My thesis project examines CS Lewis's Space Trilogy, where the tale of hero/philologist Dr. Ransom illustrates concepts regarding language, experience, heroism, and emotion. This becomes particularly interesting when considering the... more
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      MythologyLanguages and LinguisticsArthurian StudiesJoseph Campbell
setting of the story is its most interesting feature, and the text portrays a very real feeling of that city. It focuses heavily on the precarious lifestyles of the Flannigan Brothers, who are trapped in an endless cycle of poverty, while... more
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      PovertyJoseph CampbellWestern American LiteratureNevada
It was the biggest film event in 2003. On the release day November 5th, the New York Times wrote: “In a first-ever global theatrical debut, the movie will open Wednesday on 10,013 screens in more than 50 countries and in 43 languages... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm AnalysisPhilosophy of Film
a. Los héroes sufren adversidades…derrotas como la batalla en Hoth.
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      Mythology And FolkloreFilm StudiesLiterature and cinemaMonomyth/Hero's Journey
Posté par revueprojections ⋅ juin 20, 2012 ⋅ 2 Commentaires Classé dans Christopher Vogler Il existe aujourd'hui peu d'écrivains qui n'ont pas entendu parler de La force d'inspiration des mythes pour l'écriture cinématographique et... more
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      Monomyth/Hero's JourneyJoseph CampbellVladimir ProppChristopher Vogler
A presentation on Faulkner's novel, setting it in the context of aesthetic modernism (T.S. Eliot, James Joyce, Cubism) and highlighting the novel's attempt to re-found mythic or archetypal structures in the wake of the abyss and... more
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      James JoyceJoseph CampbellFriedrich NietzscheModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
This paper provides a brief introductory interpretation of some key archetypal motifs in the Celtic mythology of Tristan and Isolde. The interpretation is based on elements taken from numerous interpreters of the myth, from Thomas of... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreComparative LiteratureMythologyCeltic Studies
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      Creativity studiesJoseph CampbellGenius (Psychology)Genius
This bachelor thesis analyses the literary techniques used to convey a culture-critical message about our relation to online media in The Circle (Dave Eggers, 2013) and Ready Player One (Ernest Cline, 2011). Both novels are a pressing... more
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      Dystopian LiteratureMonomyth/Hero's JourneyJoseph CampbellDave Eggers
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      Creative WritingComparative ReligionCultural StudiesComparative Literature
The book I wrote on Joseph Campbell's reception of C.G. Jung. Based on my PhD thesis at university of Edinburgh, Religious Studies department, and on archival research done at Joseph Campbell library in Santa Barbara. First chapter... more
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      Jungian psychologyJoseph CampbellJungian psychology (Religion)Jung
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      James JoyceJoseph CampbellSamuel BeckettArchetypes
Yapılan bu çalışmada Medya ve Çocuk İlişkisi, Sinema ve Çocuk Filmleri incelenmiş, özdeşleşme kavramı ile televizyon ve sinema üzerinden izler kitleye sunulan idealize edilmiş tek tip karakter ve hikâye anlatılarına dikkat çekilmiştir.... more
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      Media StudiesJoseph CampbellChildren's MediaMedia
School: Istanbul Dogus University Department: English Language and Literature Graduation Project Advisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Gillian M. E. Alban Completion Date: June 2010 ABSTRACT Harry Potter and the adventure he sets off on... more
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      Monomyth/Hero's JourneyJoseph CampbellFantasy LiteratureHarry Potter
Resumo O presente artigo apresenta uma análise sobre a importância do estudo dos símbolos religiosos, enfatizando seu caráter histórico e antropológico. Para tanto, é feito um estudo com base em autores que investigaram esse tema, como... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistorySociology of Religion
W artykule przeprowadzono analizę filmu Alicja w Krainie Czarów (2010), wyreżyserowanego przez Tima Burtona, jako realizacji Campbellowskiego schematu narracyjnego wyprawy bohatera. Burton, a także scenarzystka, Linda Wolvertoon,... more
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      Joseph CampbellLewis CarrollTim BurtonFilm Sequels
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      Joseph CampbellFeminist Literary Theory and Gender Studies
A look at Joseph Campbell's A Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake, a book owned and read by Sylvia Plath in her formative years. This is part of a series summarizing and quoting from books that were important to, and I believe, shaped Sylvia... more
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      Joseph CampbellTwentieth Century LiteraturePostmodernismTwentieth-Century and Contemporary Poetry
This paper decodes the story of Campbell's namesake, Joseph of Genesis, son of Jacob. It demonstrates that Joseph, much more so than Moses, represents the archetypal hero. Joseph is called to adventure into the unknown. Due to the... more
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      MythologyJoseph CampbellTransformational LeadershipThe Divine Feminine
O presente livro é fruto de cinco anos de pesquisas durante minha graduação em Psicologia. Trata de um livro de pesquisa científica, com bolsa da Fapesp. O livro visa o estudo dos símbolos religiosos e sua relação com a Maçonaria, bem... more
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      HistoryJoseph CampbellSymbologySymbolic Anthropology (Anthropology)
The most puzzling thing about having supporters and critics is that they might never get to the core of your ideas, but they will definitely represent them and misrepresent them always better than you can.
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      PhilosophyTransgender StudiesIdentity politicsJoseph Campbell
Жизненный и творческий путь Джозефа Кэмпбелла (1904 – 1987) можно справедливо назвать «страстным интеллектуальным путешествием», вполне подпадающим под описание пути героя. Познакомившись поближе с биографией учёного, мы можем извлечь для... more
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Fumito Ueda’s works have contributed significantly to the fact that video games are well-known as artistic products. “The Last Guardian” (2016), his third video game, seems to be an evolution of his unique style and aesthetics, specially... more
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      Game TheoryGame studiesGame DesignVideo Games
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      Joseph CampbellMitologiaMITOLOGÍA COMPARADAReligião
Il volume è diviso in due parti. Nella prima, gli archetipi sono definiti come gli elementi più antichi della lingua della narrazione. A differenza del concetto psicanalitico di archetipo, formulato da Carl Gustav Jung e legato alla sfera... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreComparative LiteratureRussian LiteratureJoseph Campbell
This thesis explores the disorientation that can follow the loss of religious faith, the lingering effects of religious complexes or religious trauma, and a possible path for fulfilling the religious instinct through fostering personal... more
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      MythologyNarrative TherapyPsychology of ReligionJoseph Campbell
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      ReligionJoseph CampbellMitologyMITOLOGÍA COMPARADA
Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five (1969) has remained the most widely discussed of his novels in the five decades since its publication. However, the volume of critical work produced on it far outweighs the unique lines of thought... more
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      American LiteratureMonomyth/Hero's JourneyJoseph CampbellPostmodern Fiction
El presente trabajo de investigación es un análisis literario sobre algunos pasajes de La Odisea de Homero y su relación con la película de Hayao Miyazaki El viaje de Chihiro (2001). Se exploró la conexión de ciertos motivos folclóricos... more
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      Greek LiteratureLiterature and cinemaJapanese AnimeMagic
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      Joseph CampbellClassical Reception StudiesClassical MythologySuperheroes
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      English LiteratureJoseph CampbellArchetypesSir Gawain and the Green Knight
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      Cultural StudiesGeographyComparative LiteratureMythology