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Jackie Wilson

Jack Leroy "Jackie" Wilson, Jr. (June 9, 1934 – January 21, 1984) was an American soul singer-songwriter and performer. A tenor with a four octave vocal range, he was nicknamed "Mr. Excitement", and was important in the transition of rhythm and blues into soul. He was considered a master showman, and one of the most dynamic and influential singers and performers in R&B and rock 'n' roll history. Gaining fame in his early years as a member of the R&B vocal group Billy Ward and His Dominoes, he went solo in 1957 and recorded over 50 hit singles that spanned R&B, pop, soul, doo-wop and easy listening. This included 16 R&B Top 10 hits, including 6 R&B # 1's. On the Billboard Hot 100, he scored 14 Top 20 Pop hits, 6 of which made it into the Pop Top 10. On September 29, 1975, while headlining a Dick Clark Oldies Concert, he collapsed on stage from what was later determined to be a massive heart attack, and subsequently slipped into a coma slowing awakening over a period of 8 months. He remained semi-comatose for the 9 years until his death in 1984, at the age of 49; he was deemed conscious but incapacitated in early June 1976. Wilson was an inspiration to Elvis Presley, Bruce Springsteen, James Brown and Michael Jackson to name a few. He was one of the most influential artists of his generation.

Jackie Wilson (boxer)

Jackie Wilson was an American boxer born in South Carolina but raised and listed from Pittsburgh. He was undefeated in his first 6 fights with a record of 4-0-2.

Wilson fought Tommy Paul twice. Wilson won both times in Pennsylvania by decision in the first fight and by TKO in the second fight. He fought Sammy Angott and won by decision in Pennsylvania. He also fought Freddie Miller two times. The first fight Wilson won by decision in Motor Square Garden. The second fight he won by decision in Cincinnati. He fought Speedy Dado in California and won by decision. He fought Sammy Angott in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and lost by decision.

Wilson fought Leo Rodak four times. The first three fights went to a draw. The fourth fight was for the World Featherweight Title the Maryland State Version. Rodak won by decision in Baltimore, Maryland. Wilson fought Rodak for a fifth and sixth time. Rodak won the fifth fight by decision in Chicago. The sixth fight Rodak again won by decision in Ohio.

Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile)

"Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile)" is a song written and performed by Van Morrison and featured as the opening track on his sixth studio album, Saint Dominic's Preview. It was released by Warner Bros. in July 1972 as the first of three singles from the album and charted at number sixty-one on the US Billboard Hot 100.

"Jackie Wilson Said" was covered by Dexys Midnight Runners on their album Too-Rye-Ay and reached number five on the UK Singles Chart when released in 1982. It has been covered by several other artists throughout the years, including: David Campbell, Syl Johnson, Tommy McLain and Darby O'Gill.

Recording and composition

Morrison first recorded "Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile)" in early 1972 at the Pacific High and Wally Heider Studios in San Francisco during one of the sessions for Saint Dominic's Preview. The song featured as the opening tune on the album released by Warner Bros. in July 1972.


Jackie Wilson


Born: 1934-06-09

Died: 1984-01-21

  • Van Morrison - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile) (Official Audio)

    "Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile)" by Van Morrison Listen to Van Morrison: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/listenYD Subscribe to the official Van Morrison YouTube channel: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/subscribeYD Watch more Van Morrison videos: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/listenYC/youtube Follow Van Morrison: Facebook: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/followFI Instagram: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/followII Twitter: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/followTI Website: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/followWI Spotify: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/followSI YouTube: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/subscribeYD Lyrics: I'm in heaven I'm in heaven I'm in heaven When you smile When you smile When you smile When you smile #VanMorrison #JacksonWilsonSaid #ImInHeavenWhenYouSmile #OfficialAudio #Rock

    published: 28 Aug 2015
  • Kevin Rowland & Dexys Midnight Runners - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile) • TopPop

    "Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile)" is a song written by Van Morrison. It is the opening track of his sixth studio album, 'Saint Dominic's Preview' and was released in July 1972 as the first single from the album. It charted at number sixty-one on the US Billboard Hot 100. "Jackie Wilson Said" was covered by Dexys Midnight Runners on their album 'Too-Rye-Ay' and reached #5 on the UK Singles Chart when released in 1982. It reached #21 on the charts in Holland on November 27, 1982 and was recorded for Toppop on October 30, 1982. Watch our great music videos ❯ https://goo.gl/feVLNN More TopPop? Subscribe here ❯ https://goo.gl/X9FOAU More info on Wikipedia ❯ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TopPop Broadcast date: 20-11-1982 This is to let you know that the video recording of...

    published: 10 Apr 2018
  • Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile)

    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile) · Dexys Midnight Runners · Kevin Rowland Too Rye Ay ℗ A Mercury Nashville Release; ℗ 1982 UMG Recordings, Inc. Released on: 1982-07-22 Associated Performer, Vocals, Producer: Kevin Rowland Associated Performer, Accordion, Piano, Organ: Micky Billingham Associated Performer, Banjo, Guitar: Billy Adams Associated Performer, Bass Guitar: Giorgio Kilkenny Associated Performer, Drums: Seb Shelton Associated Performer, Fiddle: Helen O'Hara Associated Performer, Fiddle: Steve Brennan Associated Performer, Flute, Tin Whistle, Saxophone: Brian Maurice Associated Performer, Trombone: Big Jim Paterson Associated Performer, Additional Vocals: Carol Kenyon Associated Performer, Additional ...

    published: 26 Dec 2019
  • Van Morrison - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile) (w/ lyrics)

    💿 Saint Dominic's Preview, 1972 Da da da da dat da, da da da da Da da da da dat da, da da da da Da da da da dat da, da da da da Da da da da dat da, da da da da Jackie Wilson said "It was, Reet-Petite" Kinda love you got Knock me off my feet Let it all hang out Oh, let it all hang out And you know I'm so wired up Don't need no coffee In my cup Let it all hang out Let it all hang out Watch this Ding a ling a ling Ding a ling a ling ding Ding a ling a ling Ding a ling a ling ding Do da do da do I'm in Heaven, I'm in Heaven I'm in Heaven When you smile, when you smile When you smile, when you smile And when you walk Across the road You make my heart go Boom boom boom Let it all hang out Baby, let it all hang out And ev'ry time You look that way Honey chile You make my day Let it all...

    published: 04 Aug 2019
  • Van Morrison - Jackie Wilson Said (In Concert)

    Music video by Van Morrison performing Jackie Wilson Said. (C) 2018 British Broadcasting Corporation / Exile Productions Limited, under exclusive license to Eagle Rock Entertainment Ltd. http://vevo.ly/NlAsYP

    published: 16 Feb 2018
  • "Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile)" - Van Morrison

    Remembering My Favorite Performer, Jackie Wilson, by Van Morrison This video is uploaded for educational purposes under the " fair use " statute

    published: 12 Apr 2019
  • Kevin Rowland And Dexys Midnight Runners - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile)

    Kevin Rowland And Dexys Midnight Runners - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile)

    published: 27 Aug 2014
Van Morrison - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile) (Official Audio)

Van Morrison - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile) (Official Audio)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:59
  • Uploaded Date: 28 Aug 2015
  • views: 532793
"Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile)" by Van Morrison Listen to Van Morrison: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/listenYD Subscribe to the official Van Morrison YouTube channel: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/subscribeYD Watch more Van Morrison videos: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/listenYC/youtube Follow Van Morrison: Facebook: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/followFI Instagram: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/followII Twitter: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/followTI Website: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/followWI Spotify: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/followSI YouTube: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/subscribeYD Lyrics: I'm in heaven I'm in heaven I'm in heaven When you smile When you smile When you smile When you smile #VanMorrison #JacksonWilsonSaid #ImInHeavenWhenYouSmile #OfficialAudio #Rock
Kevin Rowland & Dexys Midnight Runners - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile) • TopPop

Kevin Rowland & Dexys Midnight Runners - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile) • TopPop

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:06
  • Uploaded Date: 10 Apr 2018
  • views: 81204
"Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile)" is a song written by Van Morrison. It is the opening track of his sixth studio album, 'Saint Dominic's Preview' and was released in July 1972 as the first single from the album. It charted at number sixty-one on the US Billboard Hot 100. "Jackie Wilson Said" was covered by Dexys Midnight Runners on their album 'Too-Rye-Ay' and reached #5 on the UK Singles Chart when released in 1982. It reached #21 on the charts in Holland on November 27, 1982 and was recorded for Toppop on October 30, 1982. Watch our great music videos ❯ https://goo.gl/feVLNN More TopPop? Subscribe here ❯ https://goo.gl/X9FOAU More info on Wikipedia ❯ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TopPop Broadcast date: 20-11-1982 This is to let you know that the video recording of the video clip was originally recorded by AVROTROS Broadcasting. AVROTROS Broadcasting hereby warrants and represents that it is the sole and exclusive owner of the physical film and/or videotape footage in this video clip. The performance of the artist(s) in the clip was filmed and recorded with the written consent of the artist(s) and their representatives. AVROTROS is a Dutch radio and television broadcaster, founded in 2014 from a merger of AVRO and TROS. From January 1st, 2014 the name of the merged broadcaster was used in joint programmes. AVRO was founded in 1923 as the Netherlands first public broadcaster. TROS started broadcasting in 1964. Toppop was a weekly AVRO pop program that was aired between 1970 and 1988. AVROTROS Broadcasting PO Box 2 1200 JA Hilversum The Netherlands TopPop was the first regular dedicated pop music TV show in the Dutch language area. Dutch broadcaster AVRO aired the programme weekly, from 1970 to 1988. Presenter Ad Visser hosted the show for its first fifteen years. World famous music artists performed on TopPop: ABBA, 10CC, Bee Gees, The Jacksons with Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Earth & Fire, Queen, Golden Earring, Boney M, KC & The Sunshine Band, Chic, Donna Summer and many many more.
Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile)

Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:05
  • Uploaded Date: 26 Dec 2019
  • views: 450286
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile) · Dexys Midnight Runners · Kevin Rowland Too Rye Ay ℗ A Mercury Nashville Release; ℗ 1982 UMG Recordings, Inc. Released on: 1982-07-22 Associated Performer, Vocals, Producer: Kevin Rowland Associated Performer, Accordion, Piano, Organ: Micky Billingham Associated Performer, Banjo, Guitar: Billy Adams Associated Performer, Bass Guitar: Giorgio Kilkenny Associated Performer, Drums: Seb Shelton Associated Performer, Fiddle: Helen O'Hara Associated Performer, Fiddle: Steve Brennan Associated Performer, Flute, Tin Whistle, Saxophone: Brian Maurice Associated Performer, Trombone: Big Jim Paterson Associated Performer, Additional Vocals: Carol Kenyon Associated Performer, Additional Vocals: Katie Kissoon Associated Performer, Additional Vocals: Samantha Brown Producer: Alan Winstanley Producer: Clive Langer Studio Personnel, Mastering Engineer: Arun Chakraverty Composer Lyricist: Van Morrison Auto-generated by YouTube.
Van Morrison - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile) (w/ lyrics)

Van Morrison - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile) (w/ lyrics)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:59
  • Uploaded Date: 04 Aug 2019
  • views: 16946
💿 Saint Dominic's Preview, 1972 Da da da da dat da, da da da da Da da da da dat da, da da da da Da da da da dat da, da da da da Da da da da dat da, da da da da Jackie Wilson said "It was, Reet-Petite" Kinda love you got Knock me off my feet Let it all hang out Oh, let it all hang out And you know I'm so wired up Don't need no coffee In my cup Let it all hang out Let it all hang out Watch this Ding a ling a ling Ding a ling a ling ding Ding a ling a ling Ding a ling a ling ding Do da do da do I'm in Heaven, I'm in Heaven I'm in Heaven When you smile, when you smile When you smile, when you smile And when you walk Across the road You make my heart go Boom boom boom Let it all hang out Baby, let it all hang out And ev'ry time You look that way Honey chile You make my day Let it all hang out Like the man said, "Let it all hang out" Watch this Ding a ling a ling Ding a ling a ling ding Ding a ling a ling Ding a ling a ling ding Do da do da do I'm in Heaven, I'm in Heaven I'm in Heaven When you smile When you smile I'm in Heaven, I'm in Heaven I'm in Heaven When you smile One more time I'm in Heaven, I'm in Heaven I'm in Heaven When you smile When you smile Do do do Do do do Do do do
Van Morrison - Jackie Wilson Said (In Concert)

Van Morrison - Jackie Wilson Said (In Concert)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:39
  • Uploaded Date: 16 Feb 2018
  • views: 76587
Music video by Van Morrison performing Jackie Wilson Said. (C) 2018 British Broadcasting Corporation / Exile Productions Limited, under exclusive license to Eagle Rock Entertainment Ltd. http://vevo.ly/NlAsYP
"Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile)" - Van Morrison

"Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile)" - Van Morrison

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:01
  • Uploaded Date: 12 Apr 2019
  • views: 2444
Remembering My Favorite Performer, Jackie Wilson, by Van Morrison This video is uploaded for educational purposes under the " fair use " statute
Kevin Rowland And Dexys Midnight Runners - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile)

Kevin Rowland And Dexys Midnight Runners - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:05
  • Uploaded Date: 27 Aug 2014
  • views: 8131
Kevin Rowland And Dexys Midnight Runners - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile)
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Van Morrison - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile) (Official Audio)

"Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile)" by Van Morrison Listen to Van Morrison: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/listenYD Subscribe to the official Van Morrison YouTube channel: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/subscribeYD Watch more Van Morrison videos: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/listenYC/youtube Follow Van Morrison: Facebook: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/followFI Instagram: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/followII Twitter: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/followTI Website: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/followWI Spotify: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/followSI YouTube: https://VanMorrison.lnk.to/subscribeYD Lyrics: I'm in heaven I'm in heaven I'm in heaven When you smile When you smile When you smile When you smile #VanMorrison #JacksonWilsonSaid #ImInHeavenWhenYouSmile #OfficialAudio #Rock
Van Morrison - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile) (Official Audio)
"Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile)" by Van Morrison Listen to Van Morrison...
published: 28 Aug 2015
Play in Full Screen
Kevin Rowland & Dexys Midnight Runners - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile) • TopPop
"Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile)" is a song written by Van Morrison. It...
published: 10 Apr 2018
Play in Full Screen
Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile)
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You S...
published: 26 Dec 2019
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Van Morrison - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile) (w/ lyrics)
💿 Saint Dominic's Preview, 1972 Da da da da dat da, da da da da Da da da da dat da, da da...
published: 04 Aug 2019
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Van Morrison - Jackie Wilson Said (In Concert)
Music video by Van Morrison performing Jackie Wilson Said. (C) 2018 British Broadcasting C...
published: 16 Feb 2018
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"Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile)" - Van Morrison
Remembering My Favorite Performer, Jackie Wilson, by Van Morrison This video is uploade...
published: 12 Apr 2019
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Kevin Rowland And Dexys Midnight Runners - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile)
Kevin Rowland And Dexys Midnight Runners - Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smil...
published: 27 Aug 2014
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Jackie Wilson

Jack Leroy "Jackie" Wilson, Jr. (June 9, 1934 – January 21, 1984) was an American soul singer-songwriter and performer. A tenor with a four octave vocal range, he was nicknamed "Mr. Excitement", and was important in the transition of rhythm and blues into soul. He was considered a master showman, and one of the most dynamic and influential singers and performers in R&B and rock 'n' roll history. Gaining fame in his early years as a member of the R&B vocal group Billy Ward and His Dominoes, he went solo in 1957 and recorded over 50 hit singles that spanned R&B, pop, soul, doo-wop and easy listening. This included 16 R&B Top 10 hits, including 6 R&B # 1's. On the Billboard Hot 100, he scored 14 Top 20 Pop hits, 6 of which made it into the Pop Top 10. On September 29, 1975, while headlining a Dick Clark Oldies Concert, he collapsed on stage from what was later determined to be a massive heart attack, and subsequently slipped into a coma slowing awakening over a period of 8 months. He remained semi-comatose for the 9 years until his death in 1984, at the age of 49; he was deemed conscious but incapacitated in early June 1976. Wilson was an inspiration to Elvis Presley, Bruce Springsteen, James Brown and Michael Jackson to name a few. He was one of the most influential artists of his generation.

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