Etchings on Polyiaminate, 2023
Progressive Decay is a series of unique prints on reassembled polylaminate food packaging cartons exploring rhythmic patterns present in industrial and domestic waste, where expression and mood reflect meditations on personal life and world events. The rhythm of the cartons‘ polyhedron and spout structure is a reflection on the passage of time and the circle, a motif often present in Teiese’s work, as well as a trace of the cartons‘ former use. The artist hand-printed each variation with a unique process. Due to the fragility of the aseptic cartons‘ surface, the matrix slowly decays and deteriorates over time, until it is no longer printable, making each print unique and unrepeatable. Each plate variation is numbered chronologically in printing order. Progressive decay continues Emilia Te|ese’s philosophical discourse about domestic and industrial waste, environmental issues, conceptual artistic practice and the Anthropocene. Shown for the first time during Emilia Telese’s solo exhibition at Grafiksalurinn Galleri, Hafnarhus, Reykjavik, in March 2023.
Progressive Decay I and ll (variations i to vm), 2023 Intaglio etching, ink and goid pigment on aseptic cartons, hand printed on Magnani handmade paper, 36,5x52cm (paper dimensions 86 x 62cm) – Unique prints
Pregressnve Decay I [varnatnon |), 2023, detanl Intaglio etching, ink and gold pigment on aseptic cartons, hand printed on Magnani handmade paper, 36,5x52cm (paper dimensions 86 x 62cm] – Unique prints
Progressive Decay II (variaton ii), 2023, detail “ Intaglio etching, ink and gold pigment on aseptic cartons, hand printed on Magnani handmade paper, 36,5x52cm (paper dimensions 86 x 62cm] – Unique prints
Progressive Decay III variation i, 2023, detail Intaglio etching, ink and gold pigment on aseptic cartons, hand printed on Magnani handmade paper, 18,2x46cm (paper dimensions 86 x 62cm] – Unique prints
Progressive Decay I and ll (variations i to m), 2023 installation view during Emilia Teiese’s solo exhibition at Grafiksalurinn, Reykjavik, March 2023
Emilia Telese’s work with polylaminates was featured on Iceland’s main English language newspaper, The Reykjavik Grapevine The artist was also interviewed by Icelandic state broadcaster RUV in a podcast about her work with milk cartons and the recycling of domestic waste. Photos by Art Biknick – The Reykjavik Grapevine
Bergmal I Echo. Performance, 15 min. During her solo exhibition, Emilia Telese devised Bergmal (Echo) alive performance in collaboration with Philip Bedwell and composer Robin Rimbaud/Scanner. Bergmal was designed by Emilia Telese and Philip Bedwell to interact site—specifically with Emilia Telese’s Progressive Decay series of etchings dealing with fragility and recurring patterns within industrial waste materials. Shown for the first time during Emilia Telese’s solo exhibition at Grafiksalurinn, Hafnarhds Reykjavik, in March 2023.
During Bergmal, Emilia Telese and Philip Beclwell use the same motifs ancl colours of Telese‘s Progressive Decay prints, creating echoes of the etching and printing process. A special soundtrack by contemporary British composer Robin Rimbaud/Scanner forms the base for the movements of the performers. The full performance is visible on Emilia Telese’s Youtube channel, @emiartista. Photos by Art Bicknik