Released - 9 October, 2015
- Fixed Turrets'
Quetzal targeting when you have
Quetz Structure-Armor around body. Head will be shot.
- Dead insects now stop animating if you enter the area after they're killed
- Fixed a case where you could get stuck on the painting templates save/load screens
- Fixed Server Direct Connection (from Steam/Browser such as ) logic to not fail, and also fixed a crash if direct-joining a server fails
- Improved how shotguns are networked
- Anti speedhack detection is now enabled by default -- to disable it, use the server commandline "-noantispeedhack"
- Server player-move-physics optimization is now enabled by default (improves perf) -- to disable it, use the server commandline "-nocombineclientmoves"
- Reduced Damage of Guns & Projectiles onto
Pteranodon by 25% (3.x multiplier rather than 4.x multuplier)