ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
Crafting Light Esta es una traducción en progreso.
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Fecha de lanzamiento: 4 de julio de 2015

Cambios y correcciones:

  • Se ha corregido un error fatal del servidor
  • Fixed case of clients unable to spawn in the online game / getting booted. Temporary solution before v183 until this new version is to TOTALLY delete your game directory and redownload the game (the issue is due to having some extra old map files in your Maps dir that need to be cleared out). v183 will ignore these however. Mega props to Steam User "crua9" for helping us to track this down!
  • Se han corregido varios errores relacionados con vacíos de colusión en la categoría de piedra (los dinosaurios podían llegar a golpear tras a los jugadores tras este material, entre otras cosas)
  • Se ha corregido un caso por el que podías arrastrarte debajo de una base enemiga y levantarte para entrar en ella.
  • Added "Independence Fireworks" Skin for Flare Gun. Find it dropped from a variety of high-level dinos, and skin your Flares with this, to light up the night sky with a blazing fireworks display. Will only drop this weekend, so better stock up!
  • New Primitive-Only Official Servers! Only stuff available that you might actually find in caveman-era tech, for role-playing fun. PvP, PvE, and PvP Hardcore in North America, EU, and OC. If players like this and the servers get crowded, we can add more :) Server Admins can now explicitly remove items from the Supply Crate drops, to facilitate these primitive servers (a little later will expose the full loot tables for editing) We'll be providing the INI's used to setup these servers so that players can easily host their own Primitive-Era servers as they may wish.
  • Emote Wheel! 10 emotes for now Male and Female, along with two Emote Hotkey bindings.
  • Ahora los creadores de mods podrán anular el minimapa y las regiones de aparición
  • Se ha corregido un error por el que el Ictiosaurio perdía afinidad de domesticado demasiado rápido y no podía ser alimentado lo suficientemente rápido para compensarlo
  • Fixed issue where swimming dinos were attempting to beach themselves to eat corpses :-P
  • Made dinos able to properly damage structures again, in many cases a trace check was failing causing them to not do damage
  • Los dinosaurios ya no podrán empujarte si estás detrás de una estructura
  • Made high level supply crates more likely to give high-level items
  • Se ha mejorado el rendimiento del servidor (fase I)
  • Hopeful fix for dinos appearing through floors when re-entering a zone or reloading a server
  • Added key for "Proximity Text Chat", to say something in text chat only within a short audible range (has a unique text chat color)
  • Se ha mejorado el aspecto visual/materiales de las estructuras de piedra
  • Se ha añadido un posible arreglo para un caso en el que los datos de una tribu se podían perder al recargar un servidor
  • Fixed a case where "Take All From Inventory" could lose items if it would make your own Inventory greater than 2x overweight. Now it'll stop if it reaches that.