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Really nice, I'll try this wit my (unfinished) BeGEMeD game :)

This would be a great match! I have BeGEMed on my system and I gave it a quick try. The game runs perfectly. But there is a screen on startup that requests "Press Key" - the colour palette after the LOADER program leaves this screen just black. After the keypress the colour palette seems to be set, and everything runs fine - including the game exit.

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Look at that :

and my new version of Cosmos Chronicles :

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version 1.0 of COSMOS CHRONICLES using your tool available ! Question : it will not work with a ST game with 4Mo of RAM ? (because COSMOS II will be possibly use 4Mo of RAM)

Thanks again for this great tool

The loader program stays in RAM, waiting for termination of the game to close the HATARI Emulator. If COSMOS II needs all 4MB, then you have a problem.
You may change the HATARI configuration file. HATARI supports up to 14MB. Maybe this will help?

so no problem, it will not use all the 4MB ;)

I have used it for my ST GAME : COSMOS CHRONICLES, available on
I will thanks you in the game final version

So great to see the Stand Alone Pack in action! You even used the SNDH playback!!! So the documentation seems to be understandable.
Will the final version be multilingual? I would love to play this game!

yes, i will create an english version when finish (Version 1.0)

This is completely awesome! 

Great idea!