Automation and AI are changing the way businesses function today, with the introduction
of AI tools to do everything from designing, writing reports based on just little
As these technologies increase, they will eventually become “must-have” for
organisations to stay ahead of their competitions. AI is the essential topic in this age
that needs to be discussed.
Sustainability practices are no longer just ‘cool’ to have. They are for environmental
and business reasons going mainstream.
Organisations that embrace sustainability towards the future will perform well on all
parameters of business. It’s about focusing on the future and creating opportunities for
the next generation against focusing on the now.
DE&I enhances a culture more conducive to belonging. If a workforce is made more diverse and inclusive, (gender empowerment, Focus and integration of disability in communities) it helps society while addressing the challenges of specialisation and scarcity.
Africa still has a young generation and as such need to protect the future and have a succession. People that will create an impact in the future.
As a developing continent, there is the need to harmonise and ensure that all aspects of the MarCom world come together to develop regulatory measures that help the industry thrive in this ever-changing world.
Creativity is being driven by technology now and makes the fabric of our existence.