'use strict'; const version = '20241118'; const staticCacheName = version + 'static'; const pagesCacheName = 'pages'; const imagesCacheName = 'images'; const maxPages = 50; // Maximum number of pages to cache const maxImages = 100; // Maximum number of images to cache const timeout = 5000; // Number of milliseconds before timing out const cacheList = [ staticCacheName, pagesCacheName, imagesCacheName ]; function updateStaticCache() { return caches.open(staticCacheName) .then( staticCache => { // These items won't block the installation of the Service Worker staticCache.addAll([ '/skins/default/images/clone.jpg', '/skins/default/images/bandstand.jpg', '/skins/default/images/scaffold.jpg', '/skins/default/images/tokyo.jpg', '/skins/default/images/stage.jpg', '/skins/default/images/florence.jpg', '/skins/default/images/curved.jpg', '/includes/css/print.css', ]); // These items must be cached for the Service Worker to complete installation return staticCache.addAll([ '/includes/javascript/global.js?' + version, '/skins/default/global.css?' + version, '/offline' ]); }); } // Cache the page(s) that initiate the service worker function cacheClients() { const pages = []; return clients.matchAll({ includeUncontrolled: true }) .then( allClients => { for (const client of allClients) { pages.push(client.url); } }) .then ( () => { caches.open(pagesCacheName) .then( pagesCache => { return pagesCache.addAll(pages); }); }) } // Remove caches whose name is no longer valid function clearOldCaches() { return caches.keys() .then( keys => { return Promise.all(keys .filter(key => !cacheList.includes(key)) .map(key => caches.delete(key)) ); }); } function trimCache(cacheName, maxItems) { caches.open(cacheName) .then( cache => { cache.keys() .then(keys => { if (keys.length > maxItems) { cache.delete(keys[0]) .then( () => { trimCache(cacheName, maxItems) }); } }); }); } addEventListener('install', event => { event.waitUntil( updateStaticCache() .then( () => { cacheClients() }) .then( () => { return skipWaiting(); }) ); }); addEventListener('activate', event => { event.waitUntil( clearOldCaches() .then( () => { return clients.claim(); }) ); }); if (registration.navigationPreload) { addEventListener('activate', event => { event.waitUntil( registration.navigationPreload.enable() ); }); } self.addEventListener('message', event => { if (event.data.command == 'trimCaches') { trimCache(pagesCacheName, maxPages); trimCache(imagesCacheName, maxImages); } }); addEventListener('fetch', event => { const request = event.request; // Ignore requests to some directories if (request.url.includes('/cms')) { return; } // Ignore non-GET requests if (request.method !== 'GET') { return; } const retrieveFromCache = caches.match(request); // For HTML requests, try the network first, fall back to the cache, finally the offline page if (request.mode === 'navigate' || request.headers.get('Accept').includes('text/html')) { event.respondWith( new Promise( resolveWithResponse => { const timer = setTimeout( () => { // Time out: CACHE retrieveFromCache .then( responseFromCache => { if (responseFromCache) { resolveWithResponse(responseFromCache); } }) }, timeout); Promise.resolve(event.preloadResponse) .then( preloadResponse => preloadResponse || fetch(request) ) .then( responseFromPreloadOrFetch => { // NETWORK clearTimeout(timer); const copy = responseFromPreloadOrFetch.clone(); // Stash a copy of this page in the pages cache try { event.waitUntil( caches.open(pagesCacheName) .then( pagesCache => { return pagesCache.put(request, copy); }) ); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } resolveWithResponse(responseFromPreloadOrFetch); }) .catch( preloadOrFetchError => { clearTimeout(timer); console.error(preloadOrFetchError, request); // CACHE or FALLBACK retrieveFromCache .then( responseFromCache => { resolveWithResponse( responseFromCache || caches.match('/offline') ); }); }); }) ) return; } // For non-HTML requests, look in the cache first, fall back to the network event.respondWith( retrieveFromCache .then(responseFromCache => { // CACHE return responseFromCache || fetch(request) .then( responseFromFetch => { // NETWORK // If the request is for an image, stash a copy of this image in the images cache if (request.url.match(/\.(jpe?g|png|gif|svg|webp|mapbox)/)) { const copy = responseFromFetch.clone(); try { event.waitUntil( caches.open(imagesCacheName) .then( imagesCache => { return imagesCache.put(request, copy); }) ); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } return responseFromFetch; }) .catch( fetchError => { console.error(fetchError); // FALLBACK // show an offline placeholder if (request.url.match(/\.(jpe?g|png|gif|svg|webp|mapbox)/)) { return new Response('Offlineoffline', {headers: {'Content-Type': 'image/svg+xml', 'Cache-Control': 'no-store'}}); } }); }) ); });