My Modern CSS Reset |
I like the approach here: logical properties and sensible default type and spacing.
Styling a list of nested details
elements to create a beautiful lokking tree view, all in CSS, all nicely accessible.
I like the approach here: logical properties and sensible default type and spacing.
Oh, how I wish that every team building for the web would use this sensible approach!
Progressive enhancement is a design and development principle where we build in layers which automatically turn themselves on based on the browser’s capabilities.
The idea of progressive enhancement is that everyone gets the perfect experience for them, rather than a pre-determined “perfect” experience from a design and development team.
Laying out sheet music with CSS grid—sounds extreme until you see it abstracted into a web component.
We need fluid and responsive music rendering for the web!
Adam makes a very good point here: the term “vertical rhythm” is quite chauvanistic, unconciously defaulting to top-to-bottom writing modes; the term “logical rhythm” is more universal (and scalable).
A little fix for Safari.
Had you heard of these bits of CSS? Me too/neither!
Going back to school in Amsterdam.
Separate your concerns.
Styling a document about The Culture novels of Iain M Banks.