HTML attributes to improve your users’ two factor authentication experience - Twilio

The many ways of improving a single form field in HTML.

I love these kinds of deep dives into markup!

HTML attributes to improve your users’ two factor authentication experience - Twilio

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CSS { In Real Life } | I’ve Been Doing Blockquotes Wrong

It’s pretty easy to write bad HTML, because for most developers there are no consequences. If you write some bad Javascript, your application will probably crash and you or your users will get a horrible error message. It’s like a flashing light above your head telling the world you’ve done something bad. At the very least you’ll feel like a prize chump. HTML fails silently. Write bad HTML and maybe it means someone who doesn’t browse the web in exactly the same way as you do doesn’t get access to the information they need. But maybe you still get your pay rise and bonus.

So it’s frustrating to see the importance of learning HTML dismissed time and time again.

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A microdata enhanced HTML Webcomponent for Leaflet | k-nut — Blog

Here’s a nice HTML web component that uses structured data in the markup to populate a Leaflet map.

Personally I’d probably use microformats rather than microdata, but the princple is the same: progressive enhancement from plain old HTML to an interactive map.

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This looks like a handy collection of HTML web components for common interface patterns.

drab does not use the shadow DOM, so you can style content within these elements as usual with CSS.

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HTML Web Components on the Server Are Great | Scott Jehl, Web Designer/Developer

Scott has written a perfect description of HTML web components:

They are custom elements that

  1. are not empty, and instead contain functional HTML from the start,
  2. receive some amount of progressive enhancement using the Web Components JavaScript lifecycle, and
  3. do not rely on that JavaScript to run for their basic content or functionality.

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Light-DOM-Only Web Components are Sweet – Frontend Masters Boost

The main reason I’m so hot on Light DOM is that I find the styling story of Web Components using Shadow DOM annoying.

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My approach to HTML web components

Naming custom elements, naming attributes, the single responsibility principle, and communicating across components.

Displaying HTML web components

You might want to use `display: contents` …maybe.

button invoketarget=”share”

An alternate route to a declarative version of the Web Share API.

Lost in calculation

A lazy option for responsive images is at hand.

HTML web components

Don’t replace. Augment.