Journal archive: June, 2002


                    5th                     10th                     15th                     20th                     25th                     30th

Donnie Darko

It’s not often that I’ll watch a movie because of a website but that’s exactly what I did after visiting the Donnie Darko website.

.org is a public trust

Be sure to add your support to the proposal to run the .org domain registry as a public trust.


Pamie is back.


When I get back to England, I’m going to have to trip a trip up to London and start looking out for chalkmarks.

iBook redux

Hallelujah! My iBook is fixed.


Disaster strikes!

What a long strange trip it's been

The reason why I haven’t been updating here lately is that I’ve been on the road, wandering, en routard, cruising the highways and exploring the state of Arizona.


It’s a dry summer even by Arizona standards.


The Hoopla debacle goes from bad to worse.

Ice Floes

The view from the airplane.

Ice and sun

I’m in Arizona and it’s hot, hot, hot.

Once more into the breach

I’m out of here… again.

Apple - Switch

It looks like Apple are getting serious about converting the masses.

Accessibility goes mainstream

The New York Times has picked up on the whole accessibilty debate. The site requires free registration before you can read the article.

Letting the side down

I did something two days ago that I’ve never done before in my life. I called up a television station to complain about the content of a programme.

The Bleat

This is unexpected: James Lileks really likes Attack Of The Clones.

Silky smooth

Apple have just released the latest update to OS X and there’s already a nifty little application that activates font smoothing in all Carbon applications.

Mac Jedi

After switching over to using a Mac, the only thing I really missed about using a PC was playing games like Jedi Knight.

eMac - the E is for Everybody

I see that Apple have opened up the eMac to everyone - not just the education sector.

Mirror Project pictures

It’s hard to believe that the weather so nice just a couple of days ago when I took this picture of myself reflected in Jessica’s sunglasses.

Back to normal

I had my moment in the limelight with Salter Cane last night. All in all, it went really well.

What's on in Brighton

If anybody in Brighton is looking for a good evening’s entertainment tonight, head on over to the Hanbury Ballroom.


Happy Birthday to my mother! It’s great to have her here - we can go out and celebrate in style somewhere in Brighton tonight.