Journal archive: February, 2002


                    5th                     10th                     15th                     20th                     25th               

The Insidious Virus of Greedy Record Companies

This speech from the grammy awards is far more succinctly summed up by this image.

Thoughtcrime at

This is pretty shocking. Heather Hamilton has lost her job because she keeps an online journal.

Have iPod, Will Secretly Bootleg

I know it’s software piracy but I find this hilarious.

Silicon Beach

I spent yesterday evening in the company of fellow Brightonites of the new-media persuasion.

So long, Spike

The last of the Goon’s, Hove’s own Spike Milligan, has passed away.

Mac OS X Roadshow

Jessica and I spent the day at the Mac OS X Roadshow which came to town today. Overall, it was pretty good.

A Fair Cop

As I pass by the newsagents on the way to my house, I always enjoy trying to make sense of the curt headlines that are posted outside. "Binmen Lorry Chain Protest" for instance.

Web rage hits the internet

This is why it’s important that we build usable, intuitive websites - Web rage:

Quest for an iMac

Seems like I’m not the only one who has had trouble trying to get hold of an iMac for a test-drive.

Bring on the dancing iMacs

According to this list, one of the things to be avoided in any blog is "your Mac fetish".

Ashcroft Invokes Religion In U.S. War on Terrorism

Now America has a faith-based war.

Iran nets another revolt

Ben Hammersley’s article about the internet in Iran has been published in The Guardian. It’s a fascinating read.

Palindromic Timestamp

20:02, 20/02, 2002

The new Jessica

Not content with ordering a Mac, Jessica has also had her hair cut into a lovely bob. She’s also planning to change hair colour.

Untold History : The History of Flash

Who knew? It was Lego that inspired and influenced the development of Flash.


I think it’s high time we had a new CSS theme here to brighten the place up a little.

Mac voyeurs

ZDNet has created a monster.

:: design for chunks ::

Normally, online designer showcases involve various digerati designing functionless splash pages.

New and improved

The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed a few changes here in the "Journal" section of adactio.

Olympic kid: 7-year-old's invention earns trip to Utah

That is one smart kid:

BBC Winter Olympics 2002 Game

The television is on right now so that Jessica can keep track of what’s happening at the Winter Olympics.

A Canticle for Leibowitz

My reading matter lately seems to consist entirely of classic science fiction books I haven’t read in years. Human Virus Scanner

You can keep your Nortons and your McAfees.

Blog This

Consider it blogged.

Back to school

I just noticed from my referrer logs that this site is listed in the "References" section for a course being taught at Penn State.

Geek Love

Awww… isn’t that cute? Commander Taco proposed to his girlfriend on the front page of Slashdot.

Move Over, BT: He Invented Links

It’s nice to see that most people seem to share my disgust at British Telecom’s spurious patent on hyperlinks which will probably get laughed out of court.

Hefty bill with added insult shocks Telecom customer

This is not the sort of thing you want to see on your ‘phone bill:

The Always Amusing Euphemism Generator

Have some fun winding the pork wristwatch.

The new iMac Animations

Here’s a match made in heaven: Pixar have come up with a couple of animated shorts featuring the new iMac

Examples of abuse of the Apostrophe

The Apostrophe Protection Society presents a rogue’s gallery of snaphots depicting some of the worst offenses against the apostrophe.

Java Spectrum Emulator

This is fantastic!

Furry Fun

I’ve just come back from seeing Monsters Inc.

Nokia XHTML Browser

This is one of the best arguments I’ve seen so far for coding in XHTML-strict.

Stupid Translator

Jessica is going to just love this…

BBC - Radio 4 - The Lord of the Rings

It’s Saturday and that means I get to have my weekly dosage of Tolkien taken aurally.

Axis of Just As Evil

From SatireWire: "Libya, China, Syria form axis of Just As Evil".

Patently Absurd

Here’s a great article by science writer, James Gleick on the ludicrous mess that is the US Patent Office: "Patently Absurd".


Hey, Moby’s favourite episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation is also *my* favourite episode.

Five Finger Fillet

This is fun in a really gross sort of way: "Five Finger Fillet".

Stormy Weather

There’s been quite a bit of nasty weather here in England lately (nastier than usual, that is).

Journalists to be fined for each mistake in February

It’s the James Brown school of journalism.

Deutsche Post

Having lived in Germany for five years, I have experienced one of the most expensive, inept postal service in Europe.

Just a quick update to yesterday’s entry. I was chatting with Ben Hammersley earlier and we had a nice talk about syndicating RSS files.

Online in Iran

I’m making use of a neat feature on my contact page. There’s a bunch of people willing to provide an online status indicator for AIM, ICQ, MSN, Odigo and Yahoo messenger programs.

The bleat, the pretzel and the president

One of my all-time favourite websites is, home to The Institute Of Official Cheer featuring The Gallery Of Regrettable Food, probably the funniest thing I have ever read on or off the web.

On the Internet, Nobody Knows You're a Dog

Jessica has one of those calendars filled with cartoons from The New Yorker.


The time is two minutes past two am, Greenwich Mean Time on the second of February, 2002.

CSS resources

I’ve had a couple of emails from people asking for some good CSS resources. Here are my recommendations:

More tinkering with themes

In a previous entry, I was lamenting the fact that each of my themes relies on two different stylesheets which effectively rules out using an on-the-fly style switcher.


I love my Mac but I don’t think I’m quite ready to compose an entire opus about it.

-={ PaPeR bOaTs }=-

The newest story over at is not only very well written, it has some great photos of Brighton’s wonderful west pier.

Tinkering with the themes

Hopefully, you won’t notice anything different but I’ve been tinkering with the stylesheets for the various themes for the site.