Tools of the trade

I remember when Rebecca wrote about A Baseline for Front-End Developers:

I think we’re seeing the emphasis shift from valuing trivia to valuing tools.

I know that Paul places a similar emphasis on the value of front-end development tools. Personally, I’ve always been lax with keeping up to date with start-of-the-art tools. I’ve been working on the web long enough to see yesterday’s cutting-edge tools stagnate or fall out of favour.

Still, I should really do more to keep up. There are a few design tools cropping up that I should really investigate.

LayerVault and Pixelapse both offer git-style version control for Photoshop, Fireworks, and Illustrator files. Sounds useful.

Then there are the tools that I think could be really useful for making HTML prototypes: Easel is browser-based, while Hammer and Mixture are OS X apps. They’ve all got enough time-saving shortcuts to make them worth investigating further. I wouldn’t use them for production code, but like I said, handy for prototyping.

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Previously on this day

21 years ago I wrote Paris in the Springtime

When I was in Arizona at Christmas time, the focal point of the seasonal celebration was the exchanging of gifts around the Christmas tree.

23 years ago I wrote Bag Tax

It’s about time: a tax on plastic bags is being introduced in Ireland:

23 years ago I wrote Macromedia Unveils Macromedia Flash MX

Flash 6 …sorry… Flash MX is about to be released.