The next four speakers for UX London 2023

I am positively giddy with excitement to tell you about some more speakers you can look forward to at UX London 2023:

A smiling dark-skinned young woman with long hair wearing a black T-shirt and a green pendant in front of a light background. A smiling light-skinned woman with long dark hair wearing a comfy-looking blue top. A smiling light-skinned man with a shaved head illuminated in front of a pitch black background. A smiling woman with wavy blonde hair, pale skin and light blue eyes wearing a dark outfit in front of a light background.

I have more confirmed speakers but I’m going to be a tease and save them for a separate announcement soon. You can expect more of the same: smart, fabulous people with all kinds of design experience that they’re going to share with you at UX London.

But why wait for another speaker announcement? Get your ticket to UX London 2023 now!

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# Liked by Roy Abbink on Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 at 9:09pm

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Previously on this day

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2 Patterns, 2 Day

7 years ago I wrote Offline itineraries with service workers

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14 years ago I wrote 101000

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22 years ago I wrote Brains of Brighton

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22 years ago I wrote The Horror of Blimps

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23 years ago I wrote The Insidious Virus of Greedy Record Companies

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