Twitter continues to fascinate. There’s so much wrong with this app—the interface, the documentation, the usability—and yet somehow it exerts a strange hold over all who come in contact with it… for now, anyway.
The site offers a nice feature in the shape of “favorites” (sic), those extra special gems that you’ve plucked from the ebb and flow of Twittery chatter. Here are some of mine:
Kitta: having my legs waxed, trying to explain Twitter and why I just got 4 SMS’s to her, I think she thinks i’m either a drug dealer or a secret agent
Relly: wonders if her husband would fancy her even more with a bargain star tattooed to her butt and a permenant reflection in front of her boobs.
Dunstan: Mmm-mmm, I am now baby-wipe clean… boy I hope they fix my shower soon.
Pete: just took the phone away from the chickens - he’s had enough of the crank calls they keep making…
Anton: thinks of how cool a zeppelin on a monorail would look.
Craig: I sometimes fear that the pinhole iSight built into my MBP is secretly recording me when I pick my nose. Is it just me?
And possibly my favourite so far:
Glenda: On AIM Mobile you can now “snowball a friend.” Oh, REALLY now?