Drupal 8 skeleton dockerized in sperate containers (Nginx, PHP-FPM, MySQL and PHPMyAdmin).
Before installing project make sure the following prerequisites have been met.
We’ll download the code from its repository on GitHub.
Configure Xdebug [
]We'll configure Xdebug for IDE (PHPStorm or Netbeans).
By this point we’ll have all the project pieces in place.
Use Makefile [
but strongly encouraged for beginner]When developing, you can use
for doing recurrent operations. -
When running, you can use docker commands for doing recurrent operations.
For now, this project has been mainly created for Unix (Linux/MacOS)
. Perhaps it could work on Windows.
All requisites should be available for your distribution. The most important are :
Check if docker-compose
is already installed by entering the following command :
which docker-compose
Check Docker Compose compatibility :
The following is optional but makes life better :
which make
You should be careful when installing third party web servers such as MySQL or Nginx.
This project use the following ports :
Server | Port |
MySQL | 8989 |
PHPMyAdmin | 8080 |
Nginx | 8000 |
Nginx SSL | 3000 |
To install Git, download it and install following the instructions :
git clone -b drupal8-skeleton-docker [email protected]:woprrr/drupal8-composer-template.git
Go to the project directory :
cd drupal8-composer-template
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── app
│ └── Drupal
│ └── parameters.yml.dist
├── composer.json.dist
├── composer.require.json
├── composer.required.json.dist
├── composer.suggested.json.dist
├── config
├── data
│ └── db
│ ├── dumps
│ └── mysql
├── doc
├── docker-compose.yml
├── etc
│ ├── nginx
│ │ ├── default.conf
│ │ └── default.template.conf
│ ├── php
│ │ └── php.ini
│ └── ssl
├── scripts
│ └── Composer
│ ├── DrupalExportConf.php
│ ├── DrupalHandlerBase.php
│ ├── DrupalInstall.php
│ └── DrupalUpdate.php
└── settings
├── development.services.yml.dist
├── phpunit.xml.dist
├── services.yml
├── settings.local.php.dist
└── settings.php
If you use another IDE than PHPStorm or Netbeans, go to the remote debugging section of Xdebug documentation.
For a better integration of Docker to PHPStorm, use the documentation.
Get your own local IP address :
sudo ifconfig
Edit php file
and comment or uncomment the configuration as needed. -
Set the
parameter with your IP :xdebug.remote_host= # your IP
Setup project environment variables :
Setup your project by editing the
file and customize all environement variables. Specifically allDrupal_*
variable are criticaly important to next steps and to customize your drupal instances. -
Initialize/Install project dependencies :
make docker-start
Please wait this might take a several minutes...
sudo docker-compose logs -f # Follow log output
Install Drupal instance :
make drupal-si
Or specify name of configuration instance
make drupal-si my_configuration_name
All of configuration available are defined in your
file from# Config directories $config_directories = array( my_configuration_name => '/absolute/path/to/config' );
Example of typical workflow with configuration
# Config directories $config_directories = array( dev => getcwd() . '/../config/dev', preprod => getcwd() . '/../config/preprod', prod => getcwd() . '/../config/prod', stage => getcwd() . '/../config/stage', );
Open your favorite browser :
- http://localhost:8000 (Web Front).
- https://localhost:3000 (Web Front HTTPS).
- http://localhost:8080 PHPMyAdmin (username: dev, password: dev)
Stop and clear services :
sudo docker-compose down -v
Stop and delete all traces of changes from skeleton :
sudo make docker-stop
That delete all files to reset skeleton at his initial state.
Export your current configuration instance
make drupal-config-export
Or with Docker Compose
docker-compose exec -T php composer export-conf
After your first install of Drupal instance edit the
file and change the following variableDRUPAL_INSTALL_PROFILE=standard
. That take ability to re-install / update your drupal instance with ./config/* exported configuration states. -
Re-install or update your instance from exported configuration
Re-install: With Drop of current drupal database and complete re-import of ./config
sh make drupal-si
Update: With following drupal commands (up-db / ent-up ).
Every action processed by scripts switch your Drupal instance on
mode and switch Online after every action automatically.make drupal-update
In more advanced usage you can also specified a drupal configuration name
make drupal-si preprod || make drupal-update preprod
Or with Docker Compose
docker-compose exec -T php composer site-install preprod || docker-compose exec -T php composer site-update preprod
Start the Project containers :
sudo make docker-start
Edit .env file.
Install drupal 8 instance :
sudo make docker-si
Exporting Drupal configuration files :
```sh make drupal-config-export ``` **Or with a specific destination** ```sh make drupal-config-export my_configuration_name ```
Enable Re-install from configuration mode : Edit
file by changingDRUPAL_INSTALL_PROFILE=standard
. -
Re-installation of project from exported configuration :
sh make drupal-si
Update of current instance : Edit one of configuration yml in your
folder eg: system.site.site_name. and process to updating your drupal instance from configuration by using```sh make drupal-update ```
Your Site Name will change that you specified in system.site.site_name yml file.
Another tips ? Call Help ;) : Show help :
make help
When developing, you can use Makefile for doing the following operations :
Name | Description |
code-sniff | Check the API with PHP Code Sniffer (Drupal Standards). |
clean | Clean directories for reset. |
c-install | Install PHP/Drupal dependencies with composer. |
c-update | Update PHP/Drupal dependencies with composer. |
clean-drupal-config | Delete exported configuration from project. |
docker-start | Create and start containers. |
docker-stop | Stop and clear all services. |
gen-certs | Generate SSL certificates. |
logs | Follow log output |
mysql-dump | Create backup of all databases |
mysql-restore | Restore backup of all databases |
test | Test all application (custom and contribution modules). |
test-contrib | Test application with phpunit |
test-custom-modules | Test Drupal custom modules. |
drupal-si | Install new Drupal instance and drop database. |
drupal-update | Update your current Drupal instance and (re)import your `/config` exported configuration. |
drupal-config-export | Export your current Drupal instance from `/config` by default. That can be in sub-folder depend your custom changes. |
docker-compose exec -T php composer install
docker-compose exec -T php composer require drupal/core
docker-compose exec -T php composer update
docker-compose exec -T php bin/phpunit -c ./web/core ./web
Fixing standard code with CODER
docker-compose exec -T php composer phpcs ./web/modules/ or specify more specific path.
Checking the standard code with CODER
sudo docker-compose exec -T php ./app/vendor/bin/phpcs -v --standard=PSR2 ./app/src
sudo docker-compose exec php php -m
sudo docker exec -it mysql bash
mkdir -p data/db/dumps
source .env && sudo docker exec $(sudo docker-compose ps -q mysqldb) mysqldump --all-databases -u"$MYSQL_ROOT_USER" -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" > "data/db/dumps/db.sql"
source .env && sudo docker exec -i $(sudo docker-compose ps -q mysqldb) mysql -u"$MYSQL_ROOT_USER" -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" < "data/db/dumps/db.sql"
Replace "YOUR_DB_NAME" by your custom name.
source .env && sudo docker exec $(sudo docker-compose ps -q mysqldb) mysqldump -u"$MYSQL_ROOT_USER" -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" --databases YOUR_DB_NAME > "data/db/dumps/YOUR_DB_NAME_dump.sql"
source .env && sudo docker exec -i $(sudo docker-compose ps -q mysqldb) mysql -u"$MYSQL_ROOT_USER" -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" < "data/db/dumps/YOUR_DB_NAME_dump.sql"
Connecting MySQL from PDO
try {
$dsn = 'mysql:host=mysql;dbname=test;charset=utf8;port=3306';
$pdo = new PDO($dsn, 'dev', 'dev');
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
Or using Drush to check if your database configuration is OK
docker-compose exec -T php bin/drush --root="/var/www/html/web" sql-connect
Any thought, feedback or (hopefully not!)