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This directory provides example experiments that can be run with RNNLIB. 
To run the experiments, the RNNLIB/utilities directory must be added to your pythonpath, and the following python packages must be installed:

- SciPy
- ScientificPython (NOT Scipy)
In each subdirectory type 


to build the netcdf datasets, then

rnnlib <TASK>.config

to run the experiments. 

Note that some directories may contain more than 1 config file, since different tasks may be defined for the same data.

The experimental results will not correspond to published results, because only a fraction of the complete dataset is used in each case (to keep the size of the distribution down). 
In addition, early stopping is not used, because no validation files are created. 
However the same scripts can be used to build realistic experiments, given more data.

If you want to adapt the python scripts to create netcdf files for your own experiments, a useful tutorial on using netcdf with python is available at