Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | string | The unique identifier for the work order. | [optional] |
number | int | The work order number. | [optional] |
site | string | The site where the work order is located. | [optional] |
work_order_type | string | The type of work order. | [optional] |
location | string | The location where the work order is taking place. | [optional] |
part | string | The part being worked on in the work order. | [optional] |
order_number | string | The order number associated with the work order. | [optional] |
manufacture_order | string | The manufacture order associated with the work order. | [optional] |
status | string | The current status of the work order. | [optional] |
created_by | string | The user who created the work order. | [optional] |
created_at | \DateTime | The date and time the work order was created. | [optional] |
updated_at | \DateTime | The date and time the work order was last updated. | [optional] |
issue_date | \DateTime | The date the work order was issued. | [optional] |
expected_completion_date | \DateTime | The expected completion date for the work order. | [optional] |
priority | string | The priority level of the work order. | [optional] |
memo | string | Any additional notes or comments about the work order. | [optional] |
bill_of_materials_number | int | The bill of materials number associated with the work order. | [optional] |