1.7.1 (2021-11-26)
- add link to official Snyk extension (266c818)
1.7.0 (2021-11-26)
- show deprecation notification (26f2a8e)
1.6.1 (2021-09-17)
- package.json & package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (f6561c7)
1.6.0 (2021-06-02)
- adds support for critical severity (76d2035)
1.5.0 (2021-04-20)
- Migrate from legacy /vuln endpoint to /test (1170fd7)
1.4.0 (2021-02-02)
- directing people to the snyk advisor page for better package information (2bdd9e8)
1.3.11 (2021-01-26)
- upgrade multiple dependencies with Snyk (021e9db)
1.3.10 (2021-01-13)
- upgrade multiple dependencies with Snyk (4478590)
1.3.9 (2021-01-04)
- upgrade multiple dependencies with Snyk (6b63859)
1.3.8 (2021-01-04)
- package.json & package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (fd3931b)
1.3.7 (2020-11-13)
1.3.6 (2020-05-14)
- change title and text for marketplace (d8da115)
1.3.5 (2020-05-07)
- package.json, package-lock.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (bb68787)
- package.json, package-lock.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (8691e01)
- package.json, package-lock.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (608e3a0)
1.3.4 (2020-05-04)
- display vulns only on dependencies in package.json (a976345)
1.3.3 (2020-05-04)
- package.json, package-lock.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (3d18893)
- package.json, package-lock.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (de71b47)
- package.json, package-lock.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (249ddbf)
1.3.2 (2020-04-29)
- property to disable sending anonymous statistics (e4e14d4)
1.3.1 (2020-04-28)
1.3.0 (2020-04-28)
1.2.5 (2020-04-26)
- adjust order of plugins (6142427)
1.2.4 (2020-04-26)
- include package.json in git (54004e1)
1.2.3 (2020-04-26)
- semantic-release reorder plugins and add --verbose output (fb0bb6a)
1.2.2 (2020-04-26)
- semantic-release iterate pkg.json version (35cff53)
1.2.1 (2020-04-26)
- removes OS file (d2ee3b6)
1.2.0 (2020-04-26)
- #19 consistent vuln count across auth/unauth requests (b2c5a16)
- adds support for assets hosted on github (fb383b4)
- do not scan local modules (21c5934)
- prevent npm publication (647c3ff)
- supports eg/file.js (5b1c6a0)
- adds Command to remove auth token from local config (7baa5f8)
- adds setting to ignore based on paths (748c178)
- adds support for ajax.aspnet.com (241bc45)
- use js|typescript config regex (4113c0f)
- decorate dependencies in package.json (c472e62)
- White check once when scan is done without vulns found
- Icon
Readme update
Initial release