#ifndef _IRON_TIPS_H_
#define _IRON_TIPS_H_
// The length of the tip name
#define tip_name_sz (5)
* The custip TIP structure, 12 bytes
* The lower EEPROM area reserved for storing upto MAX_CUSTOM_TIPS configuration data
* When some tip is activated, new structure is allocated for it in the lower EEPROM Area
* The Active tips are stored concequently in this area, tip index is the number of tip
* in the custom area.
* Whe tip disabled, the tip configuration data is kept in the EEPROM area till space
* required for another tip data.
typedef struct s_tip TIP;
struct s_tip {
char tip_name[tip_name_sz]; // The TIP name
uint32_t calibration_data; // The temperature calibration data for soldering tips. (3 reference points: 200, 300, 400 Centigrades)
uint8_t mask; // The bit mask: TIP_ACTIVE + TIP_CALIBRATED
int8_t ambient; // The ambient temperature in Celsius when the tip being calibrated
uint8_t crc; // CRC checksum
typedef enum tip_status { TIP_ACTIVE = 1, TIP_CALIBRATED = 2 } TIP_STATUS;
class TIPS {
TIPS() { }
uint16_t tipsLoaded(void);
bool name(char tip_n[tip_name_sz], uint8_t index);
int8_t index(const char name[tip_name_sz]); // Tip idex in global list or -1 if not found