Hollow is originally created by Drew Koszewnik with the advice and support of fellow members of the Data Platform Technologies team at Netflix: * David Su * Deva Jayaraman * Jatin Shah * Kinesh Satiya * Lavanya Kanchanapalli * Ramin Forood * Rohit Kaul * Tim Taylor Hollow is maintained by the Data Platform Technologies team at Netflix. Hollow makes use of an [implementation](https://github.com/yonik/java_util/blob/master/src/util/hash/MurmurHash3.java) of the MurmurHash3 algorithm authored by Yonik Seeley. Hollow makes use of Thomas Wang's well known 32-bit mix function, which is based on an original suggestion by Robert Jenkins. The _hollow-diff-ui_ object diff view was inspired in part by Chas Emerick's [jsdifflib](http://github.com/cemerick/jsdifflib), and borrows some of the .css from that project. This documentation was created with [MkDocs](http://www.mkdocs.org), using a theme from [material](https://github.com/Netflix/hollow).