Hamburger menu mixins utilizing the checkbox hack so you can use CSS only to show a mobile menu (or off-canvas menu, etc).
Unlike other mixins here you can specify a selector for the label tag if it's not directly below the checkbox, so the label (the icon) can be placed anywhere in the DOM.
It is also possible to add text, either on the left or right side.
There is also a "hamburger_tint" helper mixin included to easily colorize the icon/text on hover or in a checked state.
Icon only:
<input type="checkbox" id="menu-toggle" />
<label for="menu-toggle"><i></i></label>
Icon + text:
<input type="checkbox" id="menu-toggle" />
<label for="menu-toggle"><i></i><span>Menu</span></label>
// defaults
#menu-toggle {
@include hamburger();
// some parameters + tint on hover
#menu-toggle {
@include hamburger($width: 24px, $thickness: 2px, $gap: 5px, $color: lightgray, $padding: 24px);
&:hover {
@include hamburger_tint(orange);
// defaults
// some parameters + tint on hover
hamburger(width: 24px, thickness: 2px, gap: 5px, color: lightgray, padding: 24px)
// defaults
#menu-toggle {
// some parameters + tint on hover
.hamburger(@width: 24px, @thickness: 2px, @gap: 5px, @color: lightgray, @padding: 24px);
&:hover {
- width: the width of the icon.
default: 32px
- thickness: the thickness of the bars.
default: 3px
- gap: the vertical space between the bars. Overall height is: thickness x 3 + gap x 2.
default: 7px
- color: the color of the icons.
default: #000 (black)
- background: solid background-color of the icon, should be used together with padding.
default: transparent
- tint_text: whether to colorize the text with the value set in color.
default: false
- radius: border-radius value to round edges.
default: 0
- radius_background: border-radius of the bounding rectangle. Visible only if background is not transparent.
default: 0
- anim: seconds of animation duration (transition-duration) or timing function + duration (eg. "ease-out 0.3s"). Use
to disable morphing to an "X".default:0.25s
- labelselector: in case the label is not directly after the checkbox, use this setting to tell the mixin where to find it. Eg. "~ div.content header nav label".
default: "+ label"
- padding: extra spacing around the icon.
default: 0
- text: show text next to the icon, by default on the right. Values: "left" or false to disable .Requires an extra "span" tag.
default: "right"
- style: the middle bar can be set shorter and aligned to right or left by setting style to "align-right" or "align-left".