The directory certificate-authority contains config files for creating a root certificate authority (CA), a signing certificate authority, and various server certificates.
The purpose of the root CA is to sign requests for signing CAs. The root is the top of the hierarchy and is self signed.
The file root-ca.conf is an OpenSSl config file for creation of a root certificate authority.
The command
openssl req -new -config root-ca.conf -out root-ca/csr.pem -keyout root-ca/key.pem
crestes the private key key.pem
and a certificate signing request csr.pem
The next command issues a self signed certificate based on the request above.
openssl ca -config root-ca.conf -selfsign -in root-ca/csr.pem -out root-ca/crt.pem -extensions root_ca_ext
The purpose of the signing CA is to sign requests for server certificates.
The certificate signing request, and the key, for the signing CA is created as
openssl req -new -config signing-ca.conf -out signing-ca/csr.pem -keyout signing-ca/key.pem
The request is signed by the root as
openssl ca -config root-ca.conf -in signing-ca/csr.pem -out signing-ca/crt.pem -extensions signing_ca_ext
The first server request is for a certificate where the server is identified by the DNS names,
The csr and key is created as
openssl req -new -config dns-checked-server.conf -out certs/dns-checked-server.csr.pem -keyout certs/dns-checked-server.key.pem
The signing by the signing-ca is
openssl ca -config signing-ca.conf -in certs/dns-checked-server.csr.pem -out certs/dns-checked-server.crt.pem -extensions server_ext
Similar commands are used to create a localhost server certificate and an IP address checked certificate.
The root certificate root-ca/crt.pem
can be installed in clients. As a test it was installed in
A server must present a certificate and a chain that allows the client to verify the certificate. Since the client knows the root certificate but not the signing CA certificate, the server must present a chain consisting of the signing CA and its own certificate, e.g.,
cat dns-checked-server.crt.pem ../signing-ca/crt.pem > dns-chain.crt.pem
Starting Nginx as a HTTPS server with the certificate localhost-chain.crt.pem
and the key
, it is possible to connect Firefox with the root certificate to a HTTPS web page without warnings or exceptions.
The certificates presented here can be used to guide the implementation and testing of Sync over TLS.