- Accounting
Ex: $ramp->accounting->...
- Accounting Connections
Ex: $ramp->accountingconnections->...
- Bills
Ex: $ramp->bills->...
- Business
Ex: $ramp->business->...
- Card Programs - This is not implemented and instead you should use Spend Programs
- Cards
Ex: $ramp->cards->...
- Cash Backs
Ex: $ramp->cashbacks->...
- Departments
Ex: $ramp->departments->...
- Entities
Ex: $ramp->entities->...
- Leads
Ex: $ramp->leads->...
- Ledger Accounts
Ex: $ramp->ledgeraccounts->...
- Limits
Ex: $ramp->limits->...
- Locations
Ex: $ramp->locations->...
- Memos
Ex: $ramp->memos->...
- Merchants
Ex: $ramp->merchants->...
- Receipt Integrations
Ex: $ramp->receiptintegrations->...
- Receipts
Ex: $ramp->receipts->...
- Reimbursements
Ex: $ramp->reimbursements->...
- Spend Programs
Ex: $ramp->spendprograms->...
- Statements
Ex: $ramp->statements->...
- Transactions
Ex: $ramp->transactions->...
- Transfers
Ex: $ramp->transfers->...
- Users
Ex: $ramp->users->...
- Vendors
Ex: $ramp->vendors->...
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=rampapi-config
return [
'client_id' => env('RAMP_CLIENT_ID', 'your_client_id'),
'client_secret' => env('RAMP_CLIENT_SECRET', 'your_client_secret'),
'prod_ready' => env('PROD_READY', false),
'scopes' => env('RAMP_SCOPES', 'accounting:read accounting:write bills:read business:read cards:read cards:write cashbacks:read departments:read departments:write entities:read leads:read leads:write limits:read limits:write locations:read locations:write memos:read merchants:read receipt_integrations:read receipt_integrations:write receipts:read reimbursements:read spend_programs:read spend_programs:write statements:read transactions:read transfers:read users:read users:write'),
use R0aringthunder\RampApi\Ramp;
public function rampUsers()
$ramp = new Ramp();
$users = $ramp->users->listUsers();
return response()->json($users);
use R0aringthunder\RampApi\Ramp;
public function fetchCards()
$ramp = new Ramp();
$cards = $ramp->cards->listCards();
return response()->json($cards['data']);
use R0aringthunder\RampApi\Ramp;
public function fetchCard()
$ramp = new Ramp();
$card = $ramp->cards->fetchCard('[CARD ID]');
return response()->json($card);
At the time of implementation the API and Ramp dashbaord take approximately 5 minutes to sync but the API reacts immediately to changes
The only file types accepted by Ramp are png, webp, heif, pdf, heic, jpg, jpeg
use R0aringthunder\RampApi\Ramp;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
public function uploadReceipt(Request $request)
$ramp = new Ramp();
$file = $request->file('receipts');
$path = $file->getRealPath();
return $ramp->receipts->upload(
'user_id' => $request->input('ramp_user_id'),
'transaction_id' => $request->input('ramp_transaction_id'),
On $path
you can use an uploaded file or a link to a file (Ex. an S3 link)
More exmaples coming...